Dan Sherman All Worlds Book Ten by Colin Platt - HTML preview

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Dan has been tricked by his mentor and friend Sionn, who was the Higher-Coordinator of the Guardian network. Sionn has managed to merge with Debra who is Dan’s alter ego. Deria, who is a higher being and Dan are going into the inner regions to track him down. Reeas, who is Dan’s wife, in his present lifetime and many past lifetimes, is also going.

Super Robots are decimating numerous worlds in five galaxies, but Dan knows he can’t fight them, until he gets Debra back; he also knows that Kallo the Dark Agent, although in isolation at a high security Astral prison won’t be able to interfere with their plans, his apprentice clones, on the other hand, will try anything to destroy Dan, and anyone, or any world, who they cannot control. As student Guardians, you can help by logging on to Guardian database, in the dream state, onwards my friends.