Dan Sheman Space Guardian All Worlds book six by Colin J Platt - HTML preview

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Chapter 56-Emergency Detour


Debra, is, again, running at peak efficiency, she has already done the on board check, and, any other things, that we needed to know; she is linked into me, as part of my consciousness, yes, I know that sounds a bit weird, but, trust me, we sorted it out. Debra, is now, under full control; she still calls me by silly names, like Danny, and dear, but I like it, Reeas, is also, used to Debra. When Debra, was a threat in our last adventure, Reeas and everyone at the star base, were in danger of being obliterated, by Debra. But now, as I said, things are OK.

We are now, several hundred thousand light-years out, in deep space, I am about to take a dream break, when a message comes through, it is in a language I’m not conversant with, although, Debra has already translated it; It said: ‘Lightship, you are now entering Transveall Space, prepare to be boarded.’ I said to Reeas, ‘If they can board us, they must be a superior race.’ Reeas said, ‘Yes, the monitors show they are of a technologically advanced race, but they won’t be able to board us.’

Debra said, ‘Do you want me to isolate the vessel, Dan?’

‘No, Debra, not yet, we will see what occurs.’

‘Dan,’ Deria said, ‘Stop the ship, I will go over and check them out.’

As you know, Deria is a Higher Guardian and can access places where we, in the Physical World can’t. ‘Thank you Deria, that will be good.’

I am now becoming aware that this little stopover, could be a nuisance. We are already late for the worm-hole crisis; the worm-hole itself, is, at this point, now traveling many times faster than light, and, if we are held up, in any way, we could miss the deadline to contact it. The Transveall are now trying to transfer their security people into our ship by the old fashioned way of transferring their bodies into basic atoms and then resembling them on board our ship. I knew this would be a failure, but I wasn’t prepared for the deaths of three of their people while they continue to board us. I said to Reeas, ‘They now know, that they cannot board us, yet they continue to try. Reeas said,

‘They are a very dominant race. Individual lives mean nothing to them.’

The thing that worries me now, is the time it is taking to deal with this situation.

I said, ‘Let me talk with them, Debra.’

‘OK, Dan, you are now in contact.’ I then messaged them saying:

‘Transveall, we are sorry to encroach into your space, but we are on an important mission, will you please let us continue.’ 

Our sensors are showing that the Transveall are not people to mess with, they did everything by the book, and we can already tell that they intend to take us to their security asteroid to question us.

‘We haven’t got time for this, Dan.’ Reeas said.

I have to say, at this point, that the threat isn’t coming from a ship, but a retraction-beam, yes, similar to the one which took one of our ships, back in our last adventure. The thing is, we know about this retraction-beam, so it isn’t a surprise. Debra said, ‘The beam could be dangerous to them, Dan,’

‘Yes,’ Reeas said, ‘if they try to take us with the beam, while our ship is on the defense, then all worlds within Transveall space will be destroyed. What can we do? Dan’

‘Well,’ I said, ‘if we try to leave now, it will trigger the beam. Have we got time to take a trip over to their asteroid? Debra.’

‘Not really.’

The thought is beginning to sink in, that, this could be very tricky. We tried to persuade the Transveall people to compromise, but, we can also see, that they are the ‘Dominant Race’ in this part of the Universe. They are similar to Earth people, but smaller, and with very high intellect, and several hundred years ahead of Earth, in technology. We can tell from their instruments, that there is a very large fleet of battle cruisers on the way.

‘Time for action,’ I said.

‘Debra, is there any way we can get out of this with no casualties.’

‘No, Dan, but I could take over their entire network.’

‘No, thank you, Debra, that would be too much responsibility.

OK, we will have to go over and negotiate with them.’

Deria is now back. Yes, I am also forgetful of Deria, as she is often invisible and easy to miss. She said, ‘There is widespread distrust at the asteroid where we are being observed.’

Debra said, that their cannons are trained on us, plus the retraction beam is now shielded. This means they are intending to blast us out of existence.

‘Right, I said, let’s get over there.’

We put on our light suits, which, as you know, are able to protect us from any harm. I asked Debra if they can access anything about us. She said only that we are a threat. Deria said anything that is superior to their technology is considered a threat, and so had to be confronted.

‘OK.’ I said, ‘let’s confront them!’ We had no need for any weapons as our light suits are all we need, plus Debra is coming with us. She is more than capable of stopping any threat; she is the ship, but she is also the power. The light suits are part of the ship, so, we are all part of Debra. We simply pushed our way out into space, and then make our way to the asteroid which is some thousands of astronomical units away, but the distance is child’s play to us. We already know that they won’t be able to stop us; in fact, they don’t even know we have gone. The light suits enable us to be controlled by Debra, if need be, but, we can also interact separately. We are able to do whatever Debra is able to do, this means, we were able to travel to the asteroid in just over two minutes. We were dressed in jump suits, but as you know the light suits are invisible over the jump suits, that will give the Transveall’s some worry. Imagine seeing some alien people come ‘walking’ into your defended, security conscious, world, with seemingly nothing more than a jump suit. As we reach the asteroid, we are aware that if the Transveall’s were to fire upon our craft, it would instantly resound back to them; There would be a tremendous explosion, or rather, a sonic blast. We push our way in through the main doors. I am surprised to see that the Transveall’s are very short people, indeed; some are not more than four feet five. Their security people are quick to react, although it feels very comical, to be standing before little people with laser guns, but I change my mind, when several of them fire on us, although their weapons are set on stun, the charges bounced off us, went flying around the cargo area hitting several of their own people.

‘Please don’t use your weapons, you will only get hurt.’ I said.

this seemed to infuriate them, and then, two of the security staff fired their weapons on kill, this resulted in three deaths of the people in the cargo area!

‘Stop!’ I shouted. I look at Debra, she knows what to do, the people who have weapons are now frozen to the spot. I regret the deaths, as I should have told Debra to freeze them before. I didn’t think they would be so trigger happy.

‘Take us to your Captain.’ I said.

There is no reply. I look at  again, Debra. She said, ‘They don’t want to talk. Dan. I know where the Captain is.’

‘OK, I said, let’s get this over with.’  It took us another two hours, to negotiate a truce, whereby, we could cross their space!

We know they would have killed us, if they could. So, from now on, the space throughout the Transveall system will be tightly monitored, of course, by now, the worm-hole was out of reach. We had to return to base and report to Sionn.

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Colin. J. Platt.


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