Dan Sherman All Worlds Book Nine by Colin Platt - HTML preview

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Chapter 68-Deception


Message to Students: (From Reeas.) Dan, will be taking over the message report to students for the near future, thank you, for supporting me, while I was in charge of this service.

Students from Dan: Thank you, for sending me your thoughts, and helping me to get back to full consciousness, although, in reality, it was Mannus who did most of the work. I was in good hands. The whole thing was set-up by Sionn, as you will now find out.

I am feeling pretty good, as I walk into the briefing room with Reeas, Deria and Debra. I am now my old self, but, I am also something more, again! I can relate to everything that is going on around me, from the actual job, to Kallo’s past lives!

‘Dan, I know you are experiencing some small differences’ said Sionn, ‘but these will abate soon, please be seated. You all know, that Kallo, still thinks he is in charge of our Network. I know personally that he is ordering a full-scale crash of the entire Guardian-Network through his agents.’

‘Surely, they must know, by now, that we are on to them.’ Reeas said.

‘Yes.’ said Sionn. ‘But we actually gave them false information! This operation has been long in preparation. Kallo, actually believes he is within grasping distance of the whole Guardian-Network; he also thinks, I am destroyed as a Higher-Guardian.’

‘How?’ said Reeas.

‘I let him slip a little drug pellet into my shoulder, some weeks ago, while we were having a conversation.’

‘Really?’ I said. Wasn’t that a little too obvious.’

‘Not when it was a minute robot the size of a pinhead. Don’t forget, Kallo is a Master, when it comes to Robotics, of course, I knew about it before hand, but he thought I didn’t.’

Never underestimate Kallo, he is cunning, beyond measure. If everything goes according to plan, he will be in an extra high security astral cell again soon, as will his accomplices. Now, here is what I want you to do:

Dan and Reeas, go to the physical sub base at Earth. Kallo is now there, planning the destruction of the Milky-Way Galaxy.'

‘What? How can he manage that?’

‘He is going to destroy everything that represented you.’ Sionn said.

‘How will he do it?’ said Reeas.

‘With a weapon that he invented some time ago, actually several hundred years ago, don’t worry, we know all about it, and it has not been used before; it is a device that can heat up the sun to many times its temperature, don’t worry about the devise, we will take care of it, just get to Kallo, and pretend you are the way you were, when Kallo threw you out of the network, keep the ruse going for as long as you can, to help us gain more information. Debra will, of course, be invisible, or rather, part of you. You won’t need the clones or the ship, as you can dream travel to Earth, then Debra, will guide you; she has only to touch you, Reeas, to give you, the same security as Dan. Debra appears at once.

‘I’m going to enjoy this.’ I said.

‘Before you enjoy it, Dan, please get as many names of dark agents as you can, also, any other information you can get, you have to get near Kallo, and Debra will do the rest, you will also not be a detectable by any agents. Deria has the special job of neutralizing the weapon. Don’t worry, again, the weapon cannot be used to heat up the Sun, but it can be dangerous to the underground base, as it has been booby trapped, we could not interfere with the booby traps, but we did neutralize the device some time ago. When you get to Earth, do not use the Thought-Transfer system, even for students! It would probably be OK, but we don’t want to risk it. You won’t need to message us, as we have everything under control. Just concentrate on getting near to Kallo, any questions?’

‘Just one, can I hurt him?’

‘If he tries to hurt you, then yes, Kallo, as you know, has a very big ego, so all you have to do, is make him angry. After all these years, you would think he would learn to control himself but he is so used to being in charge, that no other position will do.’

The job of taking Kallo to Mannus was another trick; we knew there was little we could do to alter Kallo in that direction, but again, it helped us to gain more information about their network. Kallo’s defenses, really did come down, for a time, now he thinks he can dominate everything.

Getting to Earth in the physical will lesson his defenses even more, he will think he can easily defeat you, but he will be wrong.  Now, do your best, my Guardians, as Zelda 3, would say.’

I am now, in a really good mood. I have full consciousness, and I can access the Guardian-Network. I also have Reeas, Deria and Debra to help me, what more could a soul want?

For students: please excuse us, while we transfer to Earth, via thought-travel, and no, it is not the same thing as thought-transfer. We are on alert, as regards the Guardian-Network, so we can’t accept, or send, thought-transfer messages. Please be patient, and access the network later.

We are now on Earth, at the base in Northumberland; you remember the base is called Kelsay. For students, again: We don’t need the cloned bodies of anyone, to transfer into, as Debra is now our protection. I know it is hard, to get your head around, but I know, you can understand. You are Students-Guardians and are unlimited. I know it is hard to believe, but you are also Spiritual Beings and Eternal.

We arrive in invisibility mode across the road from Giants-Seat lane, where we know the base is sited. I also know that there is a security cordon in place, in the form of a no access sign, and road block. I can’t see any one on guard, but I can be sure there is.

‘We better do this by the book,’ Reeas said. ‘If we get in there too easily, Kallo will suspect something.’

‘Yes, you are right, what do you suggest?’

Debra said, ‘Can I do it, Dan?’

‘What are you going to do? I said.

‘I will charm them, with my girly looks.’

‘No, Debra, you know, you can’t show yourself! There will be all sorts of security stuff in there.

I will neutralize any security stuff.

‘We can’t risk that. We have to act as though we are still in low consciousness, so, you will have to be invisible, until the last minute!’

Reeas said, ‘let us get arrested trying to access the portal; we will be taken to Kallo.’

‘Yes,’ I said, ‘that seems to be the best way, Reeas.’

‘I will access the portal before you.’ said Deria. ‘I will also use the high invisibility mode, so I won’t be detected, don’t forget, do not send any messages when you materialize, as Sionn advised. I will also check out the lane itself, to locate any enemy. Give me a few minutes, before you make yourself known.

For any students, who think we are using thought-messages at the moment, no, we are not, we are protected by Debra.

Deria comes back to tell us that the lane is clear! We walk across the road, and into Giants-Seat lane. No one appeared to stop us; maybe they think they are undetectable?

Well, I suppose they are, after all, it has been undetectable, for a very long time. We get to the place where I know the portal to be. It is between two very large oak trees. Debra is now in high undetectable mode, or rather, part of me, and undetectable by anyone, apart from such people as Kallo. Yes, I know it sounds complicated, but you will understand when you access these records later. We can’t risk uploading them straight away, for security reasons, you understand. Debra is now informing me, that the portal itself has been moved. How come, I didn’t know about this?  you say, because, Debra is the network, and I am part of Debra, yes, a part, I suppose, I could fully merge with Debra, but I don’t want to. I want to be me. I now know the portal, is on a sort of changing pattern; one minute, it will be somewhere, then a few minutes later it will be somewhere else. Kallo must be very busy changing things, such as security, in the network, well; we will just have to put a stop to it. Debra can easily fathom out the next position for the portal, but, that will make it seem, like we know about this new technology!

‘When will the portal revert back to this spot? I asked Debra.

‘Not for seventeen days.’

‘OK. We can’t risk letting on, that we know about the changing portal, so we will have to simply hang around till we are detected.’

Reeas said, ‘let us become visible then we are sure to be detected.’

OK, I said, but Debra will be part of me and invisible, here we go, sure enough, it takes just three minutes, for the security people to surround us; they came from one of the portals, that is sited not more than a few hundred yards away.

‘Where do you think you are going?’ said the leader.

‘Can people not walk in the countryside?’ I said.

‘Not around here, they can’t.’

‘Oh. Why?’

‘Because it is a restricted area, that’s why. Who are you?’

‘Never mind, I said, sorry to bother you. We got lost, we will make our way home now.’

‘No you don’t.’ he said. ‘We have to make a security check on you. Identification papers please, never mind, we now, know who you are. Word is coming through, from below. I don’t know why you attempted to come here, you must be as dumb, as Kallo says you are, and you lady, why hang around with a loser like this; maybe, you can be re programmed, I can use a babe like you, to keep me company, on cold nights. Ha. OK, inside, losers.’

It only takes a few minute,s to reach the heart of the complex.

Surprisingly, it isn’t Kallo who greets us; it is a Kallo look alike. How do I know, you ask? Simply, Debra, I also know, these Kallo clones, are now, being installed at all the Guardian bases in all the worlds of existence!

Can you imagine, students, what that means? If I was a Trainee-Guardian, I would be very nervous now, I can tell you, but I am not a trainee anymore. My little team, and I, have the job of defeating the greatest threat to the entire Multiverse! For security reasons, you cannot upload your thoughts on this situation, at the moment, but you are free to access the database later. Sorry for any inconvenience, but I know you can understand, we are a little busy at the moment.

'Well, look who it is?’ The Kallo Clone, said, ‘the Trainee fool, and the Faithful servant. How did you expect, to get in here? The few remnants of the Guardian-Network, must be desperate. I see you, are partially back to your trainee consciousness. I know you would try to access some base or other, but I really didn’t think you would be so stupid, as to access this base. I now realize, you are just a simple human oaf, and your companions are equally stupid. It really is a triumph for me to capture you, and the pleasure I am going to get from seeing you all suffer, of course, I’ll have to keep you in some form of consciousness to find Debra, as you know, but now, I am fully ready to take over the entire network.’

‘Oh?’ I said. And what does Mannus, think about that?’

‘Fool! You know Mannus, let’s the lower worlds, take care of themselves; and I will take care of them, my way.’

‘What do you think Mannus is?’ Reeas said.

He is the watcher and the power, and part of that power, has been given to me, to use, as I may.’

‘Are you even the real Kallo?’ I said.

‘Ha! Fool. Do you think it matters which part of Kallo is which?’

‘So, have you got Debra, on line?’ I said.

‘Yes, fool. How do you think we managed to get millions of Kallo clones, into existence?

‘It wouldn’t have been with Manus’s help,’ I said.

‘I will enjoy merging you, with a lower entity.’ The Kallo clone said.

‘And when will that be?’ I said.

'In a very short time,’ he replied.

‘Oh? And what sort of entity, will it be?’ I asked.

I haven’t made up my mind, as yet, maybe it will be a Tourgen! You are used to being a lower consciousness beast man, aren’t you? But this time, you won’t have any strength. You will just be a drooling moron.’

I am very tempted, to change into Cloft the Tourgen Clone, and then say, Oh, like this, you mean. But I know we have to keep up the pretense a little longer. I need the information from Deria, about the weapon, first, also, I need to get the all clear, from Sionn. It is frustrating to listen to this Kallo clone, but I know my time will come. Reeas said, ‘What do you intend for me?’

‘Ah, my dear Reeas, what do you say to coming along as my partner? We could access a lot of places, such as here on Earth. I know, I detest the place, for being the birth place, of this moron here, but there is such potential here.’

Now, my student friends: I have to admit to a little mistake on my part. I let my frustration come out in the shape of Debra. She, being part of me, appeared for a split second! This was due to a little anger. I am now, fully in control. But Kallo saw her and the entire base is alerted. I had to think quickly.

‘I see you really do, have Debra,’ I said.

Kallo promptly walks out of the room, and is gone for five minutes. He comes back, but I can tell, that this Kallo, is the real thing, he is now looking at me, with a cruel, uncaring glare.

‘Where did you go? Was it to send out a search party? Can you not even keep control of Debra?’ I said.

‘It is time to merge you; we have a particularly dirty Swamp-Man from Lagna.’

'Get real, Kallo.’ I said, ‘I know, you can’t do that. I may be a little low in consciousness but anyone knows, that it has to be the same consciousness as myself!’

‘Oh, that is where you are wrong.  We managed to find a Multiple Match, yes, you will have company in there, ha, fourteen, in fact. You will be stuck for as long as I want you to be!’

‘You are completely mad.’ Reeas said. ‘Has the trip to Mannus not taught you anything?’

‘It taught me, that I can ascend to power, also it taught me to pass judgment on people I detest.’

‘Now, does Dan want to be dragged to the cloning room? Or should we escort you as civilized people.’

'I can walk.’ I said. I am now receiving a message from Deria that the weapon to destroy Earth is now completely safe, although Kallo, and his team don’t know it.

'And then there is you, Reeas, do you want to rule the Milky-Way Galaxy, and everything else, or do you want to be an outcast!’

‘I will go with my Dan.’

‘I’m afraid not, my dear, this is a one way trip for your Husband. You will have to either be accepted by my team, or you can be placed in a secure Astral Cell, of course, you will have to be treated first.’

'What do you mean?’ I said.

'I mean, she will have to be reprogrammed into our network, you, on the other hand, will be forgotten!’

Students: As you can imagine I am now starting to get very angry. I am also getting a little impatient. Remember, we are on the physical world, that means, I can hurt Kallo, If I can get to him; Indeed, I know I can get to him, but I want it to be like, a freak accident thing. I want to get more information from him, before I finally kill him. If we were on the Astral Plane, I know he would be able to just shrug off any injury, or simply, transfer to another sub plane, but here in the physical world, things are different, I know I have to keep myself in check, for obvious reasons, just a little longer. I can now see security guards forming all around us. I figure that if he is severely injured, he might drop his guard even more. I don’t want him to die, as yet, but I want him to suffer. I know it is not the Guardian thing to do, but he has made many people’s lives a misery over a very long time. I know you students can’t help me at the moment with the security measures in place, but you will be able to access these messages later. Please feel free to contribute your ideas on what you would have done in my place. Kallo is now looking at me with his high-and-mighty look.

‘OK, I’m getting tired of this, now. Take them to the cloning room. Make sure, she sees him merged with the other specimens.

As Kallo turns around to walk out, I run as fast as I can and jump on Kallo’s back, I then put my left arm around his neck and with my right hand I poke is right eye out. Everyone is surprised by the speed of it, although I held back a lot, as you can imagine, I had to make it believable. I wasn’t particularly bothered about getting more information now, as being this close to Kallo, had done the trick! We have all the information we need. I can now, wreak havoc, if I want to and I want to. Kallo is now, screaming in agony. I let the security guards pull me off.

‘Why didn’t you stop him!’ he shouted. The leader of the security team said, ‘We didn’t think he could move that fast! Something isn’t right, here.’

‘I’m going to take extreme pleasure, in cutting off all your skin, later.

‘Oh, are you? You might have a little trouble cutting this skin off.’

I then transform into Cloft the Tourgen. The look on Kallo’s face, even with one eye, is something to behold. Reeas is now, in the same form as me. I then instruct Debra to neutralize any weapons, on the base. The security people are now panicking, but no one wants to take on the Tourgen. I then walk over to Kallo. There is no emotion in his face now, just hatred.

‘Have you any last requests?’ I said.

‘Go to Hell,’ he said.

‘I probably will, but when I go, it will be to help people, not dominate them, oh, and I’ve just had a message from Sionn; he said, to tell you, that your cell at the Astral High Security Prison, is fitted out with new technologically advanced escape proof measures.’

‘No prison can hold me. Fool.’

‘It can when you are placed in long term sleep mode, with no access to the lower regions, and no consciousness to go higher,’ I said. He then spit in my face. I particularly despise that, so I grab him by the neck and squeeze till his other eyeball popped out. I am now getting a message to place the people who are loyal to Kallo, in the secure compound, which is located directly beneath the room we are in. All we needed to do now, is simply, walk to the briefing room. Sionn himself, is now, at the base.