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5. Cider Vinegar

There are many pills and supplements which contain apple cider vinegar as its primary ingredient. Its benefits include:

> Controls blood pressure

> Improves cholesterol level

> Aids weight loss

> Helps in prevention of rheumatoid arthritis

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Low Carbohydrate Diet

With the publicity of Atkins' diet, low carbohydrate diets have become the latest trend in recent years. Weight reduction has become everyone's aim and they are looking for quick and simple options to lose weight. In some cases, people who not need to lose weight get overly stressed when they gain a few pounds. In certain other cases, people may have to shed pounds to solve medical complications and may possess more than a hundred pounds that they need to get rid of.

There are several different diet plans available, including low carbohydrate diets and truthfully speaking, all of them will prove successful in weight loss provided they are followed strictly. This does not necessarily imply that one must follow the diet requirements each and every second of the day. The essential point is to stir clear of occasions where you feast and indulge on foods that are banned in your diet plan. If you are able to pull this off and stick to the diet plan without much difficulty, you will emerge successful. Almost everyone has one of these days - the challenge lies in letting them go and taking them as another successful step on the path to permanent weight reduction.

It is important to adopt a diet plan that is easy for you to follow. Low carbohydrate diet is the most popular dieting option as its rules are fairly simple. As the title suggests, it involves limited intake of carbohydrate rich foods. This includes pasta, bread, grains, rice and potatoes. Sugar intake also accounts for carbohydrate consumption. It is easy to avoid these carbohydrate rich foods once their composition is understood.

The main point of criticism when it comes to low carbohydrate dieting is that dieters get most of their calories from dairy, meat and other fat rich substances. This may lead to rise in cholesterol levels and other problems which arise due to high consumption of saturated fat. It is recommended that you take medical advice before adopting such a diet plan. In some cases, weight reduction is good at early stages but most people tend to stray off track due to the high restrictions.

The common problem that people who follow low carbohydrate diets face is the absence of pasta and bread. No more spaghetti, pizza or toast! Most meals that are quick and easy to prepare revolve around carbohydrates - burger buns, sandwiches, fries and pasta. Beer,

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including other forms of alcohol is high in carbohydrate content. Generally, alcohol is restricted in all diet plans, but low carbohydrate diets emphasize on this point particularly, as they are high in calorie and low in nutrition.

There are still several foods that may be relished even when one is on a low carbohydrate diet.

Meat lovers can grab the chance to consume chicken, beef and other poultry products. The popularity and effect of these diets are indicated by how long they remain on the list of bestsellers. But in the end, it depends entirely on what suits you. However, low carbohydrate diet plans seem to work for most people.

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Overnight Weight Loss

With the rapid pace in which the world is advancing, it has become almost impossible to eat healthy and balanced food all the time. People have got more used to eat foods from fast-food haunts and other places thereby resulting in excessive consumption of low fiber food and refined sugar by way of different varieties of processed and tinned food and sodas and other unhealthy beverages. This has resulted in a large amount of the population around the world to be classified as obese or overweight.

There are many other factors which may result in obesity such as overeating, genetics and slow down of metabolism as a person grows older. The rate of weight loss is proportionate to the amount of weight gained.

Speedy weight loss is not considered sensible as it would make the skin of the person sag thereby making him adopt for a surgery to make the skin look better. Weight loss also depends on the health, weight, gender, age, calorie intake, stress level, routine and lifestyle.

All overweight people are not unhealthy but are considered to be unfashionable. One important and significant fact to be noted is that there is no instantaneous or miraculous weight loss solution available.

According to health experts and nutritionists adequate exercise with a balanced diet would be of great help in losing a few pounds every week. A proper workout schedule coupled with a low calorie diet program would help in achieving favorable results.

For this purpose, the individual should opt for a suitable diet plan designed by a health professional or a dietician according to the routine and lifestyle of the individual. Such plans have to be formulated in such a way that it does not comprise of purchase any costly fitness equipment or any kind of diet supplement.

A combination of weight training and cardiovascular workout exercise program would be very effective and helpful. This would help in increasing muscle to fat ratio on one hand and at the

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same time help in burning the extra fat thus inducing weight loss and an increase in the metabolism rate.

A balanced diet plan must consist of food items from all the varieties of food groups. This consists of two parts: 1. carbohydrates 2. Fats

The food consumed by an individual must comprise of fiber, minerals and vitamins in the right proportions. A lot of this can be taken by way of cereals, oats and potatoes. However, the best sources for this are fruits and vegetables as they contain photochemical, micronutrients and enzymes which are important for a balanced diet.

The second part comprises of fats which can come from poly saturated or mono saturated food stuff rather than that derived from animals. Proper care must be taken to consume fats in the correct quantity so that unwanted calories are not added.

Every diet plan is made keeping in mind lesser number of calories to be consumed by the individual. This refers to eating smart rather than starving or eating less by choosing the right food stuff in the right quantity. This helps in losing weight without eating less.

The individual should keep visiting the dietician or health professional throughout the diet period to see the improvement and keep track of the results achieved. This helps in making changes in the diet if necessary. However, by the end of it, it is in the hands of the individual to stick to diet plan strictly.

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Nine Facts About Fiber

Looking for a diet that is high on octane, then you will happy to know that fiber is exactly the thing you need. People do not take this nutrient seriously even though research shows that it is powerful.

Here are nine important facts about fiber that will help you to fuel your health.

1. Fiber is a natural fighter of diseases. Diet that is rich in fiber helps in the prevention of colon cancer and diseases of the heart. Fiber also helps in the elimination of cholesterol by the action of binding it to the digestive tract. Fiber also helps in stopping constipation.

2. Fiber also helps in cooling of the body when it is over-heated. High fiber foods usually take longer to chew, thereby longer to digest and hence make you feel satisfied for a longer period of time.

3. The content of fiber in popular foods is very less. If you are used to depending on popular food then it is time to start increasing your fiber content.

4. Grains have the most content of fiber. The best sources of fiber are concentrated grain products and whole grains.

5. It is essential for kids to have fiber. Children older than two years should necessarily include fiber in their diet as they are the most receptive towards fiber in fruits, fortified breakfast cereals and vegetables.

6. More the intake of fiber more is the intake of water. For fiber to move through the digestive tracts a lot of water is needed. When a diet rich in fiber is consumed a minimum of eight glasses per day are required per day.

7. The health benefits of fiber are not lost during cooking. While cooking fruits and vegetables there is no need to worry about losing the fiber content. The fiber found in these fruits and vegetables isn't only in the skin.

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8. Fiber must not be taken beyond a certain limit. A person must take more than 50 gms per day as this may lead to diarrhea and bloating and also interferes with the absorption of other minerals.

9. It is not hard to get the required amount of fiber content in your diet, even though the

mis-conception is that, it is hard to get enough fiber into the diet. To get the right amount all you need to do is to eat the right kind of foods.

When you are determined to achieve a healthy lifestyle, eating fiber is something you do not want to miss as it serves more than one different purposes, most of which have been covered above

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Atkins Induction Rules

The initial stage of any type of diet is the crucial factor which decides the effectiveness of the diet. So is the case with the Atkins diet. Along with the food items that can be consumed during the duration of the diet, there are certain golden rules which need to be followed during the diet period.

In the initial stages of dieting, it is recommended to people to consume three meals per day of regular size or five to six smaller meals is acceptable. If you tend to feel hungry very frequently, you can break your large meals into smaller segments. A vegetable and proteins diet would help in staying away from the craving to consume carbohydrates. Staying awake for a period more than six hours without a meal and skipping meals is not advisable at all.

There need not be any restriction on proteins and fats and you can freely choose to have a variety in the list of foods that are accepted. As the Atkins diet plan is not a diet restricting calories, you can go for as much as fats and proteins as you prefer. Only the level of carbohydrates in grams matters. It is necessary to calculate the amount of carbohydrates consumed in grams by way of cheese, beverages with splenda and vegetables. At least 12-15

grams of the carbohydrates intake which is allowed must be from vegetables. Vegetables play a major role when it comes to diet.

Whole fruits, pasta, grains, bread and vegetables with starch such as squash and cauliflower have to be avoided. Such food stuff will be introduced gradually with the passage of the diet.

Beans have to be avoided as they contain carbohydrates along with proteins. If an urge to eat grain products is prevalent, low carbohydrate-high fiber food must be preferred. One thing to be noted here is that, this will slow down the process of weight loss.

During the introduction stage, it is completely out of question to have anything which is not in the list of acceptable foods. This is because; there is a great probability of it spoiling the whole diet plan.

The quantity of foods accepted should be adjusted as per the needs of individual appetite. As the craving for sugar and carbohydrates decreases, hunger pangs would gradually decrease.

After this is achieved, only the satisfying amount of food must be consumed.

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Special care must be taken to go through the labels of packaged food items even if it is specified that it is carbohydrate-free. This is because many products may contain hidden carbohydrates. If the percentage of fat is lesser than .5 percent, it can be rounded off as zero, by the manufacturer as the law does not prohibit it. The ingredients of the product may help in determining the presence of carbohydrates, if any. While having meat and salads care must be taken to ensure that carbohydrates are not consumed unknowingly by means of gravies and salad dressings. For this purpose, salads can be had with vinegar or olive oil dressing and meat can be had without gravy.

The next thing to be followed is to drink at least 8-ounces of water a day other than any other drink that you consume. This will help in avoiding constipation and would help in keeping the body hydrated. In the same way, the by-products of burnt fat can be flushed out of the body.

These are the golden rules which ought to be followed while starting off with the Atkins diet so that the desired results are achieved in the longer run.

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Overcoming Plateaus On The Atkins Diet

It is common to experience plateaus and stalls during Atkins' diets. It occurs time and again, but, it is important to check whether you have actually come to the plateau point.

When you continue for a prolonged period of time, without losing any weight, it is called a plateau. It is essential to make a note of your weight and your measurements, before starting a diet plan. In the first couple of weeks, you may feel that you have not lost any weight but a quick glance at your measurements may lift your spirits.

The theory behind Atkins Diet is adding muscle to the body, by removing fat. This may result in slight weight gain because you are developing dense muscle to replace fat. You may end up adding a few pounds on the scale but you will shed those extra inches. You may obtain a leaner body but weigh just the same.

Take measurements of you waist, chest, calves, thighs, upper arms and hips before starting the diet program, because it is possible to lose weight in any of these areas and having comprehensive information is vital. It is not abnormal to go through times when your body needs to adjust. You must remember that as you are changing your body's composition, the process may be a little time consuming. Keep a weekly check on your measurements and your weight, so that you can keep track of your progress.

There are 3 to 4 week periods when you may experience plateaus in weight reduction, but you still continue to lose inches, or even vice versa. Checking both methods is an effective way to monitor your progress. These plateaus are no reason to give up on the diet. Such stall periods are common in weight loss programs.

Stalls are more frequent when you are just a couple of pounds away from your goal. You would have developed plenty of muscle by adopting this high protein and low carbohydrate plan. As your body's muscle-to-fat percentage has increased greatly, your body may resist anymore fat loss. At this point, you must reconsider your goal weight. Understand what your body is telling you and focus on maintaining your lost weight instead of trying to shed more and more weight.

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On the path to weight loss, there are several other reasons behind the occurrence of stalls. If you have made no progress in four weeks and are not moving towards your goal weight, start looking at different methods to move out of the rut. Ensure that your level of carbohydrate in the body is in check. Intake of excess carbohydrate may cause plateaus in your weight loss. Watch out for hidden carbohydrate in dressing, sauces and packaged food.

Always have enough water. If your body gets dehydrated, it tends to retain water and will simulate a plateau. Water aids in flushing ketones and creating space for new ketones that help in burning fat.

Eating very less amount of food may also cause weight loss plateaus. Always have smaller meals at frequent intervals. You are following a low carbohydrate diet and not a low calorie diet.

Always add enough protein to you meals. Do not go without food for more than five hours at a stretch. Do not keep check of your calorie intake because if your body does not get enough calories, it will switch to starvation mode and the fat cells get retained.

Increasing your fitness routine also helps in overcoming plateaus. Since your muscles are now accustomed to vigorous workouts, it is necessary to steadily intensify your workouts in order to challenge your body. Adding new routines or increasing weights during resistance training are good options.

One of these methods will help you get back on track with your weight loss program. These occasional plateaus and stalls are normal and do not last for long.

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Ph Miracle Diet Basics

The latest path breaking invention to strike the world of nutrition and dieting is the pH Miracle Diet. Experts have noted that popular dieting plans seem to vary from time to time. For instance, the 90s marked lo-fat diets, and the last decade has focused on low-carbohydrate diets like Protein Power, South Beach diet, Sugar busters and Atkins. People begin to get frustrated with each new diet and start looking for newer options. The pH miracle has stolen the spotlight currently.

This diet appeals to most people as it completely different from the usual high- protein, low carbohydrate diets that have ruled the last couple of years. The pH diet, also known as the Young Diet, named after its founder Dr. Robert Young, or the alkaline diet, has a unique approach towards the supply of nutrition. Many medical experts, nutritionists and doctors find this diet program as an extremely balanced approach to achieve nutrition that considers the true requirements of the body.

Normally, our bodies have a slightly alkaline pH value. The principle is that as our body functions best at alkaline pH; our diet must be comprised of alkaline foods. The normal diet of an average American contains several acidic foods, including sugar caffeine, animal protein and packaged food. These acidic products disturb the pH level of the human body and thereby cause a myriad of problems. The principles of this diet claim that acidic foods hinder the benefits of alkaline minerals, including potassium, calcium, sodium and magnesium, which make people vulnerable to chronic conditions.

The real essence of the pH diet

Nutrition and health experts have realized that the food which a person consumes as part of his diet has a distinct effect on his overall health pattern. Though the medical community has given special importance to a balanced, nutritional diet which includes fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy and meat items, the pH diet is a step ahead. It clearly indicates that acidic foods deprive the body of its essential minerals. People, who adopt the pH miracle diet, have learnt to avoid intake of food that causes disastrous effects to health.

Most foods that we commonly consume are strictly forbidden in the pH diet. The most surprising of these restrictions is the removal of wheat products. Though the FDA suggests consumption

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of whole wheat products, the pH diet claims that grains like millet, wheat, rice and oats are harmfully acidic. Alkaline grains such as quinoa, spelt and buckwheat are favored due to their alkalizing benefits.

Usually, dairy and meat products are banned from the pH miracle Diet. For your protein source, goat milk is allowed. Protein is also available in tofu, nuts, seeds and beans. Almost all vegetables, except mushroom, have a high alkalizing effect. Intake of fruits is limited to grapefruit, lime, lemon and coconuts.

People who have adopted the pH miracle diet claim that there had been tremendous effect on their health well within the first couple of weeks. It is advisable to lower the consumption of pre-processed foods, and increase the intake of vegetables, irrespective of what the diet specifies for the person. As a matter of fact, this has become the point of major criticism of the pH diet.

Opponents claim that those who are already consuming fresh food and plenty of water will find no effect from this diet. They ignore the pH balance theory.

Another significant point to be noticed is that there is no scientific proof of the theories involved in pH miracle diet. Several conventional doctors find no benefits arising from this diet. But the principles of this diet are based completely on Chinese medicine, which has been in practice for centuries. These proponents are currently being studied at the John Hopkins' University and by the United Nations. Critics may have to amend their attitude towards the basis of the diet.

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Is The Ph Miracle Diet Right For You

The latest groundbreaking new invention to enter the field of nutrition and dietics is the pH

Miracle Diet. This new method claims to help in restoration of your natural health balance and also rid you of innumerable other conditions, including obesity. Though most people are looking at efficient ways to lose a couple of pounds, this diet claims to aid dealing with muscle pain, indigestion and fatigue, along with several other problems.

If you've experimented low carbohydrate diets and found the excess protein levels staggering, then pH miracle diet program may be the answer to your woes. This program is primarily based on intake of alkaline foods, which benefit your body and health in more ways than one. As humans generally tend to have a mildly alkaline pH, consuming alkaline foods will help in maintaining the ph balance of the body. Many people eat acidic foods like meat, dairy and wheat products. The pH diet comprises of fruits, veggies, grains and vegetarian sources of protein.

The pH diet program is the brain child of Dr. Robert Young, who clearly indicates in his dieting book that excess acidity is the main cause behind most health related problems. Young says that nasal congestion, chronic fatigue, dry hair, weak nails, frequent cold infections, dry skin, stress, anxiety, muscle pain, headaches, arthritis, leg cramps and hives, among other disorders, are signs of high acid content in the body.

Your acidic diet can be held responsible if you have experienced any of these symptoms for a prolonged period of time. Keep a watch over the amount of acidic foods that you consume, including dairy products and animal protein. If these conditions have been a source of distraction and annoyance to your healthy lifestyle, then pH miracle is probably your best solution.

For people who have had little success with low carbohydrate diets, pH miracle diet program is an extremely relieving option. These alkaline foods are not as harsh as protein rich substances in low carbohydrate diets, and do not damage the digestive system. It possesses a healthier balance of protein-carbohydrate content. The proteins consumed in pH miracle program are carefully selected based on their acid level. It mainly consists of tofu, nuts and beans.

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This diet program is also highly recommended for people who prefer to thrive on vegetarian food. If sacrificing meat products for a day has made you feel good, this pH diet is probably just the thing for you. There is absolutely no meat involved, and the sole dairy product allowed is goat's milk. Tofu, the major constituent of a vegetarian diet plays an essential role in the pH

miracle diet.

If your diet is composed mainly of pre processed foods and negligible amounts of vegetables, this is the right option for you. Manufactured foods will not supply your body with the necessary nutrients. This may result in several health problems including malnutrition in spite of eating your fill. This Miracle pH diet focuses on fresh fruits and vegetables which will provide the required amount of vitamins and mineral to your diet. Adding a reasonable amount of alkaline meals to your diet program can bring drastic change to you health.

This pH miracle diet is found to be suitable for most kinds of persons. If you belong to any of the above mentioned categories, you simply must give this eating program a try.

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pH Miracle Diet - Criticism

Whenever something gets famous, it gets criticized by some sources. The newly famous pH

miracle diet isn't any different. The program has got followers, and it has also got a lot of criticism from a lot of people.

The first criticism about the diet is the fact that it asks people to be vegans and vegetarians.

Critics claim that the diet, especially with its deletion of dairy products ( vegetarian source of protein ), is very low in protein content. However, this comes from the misconception that we need a large amount of proteins. Going by popularity of the low carbohydrate diet (that is just high in protein diets) has aggravated this conception in the heads of people. Sadly health has become equal to eating dairy and red meat.

Anyway, there are lots of sources of healthy proteins which don't contain the bad acidic effects of dairy products or red meat. In reality, many people take too much of protein and not too less.

Generally women need around 45 grams per day, and a man needs around 55 grams. One cup of tofu (that is acceptable on pH diet) has around 20 gm of proteins. And beans have around 8

grams every half a cup. So in reality its easy to gain enough of protein from a vegetarian diet.

One more criticism about this issue is about calcium. Most people tend to equate drinking milk and getting stronger bones. But , American women take average two pounds of milk every day and still about 30 million women get osteoporosis. If taking milk made bones stronger, then only the opposite will be true. From a study done by Cornell nutritionist named Amy Joy Lanou who proved that there is no link between dairy substances and healthy bones in young adults and children. There are many sources of calcium in alkalizing food products which will enhance protection to osteoporosis.

Most critics also say that the importance on fresh foods and vegetables is the actual cause behind the victory that many get from diets. pH miracle diet recommends to eat around 70

percent of vegetables and some needed fruits. In this rate, no matter if you are consuming alkalizing food , anybody will see an enhancement in their health. Most critics disregard the need for the pH balance miracle diet.

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But however, there are many people who experience good results after getting rid of wheat, which is an acidic food. Its not a product that one generally links with bad health, however, removing wheat has proved to be a godsend to loads of people who suffer the effects of an over-acidified meal. The quantity of alkalizing vegetables present in diet will surely do anyone good, no matter if they take the other parts of the diet seriously. By following eating of alkaline products, you would be enhancing the health irrespective of strictness of diet.

But this causes another famous criticism in the book. Most people say that pH miracle diet is way too strict for daily following. The reduction of foods like milk, animal protein and wheat seems too much for some. They can't imagine making it through a full day without consuming these food groups. Idea of restricting to a diet containing plant based food only seems too strict.

However, most people who utilize pH miracle diet are seeing good results without having to be 100% rigid about the rules.

Like most other diets, pH miracle diet recommends steps to a better health. Emphasis here is on the steps. It's not reasonable to ask anyone for a total 180-degree change about his or her meal habits. Using a slower method for changing the diet will give longer and successful end results. If any diet is done word by word, it's very difficult at the start because mostly people are used to eating in a certain pattern. But with time and some practice , anyone can get better health through more of a H balanced diet.

Like with many other diets, the pH miracle diet outlines steps toward better health. The emphasis here is on steps. It is unreasonable to expect anyone to do a complete 180-degree change in his or her eating habits overnight. Taking a slower approach to changing your diet will create longer and more successful results. If the diet is followed word for word, it is difficult at first because people are so used to eating a certain way. With time and practice though, you can move toward better health and a more pH balanced diet.

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Atkins Pre Maintenance Phase

The pre maintenance stage comes after the orientation and OWL stages of the diet plan. This stage is the stepping stone to a balanced and healthy living for all the years to time. This should be begun when you are within five to ten pounds nearer to the target you have set. This would slow down the weight loss process but you will learn techniques which would help you in achieving better results in the long-run.

In the OWL stage, you would slowly start introducing little grams of carbohydrates to your diet which would be gradually increased by 5 grams each week. When the pre-maintenance week starts, this increment would be increased to 10 grams every week. Carbohydrate grams are added till the time you lose weight however slow it may be. Generally, it is common to lose less than one pound every week in the pre-maintenance phase.

This state should be carried on till you reach your target weight and successfully maintain it at least for a month, as per the Atkins diet plan book. The duration of this process ranges from one to three months. The target to be achieved is termed as the stage of "carbohydrate equilibrium"

and is the state when your carbohydrate intake is perfect and would help in maintaining the desired weight in the longer run.

A wide range of food items can be had during this period. New food stuff can be introduced gradually and intake of carbohydrates has to be increased side by side at a properly calculated rate. Increasing the intake of carbohydrates by ten grams every week is considered ideal. This would help in maintaining the ideal weight.

Before adding a new item into the diet, it is necessary to check up the carbohydrate counter book or a website. Some food items which contain ten gram carbohydrates are half an apple, quarter cup of potatoes, one-third cup of legumes, and half a cup of plain oatmeal. Such foods are to be included on a day to day basis, and then have to be increased with the passing weeks.

Pre-maintenance cannot be termed as a complete process. It takes a subtle balance of exercise and carbohydrate counting to decelerate the weight loss and still move forward. Enough care should be taken to keep an eye on the carbohydrate intake so that it does not result in weight

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gain in any way. There is a thin line which separates gaining, losing and maintaining weight.

Pre-maintenance is the period when you are looking for this fine line.

If weight loss cannot be stalled while adding on carbohydrates, it implies a great metabolic resistance. In such a case exercises can prove beneficial when increased.

Another method which can be followed is treating oneself a couple of times a week by saving carbohydrate grams of some days. This can be done by consuming beer or white wine or by having a portion of sweet potatoes or a fruit piece. The other way is to calculate the carbohydrate intake per week and divide it in such a way that you consume a little less on a few days while you can have a blast on the other days using the quantity of carbohydrates that was saved. However, care should be taken to not let the carbohydrate craving increase again.

The pre maintenance stage is a sure shot way for long term results if followed properly. It would help in maintaining the weight as well as have a balance over the carbohydrate intake.

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Teen Dieting

21st century has seen the largest number of obese teenagers and children all around the world since the start of time. The fast food and coffee pub culture has made them lethargic and inactive. Many parents prefer to keep their children at home for safety reasons which makes them even more inactive and lazy and in turn results in them becoming couch potatoes who can spend hours together in front of the idiot box or the computer. These things, rather than making them better, wrecks havoc on their health.

Teenagers of today are invariably spending most of their time over the phone or in front of computers and televisions. This has made them lazy, inactive unhealthy and unfit. It has also left a huge impression on the diet, exercise and nutrition patterns that they follow.

For this purpose, many games have been introduced in the markets which have been aimed at giving some sort of exercise to the teenagers within the four walls. Games such as the brand new Nintendo wii system of gaming and the Dance party Revolution of Play station 2 have created an impact in the market in this regard. They are a fun way to stay in shape in the way teenagers prefer it. Such games provide an opportunity for them to get involved with it totally rather than the video games which used to be played in a static environment. This encourages active participation of the youngsters and is therefore equally popular among adults as a great stress buster and workout session.

―Al work and no play make Jack a dul boy‖. This old saying holds absolutely well. In this rapidly growing and improving world, children and teenagers need to be encouraged to get active and get out. Adolescents learn by instances and whether they accept it or not, they thoroughly enjoy doing activities along with family members. Such activities must thus be encouraged. Family outings must be planned including activities like mountain climbing, wall climbing, biking, hiking, and boating and so on. You can also plan camps during weekends or learn any new activity or sport together. Any activity that is taken up by the teenager must be encouraged so that he/she does not lose interest in it and is actively involved in it.

You can also encourage your teenage daughter or son to join a club for any sport they like.

They can play games which they already know or can join some new sport about which they are interested and keen to know. A family match of soccer or volleyball or softball is also a great

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way of inducing physical activity as well as fun and gives an opportunity for everyone in the family to get some sort of physical exercise.

Gardening is another great way to have fun as well as to burn a few calories. Try to identify activities which your teen kid enjoys and try to encourage them in it. Work with them together and keep boosting them for their work which would keep them happy as well as engaged in the activity thereby keeping them active. It is a great way to unwind rather than sitting in front of the television or the computer which would make them consume more calories by way of unhealthy snacking.

They must also be encouraged to consume more nutritious food and to exclude carbonated beverages, energy drinks and artificial fruit juices and other oily and starchy snack items.

Include more of fresh fruits and vegetables in their diet and make sure they drink lots of water.

Make them participate in activities such as cooking and serving and clearing tables. This would help them in understanding what is healthy and what is not and thus help in inculcating better eating habits in them.

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The Dieting Mind Set

Dieting is a process which involves a great deal of will power. This is because a number of restrictions exist during the duration of the plan. This is the reason why many people do not succeed when it is concerned with their diet plans. This has made many people dread the idea of dieting as they always have the dumb intuition that they would not be able to follow the routine resulting in many diet plans to fail even before they are started.

Many people fail to understand that healthy dieting does not refer to starving. This is one major reason for many people to not take up dieting as they think they will have to completely stay away from food which they love. They are not making it clear to themselves that they can moderately eat food stuff which they like and cannot completely give up. This is why many people are totally against dieting as they confuse the term with starving themselves.

People should know that if a diet plan they adopt has to be successful, then they have to change their view on the food they prefer eating and must compromise with their personal likes for a certain period of time. Again, one more thing which people do not seem to understand is that food is not our enemy but our inability to correctly divide and consume it, is. Very often, most of the population ends up eating the wrong foods more than the correct foods which ought to be consumed. This is the epicenter of the problem.

Five portions of veggies and three of fruits is the right amount of food that we must consume everyday for getting the right quantity of nutrients necessary. If this is not fulfilled, we tend to feel deprived and suffer hunger pangs. If we correctly consume the above mentioned servings of fruits and vegetables, we are unlikely to have frequent hunger pangs. This implies we can enjoy the food we love in moderations as it has to be.

The size per serving is another major problem o deal. We are so used to eat the extra large pack of fries and the large cup of colas and other beverages that we fail to understand what the correct serving size is. All such temptations must be avoided and only what is needed must be consumed.

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We must make it a point to always remember that dieting is not starving and hence must feel good about the whole process and motivate ourselves to take it up. All the positive aspects of dieting and weight loss must be kept in mind always rather than feeling low about the excess weight you are carrying with you now. A positive outlook of the whole thing is to be adopted and you must keep motivating yourself even if the process of losing weight is taking longer than expected. Keep telling it to yourself that you would be getting your youthful body back.

However, dieting does not mean you should completely stop enjoying things which you liked.

You can treat yourself to some goodies once in a while in moderation. After this, for burning the extra calories that you have consumed choose an activity which you cherish and enjoy. This way, you get double the benefit. The exercises you have taken up must be something which you look forward to and enjoy. This would help in achieving better results.

To be a successful ‗dieter‘, you need to be confident and have a positive approach towards the whole dieting program. If you cannot keep yourself away in case of indulging, then it is better to avoid indulging however tough it may be. Nonetheless, if you are happy and feel good about the whole concept of dieting and exercise and keeping fit, then having little treats in moderation once in a while is a great option.

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The Greatest Dieting Mistakes

As far as dieting is considered mistakes are made almost on a daily basis, some of these mistakes are real and profound, some go with the territory, but there are few mistakes that have a more lasting implication than others. The only way to avoid these mistakes is by learning about them and avoiding them during the course of your weight loss regime.

The biggest mistake made by dieters is adopting the strategy of all or nothing. These dieters remove anything from the pantry that they consider will give room for the slightest of temptations. After doing this the dieters start on a strict dietary regime that is not only difficult but nearly impossible to continue, believing that they lose every thing the moment they stray away from their military like diet regime.

The above method may work for a few people but it will lead to un-wanted anger, frustration and sometimes even failure. The most important thing in relation to the dieting regime is the goal.

What is the goal for dieting? The answer is shedding those extra pounds. There is more than one way of achieving your target without half starving to death or pushing yourself to the brink.

Another big mistake in relation to dieting is the selection of diet plan. Some people make the mistake of selecting a plan that involves eating the same food everyday. Human beings enjoy change and will get frustrated with routine, therefore it is necessary to change our pattern once in a while. You can do this by choosing a diet regime that allows for a wider variety of food rather than one which limits the number of choices.

Some of the other common mistakes are depriving yourself of all the food we enjoy. Moderation is the key word here. Have a diet that is rich in fruits & vegetables but also do not forgot to indulge yourself once in a while to keep yourself going and sane. The important thing here is not to forget enjoying food while dieting, if you enjoy eating chocolates then why would you want to deprive yourself of eating them. There is nothing sinful or wrong about eating the food you like, but the problem is that most people enjoy the wrong sort of food.

Never make the commonly made mistake of not setting any goals. While setting goals it is important to remember that one should never set goals that are almost impossible to achieve, on the other hands you must not follow a regime in which practically no goals are achieved. The

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key here is setting goals that are achievable, these have the most likelihood of attaining success. Making these goals public and requesting support isn't a bad idea either. This is the prime reason for the stupendous success that has been achieved by weight watchers program.

It is also important during the course of a dietary regime never to get frustrated and give up. Set backs are common and are faced by almost all people, even the ones who have achieved stunning dieting regime success have met with failure en route. The end result is that you end up getting an healthier body and something worth fighting for. Sometimes your goals may go off track but it always possible to set new goals and start afresh. Somewhere down the road you may have a couple of bad day or sometimes a bad week even in relation to your dieting regime.

This should not be a deterrent to your plans, instead you must overcome them in order to see a healthier you.

Learn from the mistakes you make, overcome them and move on fast. Failures should teach you as much as success does. Once you learn from these failures you are well on track to achieving an healthier persona. Irrespective of the amount of weight you plan to lose you must dedicate yourself to the task of losing weight. Also remember a healthy person is one who has good heating habits and not one who tries to starve himself. Select a moderate approach and you are well on the road to success.

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Vegetarianism And The PH Miracle Diet

The miracle diet is a regime which helps to restore balance in our body by consuming alkaline foods. The cells of the body are naturally alkaline and you can enhance your body's natural function by consuming alkaline foods. Adding on to this consumption, Dr.Robert Young, who created the diet, recommends omitting acidifying items like wheat, dairy and meat. Becoming vegetarians is a must for those who want improved health, according to Dr. Young. He accepts that the change to vegetarianism requires a lot of mental control and strength.

The diet which is most standard in America is not devoid of alkalizing food and is not vegetarian.

Animal proteins are inevitable in the diet of people. Despite, there is no compulsion to consume animal protein. It could be well compensated by the protein rich sources available in the vegetarian group.

A belief prevails in our society that the physical well-being and health of an individual is encouraged by proteins. Especially men, are demanded to consume huge quantities of meat to have vitality and strength. This figment has however prevailed for a long time. As early as the 20th century, scientists believed that consumption of meat equaled strength, prominently in the field of sport. This myth has essentially been the driving force behind meat eating in the last century.

In reality, the need for protein by a person's body is less than assumed by most people. The sources of vegetarian proteins are plenty and are acceptable on the miracle pH diet. There are plenty of sources from which an individual can choose.

But why is animal protein forbidden by this program? Dairy, meats and eggs which are sources of animal protein, have acidifying significance on our body. This tends to prevail on consumption of non-organic meat.

Consumption of processed meat can lead to exposure of hormones, chemicals and drugs being given to animals before they are killed. Risks of the hormones prevail as there are no definite studies about them. Our consumption of antibiotics will increase as the animals are periodically fed with them. this increased consumption will lead to reduction of helpful bacteria in our body.

This leads to accumulation of metabolic acid in our system, leading to disastrous effects. The

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helpful bacteria which check the accumulation of metabolic acid in our system are killed by the antibiotics in the animals.

Good elements like minerals, vitamins and proteins can be obtained from vegetarian food without any dangers.20 grams of protein is contained in a cup of tofu, which is an alkalizing source. An average human requires only about 40 gm of protein per day. This can be easily satisfied without the consumption of meat.

Switching to vegetarianism is much of a mental battle than a physical battle. In fact, the absence of acidifying animal protein leads to efficient body. Consumption of meat is a routine and the advantages of consuming it is a figment. There is no need for meat physically. Omitting meat from our diet leads to opening our eyes to a huge variety of foods that convincingly replace meat.

When one follows the miracle diet, he/she will notice that Dr.Robert suggests an equity of 70

percent alkaline, and 30 percent acidic food. Hence, there is some extent for consuming items in the acidic group. Even though it would be tempting to consume proteins from animal sources, it is preferable to choose from the less acidic foods like oats, eggs, pastas and other products.

It is certainly the individual's choice to become a pure vegetarian. Reducing the quantity of animal protein will lead to improvements in your health eventually.

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What Is In A Weight Loss Diet Pill?

Most programs for weight loss have really strict regimes and strenuous activities and for this reason a lot of people prefer to opt for some other alternative without having to go through the effort of exerting themselves too much.

So, it can easily be understood how diet pills with their promises of simply 'melting away' your cellulite and fat in a jiffy, appeals to most people and they are strongly tempted to resort to these pills.

When there is such an easy method of loosing weight, who would want to go through the effort of building biceps and abs through exercise and diet?

Today, 60% of Americans are said to be obese. It is no surprise then, how the manufacturers of these 'wonder' drugs target this population. In the US alone, these companies are earning millions of dollars.

There are many questions. Are the manufacturers‘ claims about their drug being able to help in weight loss true? How effecting are these drugs in actually making people lose weight?

Suppose it is true, do these drugs help in the maintenance of the ideal weight and prevent future weight gain?

It is true that there exist diet pills that make people shed extra pounds. They contain many substances that have been scientifically and clinically proven to show results.

The diet pill functions by causing an increase in the body metabolism and thereby causing weight loss. Also these pills contain substances that can suppress a person‘s appetite.

But with the numerous diet pills in the market today, it is getting tougher to make a right decision about which pill to choose. People mostly lose patience and end up buying the wrong diet pill.

There are, actually, only five things to consider while choosing a diet pill that is effective as well as safe to consume. Below is a list that you might find helpful in choosing a diet pill that's appropriate and right.

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