Dan Sheman Space Guardian All Worlds book six by Colin J Platt - HTML preview

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Chapter 53-Debrief Astral Base.


Sionn is standing over me, as I became conscious, at the Astral base.

‘Nice going, Dan.’ He said.

I know he is being sincere. Guardians don’t use snide remarks.

‘Thanks, but once again, I couldn’t finish it off, as I had wished.’

‘Don’t blame yourself; there is nothing you could have done. The fuses were unobtainable. Kallo’s helpers thought that they had won, when all they have done, is put back their karma, again.’

I got up and looked around. Reeas is now in the room, and in her human type body, which is very attractive, I go over to her, and kiss her.

Daria’s 1 and 2 are also in their human type bodies, and were equally as beautiful.

‘Please follow me into the conference room,’ said Sionn.

We walk into the conference room, and here are all of Kallo’s people! Yes, the ones who had been on the asteroid base.

‘We brought them in, to see, if they are in any way sorry for what they did.’

‘I doubt it,’ I said.

‘No,’ shouted one of the Tourgen’s.

I didn’t think they would be in any way altered by the experience, but I was interested to see the reaction of some of the human type people.

‘What do you think?’ I said to a stocky man of about thirty five, with a long scar which ran from his forehead to his neck, and must have blinded him in one eye, as he is fitted with a false android eye which looks in need of repair.

He looks at me, and said, ‘Who are you?’

Sionn said, ‘He is the one, who tried to defuse the bombs.’

‘Never,’ the man said. ‘He was a Tourgen!’

‘Yes,’ I said, ‘I was, and now, I’m me, can anyone here realize what has happened?’

The man said. ‘Do you see this scar?’

‘Yes.’ I said.

‘Well, I did it myself, to prove, I can overcome any pain, and also to accustom myself to accept android ways.’

‘Do you know where you are?’ I said.

‘We are where you took us, to trick us.’

‘I can smell a trap.’ said one of the Tourgen’s.

‘Yes,’ the others shouted.

‘We will leave them here for a while.’ Sionn said, Let us retire to the other room.’

When we are out of earshot, Sionn said, ‘We want the location of the base they use in the Galaxy-Unizylon, the planet is, as yet, unreachable.’

I said, ‘There seems to be a lot of unreachable places in space, don’t there?’

‘There are more than you can imagine,’ Sionn said.

‘I don’t know? I can imagine a lot.’

‘It may be time, for you, to have another look into the light book,  but this time, you will be upgraded even further.’

‘Really,’ I said.

‘Yes, but we also want you to keep your lower world consciousness.’

‘How can that be?’, I said.

‘As you know, we higher beings, find it very hard to access the lower worlds, so we need people such as yourself to help us.’

‘Yes,’ I said, ‘I understand.’

He then said, ‘You will receive, lower world knowledge.’

‘What is that?’ I said.

Sionn seemed to be apprehensive to talk! I feel a bad feeling coming on!

I am still going to be able to see my, Reeas, and Deria, aren’t I?’

‘Mannus want’s you to be his Special-Envoy in the lower worlds.’

‘How low?’ I said.

He doesn’t need to tell me, I already know, it is the lowest point! I know also, that Reeas and Deria won’t be able to help me.

‘You will have help.’ he said. 

‘Why do you need me, then,’ I said. I then realize I had said the wrong thing, again!

‘Please follow me, Dan.’

The feeling I have, at this moment, is one of apprehension and fear. I think, why should I have these lower world feelings, after being through what I have been through?

‘Sit down, and look into the light book.’

I feel let down, but, I know that this job of mine, is no ordinary job; it is more, a way of life, in these worlds of God, but I still wanted to tell Sionn, that I don’t want this particular job!

I then look into the light book. I can, straight away, see Mannus looking back at me; he doesn’t speak, as usual, but I know what he is saying. He wants me to accept this job, that is all; the next instant, he is gone. Sionn said, ‘Are you now convinced?’

‘I guess, I have to be.’

‘Go to level one, find the agent who is abusing the Door.’

I know Sionn means the Portal, at the main-level-crossing point; this is the very important first stage to the physical body. In other words, it is the stage where people got normal looking bodies; below this level, there will be any type of body you can think of, like the Non-Human Universe. I hope you students can keep up. Yes, I’m sure you can.

OK, I said to Sionn, ‘Now, I want time with my Reeas.’

‘Yes, take your time, and enjoy it. I’m sorry about this, Dan, but you know how it is, with this job.’

‘Yes, I know.’

Reeas is very upset.

‘How can they ask you to go, so low?’

‘I guess, I’m qualified, I must be a Trained-Lower-Guardian, eh?’

Reeas is not impressed. Deria said, ‘If Mannus himself thinks you can achieve this job, then you are truly blessed!’

I think about that for a minute. I then said, ‘Yes, I suppose I am,’ although I don’t feel it. Reeas and I spent some time on her home planet. I can’t help, but wonder, how long it will be, before I see this beautiful place again. I just hope you students are prepared for the lower levels, I’m sure you will be fine, after all, you are Student-Guardians.

Now for a little contemplation, after thinking, and rethinking about the difficulties to be faced in the lower regions, I

Realize, I know very little about them, apart from Far-Station, and the adventure with Tamia, on levels 11, 12 and 13. Well, I will have to find out. I am going to put myself into deep meditation mode, for a time, as usual, I am with some of my past masters. We did the usual thing, which is meditation, and then talk.

‘You will have to be careful of the entities from beyond the door. One of my masters said. They can trap you with darkness. Don’t let them touch you.’

That sounds like good advice, I think.

For Students: You know that the entities can’t actually touch you, but in the Astral World, don’t forget, we all have a spiritual body, which can be touched, by another from the same plane, yes, I know you know it. OK, sorry, I am getting a little over stretched. I need to rest, so, I decided to visit my home and family, Yes, Elaine and John, have already incarnated; but, I can still visit them in our old home. The souls who they were then are still in existence. Yes, I know it sounds ridiculous but it’s true. You students will realize soon enough. OK, then. Back at the base, Sionn said,

‘I have another companion for you to meet.’

I can’t believe my eyes, when, Kallo himself, comes walking in! I just look on in disbelief.

‘He is now totally renewed.’ said Sionn.’

I said, ‘I don’t care what he is, I’m not going into the lower regions with a psychotic murderer!’

Sionn looks at me with his usual stern expression. Kallo then said, Hello, my friend, I’m Kallo. Have we met? Who were you referring to just then?’

He is now looking at Sionn.

‘We were talking about a person, who was, supposed to be going on this trip, but is now, unable to go.’ Sionn said.

‘Oh,’ Kallo said. ‘What a pity, do I know him?’

I was starting to get pretty freaked out now. I said,

‘I have to take another break,’ I said.

‘Please, Dan.’ Sionn said, ‘Can I talk to you for a moment.’

We walk into the other room.

‘Dan, please sit down, and listen. I know this is a little unusual, but you have been in many unusual places and have had many unusual experiences.’

‘I know, I said, ‘but this is too much! I can’t stand to look at the man.’

‘OK, that is easily fixed.’

‘No,’ I said. ‘Not his looks, he is Kallo!’

‘No, not any more, he isn’t, he has been rejuvenated and by Mannus himself, can you understand?’

I am in no mood to cooperate, at the moment, and Sionn knows it.

‘Please go and rest for a while. I will check on you later.’

Sionn knows I am reeling against this. I feel I have been let down again. I go to the restroom to lie down. OK, I said to myself, let me have a reassessment of my whole career here at Guardian base. I have been through Hell-and-High-Water for them. I have done my bit to save various Worlds, and the Universe. Not to mention the Inner worlds. Now, they want me to go into the very depths of the lowest plane and  find an agent who is probably going to trap me in darkness, for eternity, and to top it off, they want me to go with someone who tried to kill me at every turn! I want to meditate to Mannus. I need to get away for a while. I wake up on the usual mountain side. Mannus is seated looking very calm and unmoving. I want to wait till the time is ready to speak, but I have to get it over with. I said,

‘Why have I got to go to these dark places?’

‘You have been chosen, because you have the correct consciousness.’

‘But am I experienced enough?’

‘He didn’t answer my question, but said, ‘Approach me.’

For once, he opened his eyes. I am enraptured. He looks into my eyes. Time stood still, I don’t know how long I was there. The feeling is of intense delight, and also, intense light!

‘You are now a Guardian, do whatever you have to do.’

I wake up in the rest room. I lay there for some time, just pondering the words Mannus had said.

Sionn comes in. He knows I have been to Mannus.

‘Congratulations, you are now a Guardian.’

‘Thank you,’ I said. ‘Well, let’s get going.’

‘Hold on, he said. You know, Kallo, has special knowledge of the lower regions’

‘Yes,’ I said. ‘But he doesn’t know himself as Kallo.’

‘So, when you want him to appear as himself, just ask him to be Kallo, also, You can ask him to be the other person.

‘Oh, I see, that’s a smart move. So when we need to go to one of his little realms, we can go through as Kallo?’


‘And who is this other person?’



‘Yes, she agreed to do this, to be with you.’

‘This is madness.’


‘I don’t want her going into such a dark place.’

‘Don’t worry; she has volunteered to be put back in consciousness.’


‘Yes, she visited Mannus right after you.’

‘I can’t believe this. How long does she have to be in this state?’

‘As long as it is required.’

‘Do you mean, Reeas, will be in her own mind but when we want Kallo to come through, he will?’


‘Hold on a minute. Why can’t Reeas, have her own Astral body?’

‘We want to make sure Kallo is kept in a secure mode, Reeas will see to that.’

‘And what happens, if he can’t be kept secure? I want to see Reeas.’

‘Yes, you will, although she will be in a lower state of consciousness, but she will still be as you know her, she has also been given full Guardianship.’

I start to feel a little better.

I hope you students can access this, yes, I know it is a little complicated, but I know you can handle it.

I know one thing. I don’t feel like dancing, as you can imagine. Onwards my Friends!