Dream Interpretation as a Science by Christina Sponias - HTML preview

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Christina Sponias

Dream Interpretation As A Science A Solution For All Your Problems
Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................................................ 4


Dream Images and Their Translation


Dream Logic ...................................................................... 10


Craziness and Logic The Unconscious Logic


Dream Language ............................................................... 13

First Dream Example
Dream Translation and Dream Analysis The Psychotherapy of the Unconscious Repetitive Dreams
The Dreamer's Salvation from Suffering

Revealing Short Dreams ................................................... 27

Translation and Analysis of Short Dreams Dreams by the Same Dreamer
Dreams by Different People
Dreams with Snakes

Simple Short Dreams ........................................................ 60

Short Dreams Giving Important Information to the Dreamer How to Easily Translate Short Dreams
Why the Dreamer's Biography is so Important

Long and Complex Dreams ............................................... 87

How to Organize and Translate Long and Complex Dreams What is Really Important in Dream Translation How to Translate a Dream Series by the Same Dreamer Six Basic Steps for Translating Any Kind of Dream

Table of Contents continued


Complex Dreams About Love -
Psychological Problems .............................................. 118

Simple Dreams About the Person the Dreamer Loves Complex Dreams About the Person the Dreamer Loves (which also reveal the dreamer's psychological problems) How to Protect Yourself from Infidelity and Betrayal Rejection and the Role of the Animus and Anima

Dreams that Reflect Serious Mental Illnesses ................ 178


Examples of Dreams by People With Serious Mental Illnesses Explanations About Themes in Dreams


Short Treatments through Dream Interpretation as a Science ............................................................................ 187

Examples of Short Treatments with Many Dreams by the Same Dreamer and Their Answers
Dreams that Reveal the Existence of Serious Problems Dreamers That Abuse Their Bodies and Attempt Suicide The Positive Results of Short Therapy

Full Psychotherapy ......................................................... 265

Examples of Full Psychotherapies through Dream Analysis Predictions and Warnings in Dreams
How to Attain Health, Peace, Wisdom and Happiness from Dream Therapy
Become a Professional Dream Translator Like Me

Dream Interpretation as a Science A Solution for All Your Problems


The scientific method of dream interpretation is a precise translation of dream messages.

This eBook will teach you how to understand dream language, so that you can learn what is really happening in your psychical world. After you read it, read Craziness Prevention – Free and Safe psychotherapy through Dream Interpretation, the eBook bonus you receive with Dream Interpretation as a Science.

Craziness Prevention was written before this ebook. I thought it was important to focus first on teaching you to use the knowledge you get from interpreting your dreams according to the scientific method because dream interpretation helps you prevent all mental illnesses and keep your mental health for life.

You will notice that some of the dreamers who participated in my summer offer for free dream translation and
psychotherapy purchased Craziness Prevention and learned how to translate their dreams using the knowledge they acquired in the eBook.

However, now that I have written Dream Interpretation as a Science I believe that it will be better for you to start studying dream interpretation using this eBook first.

This book is fascinating because in it you learn the basics of dream language, and you see how dream messages actually help the dreamers, especially at the end of the eBook, when you see how quickly they were able to solve their problems once they understood their dreams through the translation. Through the combination of these two eBooks you have a very valuable resource for learning about dreams. That’s why it makes sense to give them to you both together.

It took me 19 years of translating dreams for many different dreamers to discover and verify dream symbology and ensure that my translations were correct. Now you can benefit from all this experience by reading these two eBooks.

I’m sure you’ll find Dream Interpretation as a Science very exciting and interesting, and later, when you read Craziness Prevention, my explanations will make even more sense because you will have already seen their application in practice through the numerous examples of dreams translations and dreamer biographies.

In this eBook I am teaching you how to use the scientific method of dream interpretation in order to understand the meaning of the dream messages, by giving you a collection of dreams, biographies of the dreamers and dream translations along with my explanations.

This is a unique collection of real dreams from various contributors on the Internet who agreed to let me publish their dreams with a few details about their biographies (anonymously), so that you can understand how to translate your own dreams. I offered them free translation and psychotherapy, and they agreed to let me use their example as a lesson for you.

You will be able to verify that these dreams are real – they are not simply stories that I invented, because you will see that each dreamer has a different personality and writes in their own style.

You will see how dream messages have really saved people in practice by reading the dreamers’ responses.

You will learn that you have a terrible enemy inside you: the wild and evil anti-conscience, your primitive conscience that has not passed through the process of consciousness that your human side has passed through.

The wise, unconscious mind uses dreams as its way of sending you protective and informative messages in a symbolic manner, in such a way that the anti-conscience cannot also learn about them. Your enemy must not learn of the directions given by your protector.

You have to translate these messages in order to understand the guidance you receive in your dreams, the same way that you would have to translate an unknown language into your own language in order to understand a document written in a language you don’t speak.

Always remember that your dreams are trying to protect you from the dangerous and evil anti-conscience!

Examine them with the spirit of a serious student who is trying to understand and follow the guidance of a very important professor, a professor who can help you analyze the workings of your own mind in the same way that a psychiatrist might. Your dreams have a basic function: to protect your mental health. So, you have to look at yourself as if you were a patient, and as if your professor is also your doctor.

The unconscious mind is always showing you your mistakes and why you make them. You receive warnings and see unpleasant scenes in your dreams because your protector is trying to save you from getting yourself into trouble.

You are not receiving messages in dreams because the unconscious mind wants to say “hello,” but rather because it wants to help you and help you avoid the pitfalls of making bad decisions that can lead to disaster in your life.

Become a serious scientist who searches for the truth, and at the same time, have the humble attitude of a student with much to learn who is just embarking on his studies.

Dream Images and Their Translations


When you translate dreams you translate images into words.

Here is an educational article that will show you the difference between a subjective interpretation of a text, and a literal translation.

Dream Interpretation and Poetry – Interpreting Love Poems


http://scientificdreaminterpretation.blogspot.com/2008/09/dr eam-interpretation-and-poetry.html

You have to learn how to translate the symbols into words, instead of simply trying to guess the dream’s meaning through the filters of your conscious mind.

You will discover that it is easier for you to translate other people’s dreams because the images that appear in their dreams are not images you are familiar with, while in your own dreams you see images with scenes that belong to your daily life. You are used to seeing your shoes, your house and your car, for example, in a certain way that is familiar to you. These are things that you are attached to, so you give them a personal definition, instead of a general definition that exists for them as objects.

When you see your own house in your dreams, you think of it as you are used to at first. You do not simply translate this image saying: this is my psyche. Instead, you continue to think of your house in the way you are used to thinking about it in your daily life. It is difficult for you to transfer the meaning of your own house to the symbolic definition it has in your dreams.

When you analyze other people’s dreams, you will simply exchange images for their meaning and complete the translation of the rest of the dream using meanings derived from the primary symbols. Your observation is objective, because you look at the dreams from outside, without personal attachment to the images.

You have to do the same when you analyze your own dreams. When you translate the meaning of an object in your dream you must stop seeing it the way you are familiar with when you are awake.

You will see examples of dreams and translations from dreamers who read Craziness Prevention and tried to translate their own dreams, along with my corrections.

These are good examples, because these dreamers really cared about the meaning of their dreams and their translations. They also cared about the psychotherapy provided to them by the unconscious mind. They found real help and relief in the dream messages.

Other dreamers found some relief and were helped with a few points, but because they had not read Craziness Prevention, they did not experience the quick evolution experienced by the students who learned the basics of dream translation. Those that had read Craziness Prevention were trying to understand their dreams themselves, and received my help in translating parts of their dreams.

Of course, these students are only at the beginning of their studies, therefore their knowledge was still limited. However, you will be able to follow the development of their capacity to understand the dream messages.

This is the most important aspect for those of you that are trying to learn and follow their example: you will see how people who previously knew nothing about dream translation learned to translate the meaning of their dreams by reading Craziness Prevention. Now, imagine how much more easily you can learn to translate your own dreams with the help of Dream Interpretation as a Science and Craziness Prevention!

You will not only learn how to translate your own dreams, but you will learn enough to become a professional dream translator like me, and learn to translate other people’s dreams and give them psychotherapy.

After reading these eBooks, you will need to practice until you become a perfect dream translator with the ability to translate all dream messages instantly.

I spent 19 years studying the meaning of dreams and trying to discover the cure for schizophrenia, psychosis and all mental illnesses that cannot be cured. In the process I helped many people find peace, health and happiness after despair, depression, suicide attempts, serious mental illnesses and all kinds of tragic experiences, before I dared to present my work to you.

Today it is perfect, and this is why you can learn in a few hours what I took years discovering.

It is my pleasure and my honor to be able to provide you this knowledge in simple form. I am sure you will understand that it is a real blessing, and you will be grateful for my sacrifice during all these years. I worked very hard in order to be able to give it to you in a way that you can easily understand it, and start seeing positive results immediately, rather than after many years of study, like me.

Dream Logic


Dream language follows a different logic, a logic that is opposite to the logic of our conscious mind.

Our human conscience is selfish and it is led by our ego. The ego obliges man to pursue something he will never reach and try to posses things he doesn’t really want. It is therefore absurd and it ends up in craziness and despair.

In addition, the human conscience is under-developed because only one psychological function is well developed in everyone’s psyche and another one half-developed. This means that our conscience is quite idiotic and needs to be developed.

This is why dream language cannot follow our logic. We have to learn how to follow the logic of the unconscious mind if we want to understand the meaning of our dreams.

Here is an educational free report that will show you the meaning of logic:


Craziness and Logic
http://mentalhealthforlife.blogspot.com/2008/09/cra ziness-and-logicfree-report.html


Now that you understood the meaning of logic, you can understand the logic of the unconscious mind.

The logic of the unconscious is saintly and wise. Therefore, it gives importance to the general happiness and mental health of the dreamer for the span of his or her entire life, and not only for the present moment.

The unconscious mind is the wisest human conscience that exists, therefore its advice in dreams is the voice of wisdom and sanctity inside your brain giving you lessons, explanations, warnings, and premonitions.
You will notice that the unconscious cares more about your feelings than about your ideas. It is always trying to help you become more sensitive because you are a cruel animal. Your humanity has to be developed the same way that your brain needs development. Everything happens at the same time when you translate the meaning of your dreams.

The wise unconscious mind basically sends you dreams in order to protect the human side of your brain from the wild side, where craziness remains, because this absurd content is constantly trying to invade your human conscience.

It also sends you dreams in order to cure your mental illness, after the invasion of the absurd content. However, its main function is to prevent this content from destroying your humanity before the invasion, because you become too weak after it.

Dream interpretation as a Science and Craziness Prevention are in fact synonyms since when you interpret and translate the meaning of your dreams you are preventing the craziness, that already exists in the wild side of your brain, from invading and destroy your human side.

The saintly and wise unconscious mind tries to transform you into a sensitive human being, protecting you from the cruel, evil and immoral wild side.

Keep this basic truth in mind, so that you will be able to translate your dreams accurately. Once you know that they are sent by a wise and saintly conscience that is trying to save your human side, you have the basic concept.

The unconscious mind is your teacher and your doctor, and you have to respect its logic, and follow it, so that you will be able to understand the meaning of your dreams.

The logic of the unconscious is based on goodness, sensitivity, humbleness and wisdom, and tries to save you from craziness, despair, suicidal tendencies and all the horrors of this world.
If you are depressed you have received a warning: you must start caring about your mental health right away otherwise the wild anti-conscience will invade and destroy the human side of your conscience completely, transforming you into a cold and cruel monster.

Depression is a self-protection mechanism that indicates that you are in great danger: craziness is approaching.

Either that or you have already made too many mistakes dominated by the anti-conscience and your life is a hell. You cannot but feel depressed with the sad conditions and the tragic situations you keep facing everyday. You have to correct all your mistakes and change your life. At the same time you must develop your intelligence and change your behavior so that you may strengthen your mental health and keep it for the rest of your life.

All the dreams you see are constantly trying to protect you from the craziness that exists in the anti-conscience. That means you have protection and guidance in all aspects of your life because everything in your life is dangerous and can lead you to craziness and despair. Your life and your brain are intrinsically connected.

The unconscious mind helps you in all your fields of endeavor and provides you constant support and guidance through your dreams.

Dream Language

In Craziness Prevention you will read about the characteristics of the 8 psychological types, so that you will be really able to understand what you are trying to do when you interpret the meaning of your dreams.

You try to develop your intelligence by developing the psychological functions of your psyche, which are in an atrophic condition, because they belong to the wild side. The wild side of the psyche has not evolved; it is a primate.

If you belong to a psychological type based on thoughts, through dream interpretation you learn how to pay attention to your feelings and sensations; if you belong to a psychological type based on sensations, you learn how to perceive the action of your intuition and think rationally, and so on, because you have to develop all your psychological functions: thoughts, feelings, sensations and intuition, and you have to become introverted and extroverted at the same time instead of being only introverted or only extroverted, if you want to be really balanced and intelligent.

You have also a glossary of the basic dream symbols, which you should consult until you have learned all the meanings by heart in order to translate the meaning of your dreams.

Dream language is simply a language based on images, instead of being based on words.

It is the silent language of the saintly and wise unconscious mind that gives you many messages at the same time through basic dream symbols and other images.

Dream Interpretation as a Science will teach you first of all how to understand the meaning of your dreams, using many real examples.

The lessons you have in this eBook are not only theoretical, but practical, and that is why they will help you understand how to translate the meaning of your dreams more easily than when you read Craziness Prevention, an eBook that teaches you the value of the psychotherapy provided by the dream messages.

Let’s begin by examining the dreams of a woman in her 30s or 40s:

Dream: I have a recurring dream that I am in my old apartment, and I am cleaning it up and getting ready to move out of it. However, I already live either in my parents’ home or my current home that I live in with my husband and two sons. In my dreams, the apartment rent has not been paid for years and I have my old furniture in it. The landlord is not worried that the rent is overdue but the building is about to be torn down, so I have to get all of my stuff out. Sometimes I dream that me and my husband are packing things up and loading up the car, and other times I dream that I am sorting through toys and clothes or other items that I have never seen before (made up stuff). In some dreams the apartment kitchen is very unclean, dishes left unwashed in the sink, spoiled food in the fridge. So in my dream I am thinking "yuck, I have to clean this up."

Other times I dream that the …..(neighbour) down stairs abandoned their apartment and I go in it and look around at the emptiness. And then a lot of times my dreams are that the apartment is changed. There are more rooms than it really has in reality. The feelings I have when I am in my old apartment are usually good ones, comfort, security, a sense that this is mine and only mine, until the part in my dream when I have to leave it and pack it all up. I miss that little place. But I wish I would stop dreaming about it and MOVE ON!! I feel like it pulls me back at times. Not sure why I would be dreaming about that apartment off and on for the last 10 - 15 years or so!! Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

Recurring dreams are very important!


Now, how do we begin translating them?

First of all, we need details about the dreamer’s life. Without those there are many things we cannot understand and our translation will be too general and vague.

Let’s take a look at her biography:

I am 30 - 40 years old, married to a wonderful man and have two great boys. I have lived in my current home for (around 10) years now. I have been a stay-at-home mom for the past (around 5) years. I am getting ready to … put together a resume and apply for full time work ... I am very blessed and look forward to my family's future. My husband and my kids mean the world to me. I don't have much of a social life. I am not sure I really want one! I feel very busy but very bored at the same time! I feel as though the dream I have mentioned is a way for me to "retreat"????? Retreat to a time that I was only responsible for myself??? I am not quite sure.

Now that we have examined her situation, we can proceed with translating the symbolism of her dreams and understand their meaning.

Here are my translations and my explanations:

Your recurring dream reveals you that you continue to be the same as you were in the past; you have not evolved even though you have grown older and acquired new responsibilities.

Let’s take a closer look at your dreams:

I have a reccurring dream that I am in my old apartment, and I am cleaning it up and getting ready to move out of it. However, I already live either in my parents’ home or my current home that I live in with my husband and two sons.

You are in the part of your psyche which is familiar to you. Your apartment is your psyche and your old apartment, a special place inside your psyche. You are cleaning it up, which means that you are removing what is dirty and bad from this part of your psyche. Dirt in dreams means immorality. So, you were cleaning up the immorality from this old part of your psyche which is familiar to you.

You want to abandon this old part and evolve, because you are not a child, but you remain there, even when living with your husband and kids. When you live in your parents’ house in dreams you are close to the worst parts of your psyche: the mother represents the wild anticonscience, your evil and primitive conscience, and the father represents the human side of the conscience, which is under-developed and selfish, and therefore also absurd.

You must evolve and abandon your parents’ house and your old apartment. You are a grown woman now, and you have to be mature and sensible.

In my dreams, the apartment rent has not been paid for years and I have my old furniture in it. The landlord is not worried that the rent is overdue but the building is about to be torn down, so I have to get all of my stuff out.

The rent has not been paid for years because you don’t have enough psychic energy to maintain the old position. Since you focus on your old apartment, you continue to be how you were in the past, that means you are weak and that is why you don’t have money to pay the rent and the entire building is about to be torn down.

The landlord is not worried that the rent is overdue because it is obvious that you will never be strong enough to pay the rent – or in other words, assume a more mature position. Your position is immature and cannot be supported.

Sometimes I dream that me and my husband are packing things up and loading up the car, and other times I dream that I am sorting through toys and clothes or other items that I have never seen before (made up stuff).

This part of the dream means that you are still the old you, even now that you are married. The toys and other things are childish objects, which means that you are still living as you did in your childhood. Again, not mature at all.

In some dreams the apartment kitchen is very unclean, dishes left unwashed in the sink, spoiled food in the fridge. So in my dream I am thinking "yuck, I have to clean this up."

The kitchen is a very important place because the food you cook represents your own actions. If your kitchen is a dirty mess it means that your actions are disorganized and that you accept immorality.

Other times I dream that the (neighbour) down stairs abandoned their apartment and I go in it and look around at the emptiness.

You will have to tell me how you characterize your neighbour, so that we may understand this part of the dream because your neighbour is a symbol that could have different meanings depending on what he represents to you.

What do you think of when you remember him? How could you characterize him in a few words?

He represents a part of your personality – all people that appear in your dreams are parts of your own personality when you first begin studying dream interpretation. Only later do you start having objective information about the people you know.

So, let’s suppose that he is a single guy that likes going to parties and having fun; then he would represent your own tendency to abandon the life of a married woman who is loyal to her husband and kids.

You see that he abandoned his apartment, and you look at the emptiness, while you are not able to abandon your old apartment: you keep living there, in the past, and having the same personality you used to have when you were young. This part of the dream shows you that other parts of your personality have already abandoned your old self, but you have not realized it yet: you believe that you should continue to be the exact same person you were before.

You have to learn two lessons in this part:

1. You have to stop being the child you were in the past and
2. You have to stop believing that you are still the same, because you have changed a lot in many ways.

You are basically immature and there are parts of your personality that belong to your wild conscience that have already negatively influenced your behavior in many ways, even though you have not noticed the change.

And then a lot of times my dreams are that the apartment is changed. There are more rooms than it really has in reality.

Yes, the apartment has many rooms that you do not know about because there are many parts of your personality that belong to the wild anti-conscience and are not visible to the human side of your conscience: the side of the conscience that you can see.

The wild anti-conscience is an independent conscience that works against the human side of the human conscience, trying to destroy it through craziness in order to control a person’s behavior. This is a very dangerous part, that the human side of our conscience cannot see. So, we do not know about its existence.

However, this evil and animal conscience belongs to us too; it is part of our brain and psyche. This is why you saw that there are more rooms in your old apartment than you thought: there are more parts in your psyche, that y

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