Dan Sherman All Worlds Book Eight by Colin Platt - HTML preview

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Chapter 66-Rejection.


For Students: This is, Dan Sherman checking in. All I can say is, that I am sorry! I should have kept control of my senses, and also Debra. I let my defenses down, and Sionn. The information, is that, there is nothing we could have done about the bomb. But, I still feel foolish! We are now in the debriefing room. Grenwer enters the room; he looks around with his all-knowing look, and said, ‘Welcome back, Dan!’

Then, everyone in the room started to clap!

‘But, I failed, I said!’

‘No,’ shouted Grenwer. ‘You did your best, and you will learn from it. There is nothing we could have done about the explosive device; it had been there a long time, and was undetectable; It was put there by, Super Robots who were programmed by dark agents. How do we know this? It is because Debra told us’

‘What?’ I said, you mean Debra is back?’

‘Yes, as soon as you stabilized, we managed to access Debra, she gave us information about all the agents who were working on Altreena. They are all dead now, so we will interrogate them later.’

‘But if I hadn’t gone to see Nanny, we may have been able to find the agents anyway, no?’

‘No, because as I said, the bomb was undetectable, don’t keep blaming yourself; blame the agents, for putting the bomb there, in the first place, also, the agents, could have transferred themselves off the planet, but they wanted to die for the cause.’

‘But, I am the one they wanted to kill.’

‘Yes, because you are part of the Guardian-Network.'

'What about, Sionn?’

‘He will be taking a small break from things.’ said Grenwer.

‘Now, I want you, to meet the man responsible for your safe return.’ Reeas looks at me with a smile, as Kallo himself, comes into the room!

‘What?’ I said. Reeas said, ‘Dan, Kallo used his expertise to find you, and save you!’

For you students, out there, please understand that I have only just regained my own consciousness, and so, I am a little behind on things, also, Debra has not, as yet, contacted me! I must admit I feel like a student again.

‘Now, Dan.’ Grenwer said. ‘You must be wondering about Debra?’

‘Yes, as a matter of fact, I am.’

‘Well, you can wonder, no more. She has been totally renewed.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘She is no longer a personality, in her own right. She is now just a part of the ship, again.’

‘How did it happen?’ I said.

‘Excuse me.’ said Kallo; can I step in for a moment?’

Grenwer said, ‘Of course.’

‘Dan, when we knew, you were going to visit your robot nanny, we thought it would be a good time, for you to part company with Debra.’

‘What?’ I said.’

‘We had to be sure, you would be in the right consciousness.’

‘Do you mean the whole thing was a set-up?’ I said.


I don’t know whether, to shout, swear, or fight. I walk out. It may have been my imagination, but I swear I can see a little smirk, on Kallo’s face. These little idiosyncrasies, which normal people can see, seem to evade Kallo, and his kind. Maybe over the many years that he has been out of any sort of caring system, he has lost a valuable part of himself; a part that, he thinks he doesn’t need, but in reality, it is a precious thing called love.

Reeas comes after me.

‘Did you know about this, Reeas?’ I said.

‘No,’ I am as surprised as you!

‘I feel as though, all those people died, because of me.’

‘No, the bomb was undetectable.’

‘I’m not so sure.’ I said. ‘I feel Kallo knows more than he is letting on.’

‘No!’ She exclaimed. ‘Kallo did everything he could to rescue you!’

‘Why?’ I said.

It is because he is now part of the Guardian-Network!’

‘Really?’ I said. ‘Maybe it is because he wants to access Debra?’

‘Nonsense!’ Reeas said.

‘I want to be left alone for a while.’ I said.

‘OK, but please believe, Kallo is working for us, now.’

‘Maybe you’re right, Reeas, I hope so. I am going to take a little break.’

‘Where are you going, Dan?’

‘I think I’ll visit, Mannus.’

‘I’m afraid you can’t.’

‘What?’ I said.

‘I had a talk with Kallo and Grenwer. They said you are now only partially what you once were.’

‘What do you mean?’ I said. Reeas is now looking at the floor.

‘Tell me, Reeas!’

‘Your consciousness has been depleted.’

‘Never!’ I said.

‘Dan, I am as shocked as you. All I want is for you to be here with me. I don’t care whether you are high-or-low in consciousness, all I want is for us to be together.’

I am now starting to feel angry.

‘Please, Reeas, I want to be alone, for a while.’ I go to the restroom, to lie down. I’ll soon find out whether I am still fully functional.’

I close my eyes to meditate, and very soon find myself, in the Room-Of-Doors,’ but all I can see is just one door! The room is the same, but there is only one door! I try to open it, but it is locked! I also have the overwhelming feeling, that Sionn himself, is behind it. I open my eyes, and I am back in the rest room. I am, now, starting to become frustrated. How can this be? I think, OK, I will access the records, to find out what happened. Again, I am unable to gain access! Well, I know one place, that I will be able to go to, and that is to visit my past yoga masters. I sit in the lotus position, and close my eyes. It takes a lot of effort, but I eventually managed to get to the spot where I met the masters before. The only thing is, I can not speak with them! I notice that all the higher beings that I knew as Dan Sherman, in high consciousness, are now, starting to appear! also, Deria, and her sister, plus Thalo, Fagil, and all their brethren, but not one of them can see me! is this going to be the future, for me? to be locked out of my own world? I can’t contemplate it. Please God, no! I am now, starting to realize, that I am now, only a normal person, with no powers! Can you imagine that, my student friends? Yes, I can still relate to the Thought-Transfer system, but I don’t know whether it will work. If you can access these latter recordings, then all well and good, but maybe, you can’t, anyway, I wish you well, my friends.

Dan Sherman, is coming to the last stage of life, or lives. I feel I have been on a giant roundabout of imagination. Maybe it was all a dream? I certainly feel different, now my consciousness has been depleted. Grenwer and Kallo come in and asked me to accompany them into the other room. I can now see all my friend and coworkers waiting for me. Kallo is also there. You students are probably trying to send me messages to say that Kallo really did try to save me. But I can’t help wondering that the whole thing is a gigantic scheme! Why? You ask. I don’t know, just yet, maybe it is me being angry and frustrated that is playing tricks on my mind? After all, I am in a lower state of consciousness.

‘Dan, please sit down, and we will begin,’ said Grenwer.

‘What is this?’ I said.

‘We have to decide what your future is,’ he said.

Oh?’ I said.

‘Yes, you know you are now, as it were, unfit to work as a Guardian.’

‘You mean you don’t want me anymore?’

‘It is not that we don’t want you, it is more a question of what can you do?'

‘What about me looking into the light book?’ I said.

Kallo said, ‘May I interrupt here?’

‘By all means,’ said Grenwer.

‘Now, Dan, You know you are now permanently affected by the events which took place on Altreena. Yes?’

‘I’m not so sure.’ I said.

‘Oh, come now. Surely, you have tried to contact Mannus, and all the other people you were familiar with? Why don’t you be a good chap, and go back to your wife and son?’

‘I’m his Wife,’ shouted Reeas, who has now come into the room.

‘Yes, I know,’ said Kallo, ‘but what use would he be here? You have to face facts. He is now Surplus-to-Requirements.’

‘What about you?’ Reeas said. ‘You were once Surplus-to-Requirements!’

‘I, my dear Reeas, am a fully functional Higher-Guardian who is now responsible for the wellbeing of the whole Guardian-Network!’

‘What?’ Reeas said.’

‘Yes, that is correct,’ said Grenwer. ‘Kallo is now the Higher- Coordinator.’

I am now looking on, in stunned silence!

‘OK, then, that is taken care of, will you please deal with all the details, Grenwer. I have some Important work to do.’ Reeas is now looking at me with bewilderment. I am ushered into the other room.

‘Well,’ I said. ‘It was good while it lasted!’

‘Don’t say that,’ said Reeas.

‘Let’s face it.’ I said. ‘If I am permanently in lower state of consciousness, then what use am I?’

‘You are my husband.’ Reeas said!’

‘I know, and I love you, but what can I do here? I can’t even access the database. I know I have had all these fantastic experiences, but they are just like vague memories, now. I feel my mind is losing ground also. I feel less able than when I first came here!’

‘I wish Sionn were here.’ Reeas said.

‘Yes, so do I.’ I felt he was nearby in the Room-of-Doors,’

‘Maybe we can try to contact him?’ Reeas said.

How?’ I said. Suddenly, Kallo comes into the room.

‘What is this?’ he said. ‘Are you saying your goodbyes?’

 Reeas looks at me, as if to say, don’t let him know what you are thinking.

‘We are just trying to decide where the best place for Dan to go will be.’

‘I’ll tell you, where,’ said Kallo, ‘back where he came from, yes, and I promise to visit you every night in your dreams, Dan, How does that sound?’

I can tell there is something desperately wrong, somewhere, but where?

‘You can escort him out of this network, Reeas. Please make sure, he goes straight through to the border will you, I don’t want him to hurt himself on the way, you know?’

‘I’ll take care of him,’ said Reeas.

Later, in preparing myself for the journey out of the sub plane base, I ask Reeas, if she can help me gain access to a lightship or Debra.

‘It won’t be any use.’ Reeas said. I then see Deria materialize!

‘Quick.’ she said, ‘We don’t have much time, Kallo is at the moment occupied with other matters. Come, we will try to access Debra, I also tried to contact Mannus and failed.’

With the help of Reeas and Deria, I am able to use the invisibility mode, which, I’m sure, you students will say, so what? but the thing is, I am just like a new student, and unable to do the simplest of things, which I used to take for granted! We gain access to the space port, and then we walk through the wall of the craft. I feel at ease, as I sit in the the oh-so-comfortable chair, that molds around me like a warm breeze.

I touch the control panel. Imagine my horror at seeing Kallo’s face on the screen!

‘Having a little look around, before we leave, are we?’

‘What’s your problem, Kallo?’ I said.

‘I’ll tell you what my problem is. Reeas deliberately disobeyed an order to take you straight to the border. That’s what! As of now, Reeas, you are demoted in rank, and banished from the Guardian bases, also Deria, for collaborating with you.

Please make sure you leave this base at once!’

‘What is this?’ I said. ‘You know Reeas and Deria are the two most loyal Guardians that we have!’

‘There is no ‘We.’ You, are nothing now, and to be a loyal Guardian you have to be able to take orders, my little, low consciousness ex-Napie friend; now, we are going on a little journey. Please don’t try and interfere with the ship as I have full control.’

For students: you will know that we are still on the Astral Plane, so the ship is an Astral equivalent, yes, I know you already know it, but I just want to make myself believe it, as I am in a lower state, as you know.’ Kallo drops us off, at a sub plane city on the twenty-eight level. Just before leaving he said,

‘Do not attempt to come back! You have all been erased from the Guardian-Databank.’ Then the ship disappears!

Students will wonder why I can still record these messages; all I can say is, they have been re updated and any messages that Kallo has messaged, have been edited out. I can’t tell you any more than that. We are now looking at each other in bewilderment. Deria is the first to speak. ‘We have got to make contact with Sionn or Mannus.’

‘Yes, but how can we, if we are no longer Guardians?’ Reeas said.

‘We are still in Higher Consciousness.’ said Deria.

‘What about me?’ I said. ‘You may as well drop me off, at my wife Elaine’s house; I am no use to you like this!’

‘Dan, I think you are the key!’ Deria said.

‘Yes.’ said Reeas. ‘Why else would Kallo just let you go?’

‘Exactly,’ said Deria.

‘How?’ I said.

‘Because he want’s access to Debra,’ said Deria.

‘What about him being able to read our minds by Thought-Transfer.’ I said.

‘I don’t care,’ said Reeas, ‘I want him to know, that we are going to bring him down!’ 

‘He knows already,’ said Deria, but don’t worry, I can already tell he isn’t picking up our thoughts, also, he doesn’t as yet, have Debra, fully functioning.’

‘How did he manage to get rid of us, so easily?’ I said.

‘Because, he has access to the Guardian-Network.’ said Reeas.

‘Can I just say something, my beautiful friends.’ Reeas and Deria are now, looking at me with love, yes, even now, in this lower state of consciousness, I can see and feel it.

‘I have tried to get to Mannus, and my past masters, also, I have tried to access my Room-of-Doors, but with no success. All I can say, is, that you two, will always be part of me, no matter what happens, whether I am in higher or lower consciousness.’ Reeas said, ‘Yes, Dan, I know. We are tied together and not just because we are man and wife.’

Deria said, ‘There is no force in the Multiverse, that can part us.’

Now, I am feeling good, even in this lower state.’

Deria said, ‘I want us to go to my home planet. Kallo won’t be able to access us, and the consciousness will be good for you, Dan.’

‘OK by me.’ I said. Reeas said, ‘Good Idea.’

For you students, again: Deria is from the Planet Sandora in the Sauteir-Galaxy; the planet was invaded by a race of beings known as the Cryon’s; they over ran the planet, and looked upon the beautiful little fairy like creatures, as their pets, now, with help from the Guardians, Sandora is now getting back to normal.

With help from Deria and Reeas I am able to transfer to the Astral Planet Sandora. Imagine, our horror, when we are met at the sub plane base, by Guardian coworkers!

‘I’m sorry, Reeas and Deria, but Dan is not wanted here. You can stay Deria, but Reeas must leave immediately with Dan.’

‘What is this?’ Reeas said.

‘Orders from the Guardian base,’ said the leader, who we know personally.

‘Can you tell us what is going on, Treater?’ Reeas said.

‘I’m afraid not, please prepare to leave!’

‘Where are we supposed to go?’

‘I can tell you that, you cannot go to any Physical Planet.’


‘Also, Dan, can only go to the Astral equivalent of Earth.’

‘This is madness.’ Reeas said.

‘Orders, I’m afraid, Reeas, Please be aware that you will be met at whatever Astral Planet you go to, and you will be separated’

‘Do you mean, I can’t live with my Dan?’

‘I’m afraid not.’

I am now feeling very angry and frustrated, but, all I can say is ‘Don’t worry, Reeas, Deria, I will be OK. Maybe it is for the best.’ I can tell, Reeas, is trying to understand.

She knows, also, that I am not, going to just give up.’ She also has the consciousness to realize that I am trying to keep myself in check; yes, my student friends, anger is part of the physical world but it is also the downfall of any people on the inner planes, such as Lucifer, or Kallo. We are now being told, once more, to go. Reeas said, ‘I will take you to the Earth Base, Dan.’

‘I’m afraid not,’ said Treater, we will see he gets to Earth’s Astral sub base.

‘Will you be OK, Dan? ‘You better take care of him, otherwise you will be responsible!’

Reeas looks him straight in the eyes. ‘I mean it, if anything bad happens to my Dan, you will be found, and you will suffer!’

Treater is now looking around nervously.

‘Don’t worry, all we are going to do, is hand him over to our equivalent number at Earth’s Astral base!’

‘Who are they?’

‘I don’t know. That information is restricted.’

‘I don’t like the looks of it.’ Deria said.

‘Listen to me,’ she said to Treater, ‘we are not going to let you take Dan, and we are not going to obey your orders!’

Treater is now backing off with his two companions.

‘Don’t make me use the new weapons, we have’

‘Oh,’ said Reeas. ‘And what are they?’

‘We don’t know, exactly. But they could do you, untold damage, and could even alter you, as Soul!’

‘Another one of Kallo’s little devices eh?’ said Reeas. Well, let us see, if it works, on other life forms. Reeas then, transforms herself into her Tourgen clone. Deria is also, in the form of a Tourgen. Treater is now, pointing one of the weapons at Reeas.

‘Go on.’ Reeas said. Let’s see if you can beat me to it!’

‘I don’t want to hurt you, Reeas.’

‘Oh? Well I want to hurt you. I suppose it is because Tourgen’s are more animal, than human anyway, you know, I will get to you, even if you do manage to pull the trigger and you will feel pain as I rip your head off.’

‘OK.’ said Treater, ‘you can have him. I’ll report back, you know, you are now outcasts.’

‘Yes,’ Reeas said. ‘But, we were anyway.’

‘Good Luck, you will need it. I am going to see if I can find out, what is going on with the network, we all know something is desperately wrong, and I don’t care if Kallo knows it!’

‘Good, then, we do have some ally’s?’

‘As you know, I am head of security; I have to deal with all sorts of people, but now, I don’t know what’s happening, since Kallo has been in the Guardian-Network. Things have changed, little-by-little, more of our own people, want him, but others don’t, and to top it off, we don’t know where Sionn is!’ Suddenly, Kallo himself, appears!

‘Having a little dispute, are we?’

Before I can do anything, I felt a slight touch to the back of my neck. I am, now, in a beautiful lakeside setting, lying on a grass bank, looking at Reeas and Deria!

‘What happened?’ I said.

Deria said, ‘I thought it would be appropriate, to get us out of there.’

‘You used Sionn’s little trick,’ said, Reeas.

‘Yes, but Kallo also knows it. But don’t worry, he can’t find us here.’

‘Where are we?’

‘We are in one of the special sub planes that we use when we are in danger. Sionn himself approved it, just for such an emergency.’ It is called Oasis.’

‘Then we may be able to find Sionn here.’ I said.

‘I’m afraid not. But maybe we can start the search from here?’

‘Yes,’ said Reeas.

‘All I want is to sleep,’ I said, but what about Kallo? Can he access my dreams?’

‘Don’t worry, you will be quite safe, come, Dan, Reeas, I will show you to the restrooms. I know you are feeling confused, Dan. All I can say is, trust in Sionn, and Mannus.’

‘Yes.’ I said. ‘Surely, they know what is happening!’

‘Yes,’ said Reeas, ‘everything will be back to normal, in a short while.’

God, I hope so, I think.

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Colin. J. Platt.

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