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Spiritual Meanings


Ant: Hardworking; ability to prepare; wisdom. (Prov. 6: 6-8; 30:25)

Bat: Night dweller; blood suckers; unclean; flying creature often related to witchcraft and vampires. (Du. 14: 18; Is. 2: 19-21; Lev. 11: 19)

Bear: Evil men; danger; if one plays dead or if a body is dead, a bear will not pursue them (dead in Christ); Russia; wicked ruler over poor people,

Vindictiveness that is severe; antichrist of the last days; end time dominion and rule; financial matters as in: bear market. (2 Sam. 17: 8; Dan. 7:5; Is.11: 7; Rev. 13: 2; Amos 5: 19; 2 Kings 2: 23-24; Prov. 17: 12)

Beast: Worldly Kingdoms, Cruel, Devouring

Bees: Busy bodies; gossip; group of people; can produce sweet honey, or sting and wound; enemies that crowd around us. (1 Tim. 5: 13; Judges 14: 8; Du. 1: 44; Psalms 118: 12)

Bird: Holy Spirit; evil spirits; wicked rulers; nations that are hostile; Kingdom of God; a mother’s love; God’s provision. (Matt. 6: 29; 13: 32; 23: 37; Is.46: 11)

 Buzzards: Also Ravens and Vultures: Unclean spirits; link with the dead and evil supernatural realm; forsaken by all in death to self. (2Sam. 21: 10; Jer. 7: 33)

 Crane: Alone. (Is. 38: 14; Hos. 7: 11)

 Dove: The Holy Spirit; peace and new life; a sin offering; burnt offering; cleansing; mercy. (Gen. 8: 8-12; Matt. 3: 16; 10: 16; Lev. 5: 7-14; 14:21-22; John 1: 32)

 Eagle: Soaring in the Spirit; good or evil leader; strength, power, and swiftness in both judgment and in delivering God’s people from trouble; the United States of America; Babylon; Beast government; Prophet of God. (Isaiah 40: 31, 46: 11; Jer. 48: 40, Ez. 17: 3, 7; Ex. 19: 4; Rev. 12: 14)

 Feathers: Protection; shield; provision of ability to fly and sore. (Ez. 17: 3-7; Ps. 91: 4; Dan. 4: 33)

 Fowler: To mesmerize; to be trapped. (Ps. 91: 4)

 Owl: Also Lilith’s, Screech Owls and Night Hags: Wisdom through earthly means or from above; evil spirit; unclean spirit; night creature; routinely secluded. (Is. 13: 21; 34: 13-14; 43: 20; Ps. 102: 6; Job 30: 29)

 Pelican: Lonely person, Independent, Efficient worker

 Raven: See buzzard.

 Sparrow: Provision; food; God’s care for his creation. (Matt. 10: 29-30)

 Stork: Loneliness, Production

 Turtle Dove: Holy Spirit

 Wings: Refuge; God’s presence; safety; ability to fly away and escape danger. (Ps. 91: 4, 17: 8, 61: 4)

Camel: A servant’s heart; to bear the load. (Gen. 24: 10, 31-32)

Cankerworm, Caterpillar: Destruction, Devourer, Destroyer, Famine

Cat: Also Tigers, Leopards and Cheetahs: Unclean spirit; danger lying in wait; crafty; mysterious, strong self will; witchcraft; someone that is unattainable; unless personal pet. In the case of a personal pet, a cat can mean something or someone dear to your heart. A personal pet that is a leopard, could be a pet sin! (Jer. 5:6, 13: 23; Hos. 13: 7)

Cheetahs: Also Tigers, Leopards and Cats: Unclean spirit.

Chicken: Also Hen, Rooster, and Chick: A gatherer; to mother; Israel. (Luke 13: 34; 22: 34; Matt. 23: 27; John 18: 27)

Cow: Also Heifer, Bull, Calf and Cattle: The young: believers who are sanctified; agile; sacrifice; food; playful; worship of golden: immorality; great sin; punishment; an apostasy; blood of is not sufficient; evil men; mighty men; God’s sacrifice and strength; ashes of sacrifice kept, mixed with water to purify; slaughtered and burned outside the camp; for sacrifice must be without blemish and never been in bondage to sin (never yoked); fall short of the sacrifice of Christ; expediency that is not proper; festive joy with shame. (Num. 18: 17; 19: 1-22; Lev. 9: 2-3; Amos 6: 4; Ps. 22: 13; 29: 6; 68: 30; Ex. 32: 4-6, 21-35; 1 Cor. 10: 6-8; Matt. 10: 29-30; Luke 15: 23, 27; Heb. 9: 13; 10: 4; Du. 33: 17; Is. 34: 6-7; Gen. 15:9; Judges 14: 18; Jer. 50:11)

Crocodile: See Leviathan, Also Dinosaur and Alligator.

Deer: Also Hind: Seeking water; ability to leap; quickness in stride; comeliness; our soul longing for the Lord. (Is. 35: 6; Ps. 18: 32; 42: 1-2; Song 2:17; 2 Sam. 22: 34)

Dinosaur: See Leviathan, Also Crocodile and Alligator.

Dog: Note type of dog and relationship to dog: biting dog is dissension; hypocrite; attack against God’s work; accusation; if a personal pet: something or someone dear to your heart; personal pet that is a wolf: pet sin, or warning you of an attack on the sheep; Judizers; watchman as in Elder or prophet as watchdog; returning to sin; false teachers. (Prov. 26: 11-17; Phil. 3:2; Ez. 3: 17; Gal. 5 15; Ps. 22: 16; Rev. 22: 15; 2 Peter 2: 22; Matt. 7: 6)

Donkey: Also Mule: Hard headed; endurance; self willed, single-minded, determined, and unyielding; riding: victory over self-will and humility. (Ex. 4: 20; Mark 11: 2; Prov. 26: 3; Num. 22: 25; 2 Peter 2: 16; Hosea 8: 9)

Dragon: A high level of demonic attack; spiritual wickedness in high places; antichrist; Satan. (Rev. 12:3-9; 13: 2-4; 16: 1; 20: 2)

Fish: The newly saved; men’s souls; clean and unclean men or spirits; miraculous provision of food in mass. (Ez. 4: 19; Lev. 11: 9-12; Matt 4: 19; 17:24)

Flea: Not substantial; annoyance; subtle; inconvenience. (1 Sam. 24: 14)

Fly: Beelzebub; demons; corruption of the house or possession by demonic spirits of the person. (Ecc. 10: 1; Matt. 12: 24)

Fox: Also Jackal: Secret sins; crafty man; enemies of the cross; skill for evil; desolation and crying in the night; divining prophets; suck the life flow from lambs (blood). (Jer. 9: 11; Rev. 13: 11; Is. 35: 6- 7; Ez. 13: 4-6; Song 2: 15; Luke 13: 32)

Frog: Demon spirits; lying nature; sorcery; speaking curses. (Rev. 16: 13; Ex. 8: 1-15; Ps. 78: 45)

Goat: Carnal, fleshly Christians; unbelief; Christian or group of Christians walking in sin; the cursed, “scapegoat” or “goat of removal” showing that our sins have been removed as far as the east is from the west; opposite of lambs; carriers of sin; our need to obtain forgiveness of sin; mixed with sheep, but not called the shepherds “own.” (Ex. 25: 4; Matt. 25: 31-46; Lev. 16: 8, 15, 20-22; Ps. 103: 12; Heb. 13: 12)

Grasshopper: Also Locust: Trouble and devastation to crops; instrument of God’s judgment upon nations that are rebellious; destroyer; subordinate position; numbers of a mighty army;  encumberment; trivial; good for eating. (Ex. 10: 1-20; Rev. 9: 7-11; Is. 40: 22; Num. 13: 33;

Joel 2: 1-11, 25; Lev. 11: 20-23; Mark 1: 6; Ecc. 12: 5)

Hare: See Rabbit.

Horse: Instruments of battle; power and strength of the flesh; time period of work; a powerful work of God on the earth, in the Spirit; tenaciousness, single-mindedness and aggressiveness; in transportation: battle; not to trust in over the name of the Lord. (This would carry over into our modern day weapons and modes of transport). (Job 39: 19; Ps. 32: 9; 33: 17; 66: 12; Prov. 26: 3; Jer. 5: 8; 8: 6; Rev. 6: 1-8; 19: 11, 14, 19,21;Zech. 1: 8; 10: 3; 2 Kings 2: 11; Hos. 14: 3; James 3: 3; Amos 8: 11; John 16: 2) In A Dream, In A Vision of the Night Job 33:15-18 Different color horses are important:

 Black: Famine; evil.

 Bay (flame-colored): Anointing, power, fire.

 Pale: Death.

 Red: Persecution, bloodshed; enemy warring against God’s people.

 White: War of conquest; God’s mighty army)

Lamb: Also Sheep: Jesus as our sacrifice; true believers; gentleness; blamelessness and purity led to the slaughter; saints; the church; Israel. (Is. 53: 7; 2 Sam. 2: 17; Luke 10: 3;Matt. 10: 6; 25: 33; John 1: 29, 36; 1 Peter 1: 19)

Leopards: See Tigers, Cheetahs and Cats.

Leviathan: Also Crocodile and Dinosaur: Creature that cannot be tamed with the natural strength of man; demon; evil spirit; ancient demonic control; only the Lord has power over. (Job 41: 1-10; Ps. 74: 14; 104: 26)

Lice: Accusation; shame; plague. (Ex. 8: 16-18)

Lion: Jesus; conqueror; overcoming bold saints; Satan the devourer; warrior; transformation; victory; persecution; dominions of the world; antichrist. (Ez. 1: 10; Prov. 28: 1; 30: 30; Is. 11: 6-8; John 18: 37; Rev. 5: 5; 13: 2; 17: 14; 19: 16; 1 Peter 5: 8; Ps. 22: 13; 91: 13; Dan. 7: 1-4)

Locusts: See Grasshopper.

Pig: Also Sow and Swine: An unclean (fleshly) people; legalistic Christians; dull minded to spiritual things; phony and hypocritical; a foolish woman; false teachers; detestable things. (Matt. 7: 6; Prov. 11: 22; Is. 65: 4; 66: 3; 2 Peter 2: 22; Ps. 80: 13)

Rabbit: Also Hare: Satan; evil spirits; pagan celebration of Easter; rapid multiplication. (Du. 14: 7; Lev. 11: 6; Josh. 19: 20)

Ram: Male sheep or goat, Pride, Strength

Scorpion: Evil spirits; sin nature; burdens that are heavy; lust of the flesh; deception; a stringing deadly pain; satanic; spirit of the antichrist; poisonous. (Luke 10: 19; Rev. 9: 3, 5, 10; 1 Cor. 15: 56; Rom. 7: 23; 1 Kings 12: 11; Du. 8: 15; 2 Chron. 10: 11)

Serpent: Also Snake: Satan; earthly, sensual wisdom; crafty and cunning; Christ made sin for us; cursed; criticism and gossip, persecution if viper;

divination if python or constrictor; beguiling; drunkenness; malice; evil that is sudden; enemies; vileness of hate of the sinner. (Gen. 3: 1; 49:17; Rev. 12: 9; 20: 2; 20: 2; Mark 3: 7; Acts 16: 16; Matt. 10: 16; John 3: 14; Prov. 23: 31-32; Ps. 58: 3-4; Ecc. 10: 8; Is. 14: 29)

Sheep: See Lamb.

Snake: See Serpent.

Spider: False doctrine; unstable; without any deity; enticing demonic presence. (Is. 59: 5; Ecc.7: 26; Job 8: 14; Prov. 8: 14; 27: 18; 30: 24)

Spiders web: deception, caught in a trap

Tigers: Also Cheetah, Leopards and Cats.

Wolf: Plan to destroy God’s flock; deviant; wolf in sheep’s clothing; brazen; false prophet; opportunistic; prowl round at night. (Matt. 7: 15; 10: 16; John 10: 12; Is. 11: 6; Jer. 5: 6)

Worm: Also Maggot: Detested; disease; humility; no dignity; filthiness of the flesh; destruction; eat off of flesh; destructive to vines and tree; likened to the misery and suffering of the lost soul in hell; crucified Messiah. (Ex. 16: 20; Du 28: 39; Is 14: 11, 66: 24, 51: 8; Job 25: 6; Ps. 22: 6; Mark 9: 48)


Black: Opposite of white and purity; judgment of God; death; famine; sin; ignorance; darkness; demonic army; Jesus’ depth on the cross. (Rev. 6: 2-12; Lam. 4: 8; Jer. 8: 21; Matt 27: 45; Ps. 18: 9, 11; 97:2; 104: 2; Ex. 20: 21; Zeph. 1: 15; Joel 2: 2)

Blue: The Holy Spirit; heaven; heavenly visitation. (Numbers 15: 38; Ex. 28; Num. 4)

Brown (or Tan): Green life turns this color (withers) when dead; born again; without spirit; repentance or turning from dead works. (1 Peter 1: 24; Ps.

37: 2)

Burgundy: The Red Earth, Selfish, Covetous, Sin

Cream: Healing

Gold: is in METALS.

Gray: See also Silver in METALS: Mixture of black and white; deception; compromise; truth mixed with tradition. See also Silver in METALS section. (Hosea 7: 9)

Emerald: Mercy

Green: Life; can be good or evil life; life of the flesh;. provision; rest and peace. Conscience (1 Peter 1: 24; Gen. 1: 30; 9: 3; Ps. 23: 2)

Orange: Also Peach and Tan: If Halloween orange or warning street sign, orange can mean: In A Dream, In A Vision of the Night Job 33:15-18

Great danger; forceful power; warning; caution. Strong anointing as in fire of God; Holy Spirit in fire; God’s protection;. purification; persecution;

love; God’s vengeance; angels. (Prov. 6: 27; Acts 2: 3; Zech. 5: 2; Is. 6: 5-7; Luke 12: 49-53; Song 8: 6; Heb. 12: 29; Heb. 1:7)

Pink: See Red, Tan and Orange (Peach.) It can mean flesh, as it is the color of flesh; can be watered down blood, or a watered down gospel, or lack of passion for gospel. (Rev. 6: 7, 17: 3-6; Ex. 26: 14)

Purple: Kingly; wealth; prince; authority; political power and wealth in the sense of dishonesty and wickedness (Babylon); royalty; majesty power in wealth and royalty; expensive to buy. (Dan. 7: 5, 16, 29; Judges 8: 26; John 19: 2, 5; Rev. 17: 4; 18: 16; Acts 16: 14; Prov. 6: 27; Acts 2: 3; Zech. 5: 2; Is. 6: 5- 7; Luke 12: 49-53; Song 8: 6; Heb. 12: 29; Heb. 1:7)

Red: Also Scarlet and Crimson: The blood of Jesus; warfare; sacrifice; passion; strong emotion; forgiveness; cleansing; zealousness; deep sins;

conquest; wine; complexion. (Lev. 4: 7; Prov. 23: 31; Rev. 6: 4-7, 12: 3; 17: 3-6; Ex. 26: 14; 2 Kings 3: 22; Lev. 14: 4, 6, 49-52; Heb. 9: 11; Is. 1: 18; Na. 2: 3; Josh 2: 18, 21)

Silver: See MEDALS.

White: Purity that dispels the darkness; righteousness; God’s majesty; blameless; washed white by the blood; redeemed; God’s glory; white is associated with light and the new heavens and earth; victory; completion; can also be purely evil. (Rev. 1: 14; 2: 17, 3: 4; 6: 2, 11; 20: 11; Is. 1:18; Dan. 7: 9; John 4: 35; Mark 16: 4)

Yellow: See also Gold in MEDALS: Something good; honor; infirmity; unclean, sin. (Ps. 68: 13, Lev 13:30,32,36)


Brass: Judgment of sin; hardness of heart; Word of God; strength; Christ’s glory; willful disobedience; judged; man’s word; replacement. (Ex. 26: 19;Num. 21: 9; Rev. 1: 15; Is. 48: 4; Heb. 13: 10-13; Ex. 27: 13; 1 Corinthians; 13: 1; 2 Chron. 12: 10)

Gold: The riches of the glory of God; enduring capacity of the believer as over-comer; unchanging holiness; wisdom; glory; righteousness; glorifying self when used as adornment or as idol worship. (Lam. 4: 2; Ps. 19: 10, 119: 72; Rev. 3: 18, 21: 18. 21; 1 Cor. 3: 12; Ex. 20: 23; Is. 40: 19; Job 22: 25)

Iron: Also Steel: Power; strongholds; stubborn; strength; blight; strict rules; crushing power; judgment. (Rev. 2: 27; Du. 28: 23; 48; Dan. 2: 40)

Lead: Heaviness; burden; sinfulness. (Zech. 5: 8; Ex. 15: 10)

Silver: Understanding; knowledge; purity; cleanliness; redemption; idolatry; Words of God; promises of God; worldly knowledge; cleansed and ready for use; very precious to God; used as betrayal; furnace of adversity. (Proverbs 2: 3-4; Ex. 26: 19; Gen. 37: 28; Judges 17: 4; 1 Kings 7: 51;

Ez. 7: 19-20; Matt. 26: 15; Is. 1: 22; Acts 19: 24; 1 Cor. 3: 12; Job 28: 1; Ps. 12: 6)

Tin: Cheap; flimsy; imitation; dross. (Is. 1: 25; 51: 17-22; Ez. 22: 18-19; Ps. 75: 8; 119: 119)


One: Also First: New; beginning; unity; timing; position or order primacy; deity; sufficiency. (Du. 6:4; John 17: 21; Matt. 6: 33; Ex. 20: 3; Rev. 1: 11, 17; 2: 8; Is. 44: 6; 45: 5-6)

Two: Witnessing; separation; discernment; wholeness in marriage; division; enmity; opposition; dividing light and darkness; relationship between God and man is closely tied to our relationship with man. (Gen. 1: 6-8, 27; 2: 24; 16: 21; Ex. 31: 18; Ecc. 4: 9-10; Matt. 19: 5-6; 22: 37-40; 1 Tim. 5: 19; John 8: 17; Rev. 11: 2-4)

Three and Third: Complete; perfection; witness; divine fullness; solid attributes; Godhead; conform; resurrection power over sin; divine fullness. (Romans 3: 9; 6: 9; 1 Sam. 3: 8; Jonah 1: 16-17; 20: 1-9; 1 John 5: 6- 7; Col. 2: 9; Eph. 3: 19; 4: 13; John 1: 16)

Four: World; earth; creation; creative work; four winds; four seasons; four corners of the earth; rule and reign over the earth; global implications such as east, west, north, south; territorial specific realm implications. (Gen. 2: 10; 41: 34; Rev. 5: 9; 7: 1, 9; 13: 7; Is. 58: 6-10; Ez. 42: 20; 46: 21; Lev. 11: 20-27; 27: 31; John 8: 34; 1 Cor. 15: 39)

Five: Grace; atonement; fivefold ministry; service (five fingers on the hand); bondage; complete wellness. (Is. 1: 12-14; Matt. 25: 2; Eph. 4: 11; Mark 6: 38-40; Luke 9: 13- 16; Gen. 1: 20-23)

Six: Man; beast; Satan; flesh; carnal; toil and strain of the flesh or natural realm; work; sorrow; secular completeness. (Rev. 13: 18; 1 Sam. 17: 4-7; Gen. 1: 26-31; 4: 17-18; 2 Peter 3: 8; 2 Sam. 21: 20; Num. 35: 15)

Seven: Completion; finished work; perfection; rest; perfection in the Spirit. (Gen. 2: 1-3; Lev. 14: 7; 16: 14, 19; Matt. 18: 21-22; Jude 14; Rev. 2: 1; 8:2; 12: 3)

Eight: Circumcision of the flesh; liberty; salvation; new beginning; resurrection life; die to self. (Gen. 17: 12; 1 Peter 3: 20-21; 2 Chron. 29: 17; 2 Peter 1: 14)

Nine: Fruit of the Spirit; gifts of the Spirit; finality; harvest; fullness of development. (Matt. 27: 45; Judges 4: 1-3; Gal. 5: 22-23; 1 Cor. 12: 4-11)

Ten: Government; law (commandments); order; tithe; measure; trial; testing. (Lev. 27: 32; Ex. 34: 28; Rev. 2: 10; 12: 3; Matt. 25:1- 13)

Eleven: End; finish; final; incomplete; disorder; lawlessness. Bridging the gap. (Gen. 27: 9; 32: 33; Du. 11: 8; Ex. 26: 7; Matt. 20: 9-12)

Twelve: Divine government and election; apostolic fullness; discipleship; The Church; people of God; united; oversight. (Gen. 49: 28; Numbers 13:1-16; Matt. 3: 14; Luke 9: 1- 2; 22: 30; Rev. 12: 1; 21: 12; Rev. 22: 2; Ex. 15: 27; 29: 15; 1 Cor. 1: 10)

Thirteen: Rebellion; rejection; backsliding. (Gen. 14: 4; Esther 9: 11; 1 King 7: 1)

Fourteen: Passover; recreate, reproduce; servant. (Ex. 12: 6; 1 Kings 8: 65; Num. 9: 5; Gen. 31: 41)

Fifteen: Deliverance; grace; freedom; rest. (Lev. 23: 6-7; Hos. 3: 2; Gen. 7: 20; 2 Kings 20: 6)

Sixteen: Not under the law because of love; free; salvation. (Acts 27: 34; 37-38)

Seventeen: Spiritual order; incomplete; immature. God’s presence in the midst of danger Preservation through judgment(Gen. 7:11, 8:4, 37: 2; 1 Chron. 25: 5; Jer. 32: 9)

Eighteen: Bondage; judgment; destruction; captivity. (Judges 10: 7-8; Luke 13: 11-16)

Nineteen: Faith; void of self-righteousness; ashamed; barren of flesh or of Spirit; repentance. (2 Samuel 2: 30; Rom. 6: 21)

Twenty: Holy; redemption. (Ex. 30: 12-14; Rev. 4: 4)

Twenty Five: Judgment to apostate believers, Israel, church. (Ezk 8:16, 11:1, Judges 20:35,46, 1Kgs 22:42

Twenty-four: Perfection in government; priesthood; consecration; maturity. (Rev. 4: 4-10; Josh. 4: 2-9; 1 Chron. 24: 3-5; 25: 1-12; 1 Kings 19: 19)

Thirty: Beginning of ministry; maturity for ministry; blood of Christ. (Luke 3: 23; Gen. 41: 16; Num. 4: 3)

Forty: Trials; testing. (Matt. 4: 2; Num. 13: 25; 14: 33-34; Ex. 34:27-28; Matt. 26: 15; Acts 1: 6; 7: 30)

Fifty: Pentecost; Holy Spirit; jubilee; liberty; freedom. (Lev. 23: 16; 25: 10-11; Ex. 26: 5-6; 1Ki 18:13; 2 Kings 2: 7; Num. 8: 21)

Seventy: Transference of God’s Spirit; multitude; increase; restoration. (Num. 11: 16-29; Gen. 4: 24; 11: 26; 46: 27; Ex. 1: 5-6; 15: 27; 24: 1-9; Luke 10: 1)

Seventy-five: Cleansing and purifying; separating. (Gen. 12: 4; Dan. 12: 5-13)

One hundred: Fullness; people of promise. (Mark 10: 30; Gen. 26: 12; 1Ki 18:13)

One hundred and Twenty: Start of life in the Spirit; end of flesh life. (Acts 1: 5; 2 Chron. 3: 4; 5: 12; Gen. 6: 3; Du. 34: 7)

One Hundred and twenty seven: (Esther 1:1, 8:9, 9:30)

One hundred and forty-four: God’s fullness in all He has creation. (Rev. 7: 1-6; 14: 1-3; 21: 17; 1 Chron. 25: 7)

One hundred and Fifty: End of the judgment by water. (Gen. 8: 3)

One hundred and Fifty-three: Bringing in the harvest; revival. (John 21: 6-4)

Two Hundred: Inadequacy of needs being met in the natural and/or in the Spirit. (2 Sam. 14: 26; Josh. 7: 21; John 6:7, 21:8; Acts 23:23)

Three hundred: God’s chosen; God’s remnant. (Judges 7 & 8; 15: 4; Esther 9:15; Gen. 5: 22; 6: 15)

Three hundred ninety: God’s chosen; God’s remnant as in the nation of Israel. (Is. 7: 8; Ez. 4: 5)

Five hundred: (Esther 9:12)

Six-Six-Six: Antichrist; Satan; number of man; mark of the beast. (Rev. 13: 18; Dan. 3: 17)

Thousands: Coming to maturity. (Joshua 3: 3-4; 1 Sam. 17: 5, 33; Eph. 4: 13; Rev. 12: 18; 14: 9-11)

Two Thousand: Church age ending in resurrection. (Joshua 3: 4)

Ten Thousand: God’s army taught and led by God. (Du. 33: 2-3, Jude 14)

Twelve Thousand: The Lords mighty army. (Rev. 7: 5-8)

One hundred and forty-four thousand: The salvation of the world. (Rev. 7: 4)


Callings, Characteristics, Relationships, Relatives, Personalities, Professions and More

Angel: Messenger sent from God- could also be person from church, Good or bad, Protector, Angel- good or bad

Baby: New birth; barren women pitied; reproductive; ministry in its infancy stage; helpless; new Christian; baby Christian; new move of God; spiritual immaturity; reward; fruitfulness; new covenant; miracle. (1 Corinthians 3: 1; Gen. 21: 6; 1 Sam. 2: 1-10; 2 Kings 4: 11-17; Gen. 16: 1-6; Ps. 127: 3; Ex. 1: 15-22; 2: 1-10; 1 Peter 2: 2; Heb. 5: 13)

Bride: See also Wife, Marriage and Groom: Covenant relationship; the church or the remnant; unfaithfulness or faithfulness in the natural things or the spiritual things; miraculous transformation. (Ephesians 5: 31-32; Hos. 1: 2; 2 Corinthians 6: 14; 11: 2; Rev. 19: 7-9; 20-22; John 21-10; Is. 62: 5)

Brother: See also Sister and Friend: The Holy Spirit; a spiritual brother in the church; yourself; someone who has similar qualities to you; the brother himself; can be disorderly, or in need of admonishment, or weak, or evil, in need, or can be falsely judged. (Hebrews 13: 3; 1 Cor. 1: 1; Amos 1; 9; 1 Cor. 8: 11-13; 2 Thess. 3: 6; James: 1: 9; Romans 14: 10-21; 2 Thess. 3: 15; 1 Timothy 5: 1)

Brother-in-law: See also Sister-in-law: Same as a brother, yet under the law; minister involved in another church; yourself; the brother-in-law himself; adversity; someone who has similar qualities to him. (Esther 7: 6; Exodus 18: 17; Gal. 3: 5, 42-26; 4: 21; Romans 4: 13-15; 1 Timothy 5: 1)

Carpenter: Jesus; a preacher of the gospel. (2 Kings 22: 6; Is. 41: 7; Mark 6: 3)

Clown: The carnal nature; playing with God; childishness; work of the flesh. (Ecc. 7: 4)

Daughter: Child of God; ministry that is your child in the Spirit; look at similar character traits in yourself; the child herself; prophesy; complacent;

dutiful; beautiful; given to lust; ideal. (Ez 16: 44; Joel 2: 28; Proverbs 31: 29; Gen. 19: 30-38; Judges 11: 36-39; Is. 32: 9-11; Ps. 45: 9-13)

Doctor: See also Hospital: Healer; authority; wisdom of the world; minister; Jesus. (2 Chronicles 16: 12; Mark 2: 17; 5: 26)

Driver: The one in control of ministry or marriage, or life, etc. What is the of the driver, and who is he or she driving? (2 Kings 9: 20)

Drunkard: Also Drug Addict: Under the influence of a spirit that is either righteous or wrong; controlled; rebellion; completely overcome in an addicted manner to something other than the Lord (like having another god before them); self indulging; destruction; turbulent seas; lightheadedness; error; spiritual blindness; global commotion; persecution; debased mind; poverty; justice that is corrupted; mind turmoil; Unbridled lust; disorderly behavior; slumber. (Acts 2: 13-18; Eph. 5: 18; Luke 21: 34; Rev. 17: 4; Is. 49: 26; 19: 14; 28: 7; 29: 9-11; 5: 22, 23; ;Jer. 25: 15-29; Prov. 20: 1; 23: 21; Ps. 107: 25-27; 1 Thess. 5: 6, 7; Rom. 13: 13)

Employee: Also Servants: Showing who is in submission in a certain situation; actual person; servant. (Col. 3: 22)

Employer: Also Master: Showing who is in charge in a certain situation; Good or evil authority depending on the character and actions of the person in dream; Pastor; satan. (Col. 4: 1)

Family: See also Father, Mother, Daughter and Son: Church family; or natural family; assembly or team or group that is in covenant together; harmony and oneness; eternal bond; order or disorder; fellowship; relationships. (Eph. 1: 5; 3: 14-15; 5: 23; Gen. 13: 16; Col. 3: 18-21; Matt. 10: 13; Heb. 9: 15; Col. 1: 12; Rev. 22: 3-5; 1 Cor. 11: 3; Rom. 8: 17)

Farmer: See Barn and Field: Minister in any capacity; Pastor; Preacher; sowing and reaping; diligence; rewards; harvest. (Mark 4: 14; Prov. 24: 30-34; Luke 12: 16-21; 2 Cor. 9: 6-11; Gen. 8: 22; Matt. 13: 30)

Father: See also Family, Mother, Daughter and Son: Father God; the Holy Spirit; authority that is natural and/or spiritual; birthright; tradition; satan; natural father; supplier of needs; trainer; the one who nourishes; head of household; Father’s house can be the Temple or heaven. (John 8: 44, 54; Hos. 11: 1-3; Matt. 7: 8-11; Is. 1: 2; Ex. 6: 14; John 2: 14-16; 14: 2)

Father-in-law: See also Mother-in-Law: Same as above but a father under the law; the actual father-in-law himself; advisor. (Exodus 18: 17; Gal. 3:5, 42-26; 4: 21; Romans 4: 13- 15)

Foreigner: Also Sojourner, Stranger, Unknown Man and Alien: Not of the fold; someone to view with care; not a citizen of heaven (because ofnot accepting Jesus Christ as Lord); wanderer; cursed; no longer a part of the world (as living in but not being of). (Gen. 11: 1-9; Lam. 5: 2;

Ruth 5: 10; Matt. 8: 20; Eph. 2: 19; 3: 1-6; 1 Cor. 4: 11; 1 Peter 2: 11)

Friend: See also Brother and Sister: Jesus; faithfulness; can tempt others to sin; sacrifice; similar to the dreamer in position in society, personality traits both in strengths and weaknesses and things that appeal to them. (1 Sam. 15: 8; 18: 1; 20: 11-16; Prov. 17: 17; 18: 24; Ps. 41: 9; Prov. 27: 7; John 15: 13; Du. 13: 6-8)

Giant: Angel; demon; challenge; mountain that needs overcoming. (Numbers 13: 32-33; 2 Sam. 21: 16-22; Gen. 6: 4; Du. 2: 10-11, 21; 9: 2; 1 Chron. 20: 4-8)

Governor: Also Kings, Judges, Caesars, Emperors, Princes, Pharaohs and Rulers: Person in charge in the church and/or natural; government, authority; the Lord; rule and reign. (Mal. 1:8; Acts 23: 24, 26; Ps. 84: 3; 100: 4; 2 Chron. 18: 33; 1 Kings 16: 16; Prov. 21: 1)

Grandchild: Inherited blessing or iniquity; one’s spiritual heritage; actual grandchild; ministry that came from someone who came out of your ministry; heir; virtue in the family. (Ex. 34: 7; 2 Kings 17: 41; 1 Tim. 5: 4)

Grandmother: Also Grandfather: Righteous or unrighteous spiritual inheritance; past; wisdom. (Proverbs 13: 22; 2 Tim. 1: 5)

Groom: See also Marriage and Bride: Christ the Bridegroom; marriage; headship; God. (John 3: 29; Ez. 16: 8-14)

Guard: See also Police: Protection and defense; vigilance and sober mindedness; keep prisoners in prison; power; training of soul and flesh; God’s ability to keep us. (2 Tim. 1: 12; Eph. 6: 10-18; 1 Peter 5: 8; 2 Kings 10: 25; Acts 16: 27; Prov. 4: 13; 13: 6; 21: 23)

Guest: Angel; messenger; celebration; witnesses of God’s sovereignty and justice; the Lord Jesus in our hearts; evil presence. (1 Sam. 16: 5; Zeph. 1: 7; Rev. 19: 9; 22: 17; John 14: 6; Gen. 12: 16; 19: 3, 24)

Harlot: Also Prostitute: Adultery; temptation; snare; covetousness; worldly church; enticement; unfaithful Israel or church; loves God much when forgiven. (Rev. 17: 5; Jer. 2: 20-24; 3: 3; Is. 1: 2; Prov. 2: 16;- 19 5: 3-5; 6: 26; 7: 6-27;-23 9: 13-18; Hos. 2: 7; 4: 12; Luke 7: 36-50; Matt. 21:31; 1 Cor. 6: 9-11)

Husband: Also see Marriage and Groom: The Lord Jesus; satan; actual person; to be honored; ex-husband could be bondage to the world. (Is. 54:5; Prov. 5: 18, 19; 1 Cor. 14: 34, 35; 1 Peter 3: 7; Gen. 3: 16; Jer. 3: 20)

Judge: Also Kings, Governors, Caesar’s, Emperors, Princes, Pharaohs and Rulers: Father God; conscienceless toward sin or guilt; authority; satan; one anointed to make decisions; accuser; unjust; Jesus. (1 Cor. 11: 31; Psalm 75: 7; 94: 20; Acts 23: 3; 17: 31; James 5: 9; Mic. 7: 3)

Lawyer: Also Attorney: Counselor; prosecutor or accuser; defender; Christ; legalism; just advocate; mediator. (Rev. 12: 10; Luke 11: 46; 22: 66-71; Titus 3: 13; 1 John 2: 1; 14: 16, 26)

Man (unknown person): Also see Foreigner: God’s messenger; demonic messenger; evil motive; if a kind stranger: Jesus; Son of Man; humanity of Jesus. (Heb. 13: 2; 2: 14-16; John 3: 16; Luke 19: 10; Gen. 11: 1-9; Lam. 5: 2; Ruth 5: 10; Matt. 8: 20; Eph. 2: 19; 3: 1-6; 1 Cor. 4: 11; 1 Peter 2: 11)

 Old Man: Carnality; wisdom. (Rom. 6: 6, 5: 17; Heb. 13: 2; 2: 14-16; John 3: 16; Luke 19: 10; Gen. 11: 1-9; Lam. 5: 2; Ruth 5: 10; Matt. 8: 20; Eph. 2:1, 19; 3: 1-6; 1 Cor. 2: 14; 4: 11; 1 Peter 2: 11)

 Tax man: The Devourer, Unjust weights and scales

Mother: Church; Jerusalem; charity and love; comfort; Holy Spirit; meddler; mother herself; spiritual mother; teacher; tremendously evil end time apostate church. (Gal. 4: 26; Gen. 3: 20; Ps. 87: 5-6; Rev. 17: 5; Hos. 2: 2, 5; Prov. 31; Rom. 16: 13; Ez. 23: 2; Jer. 50: 12)

Mother-in-law: Also see Father-in-law: Church; Jerusalem above; meddler; mother-in-law herself; false teachers; tremendously evil end time apostate church. (Gal. 4: 26; Gen. 3: 20; Ps. 87: 5-6; Rev. 17: 5; Hos. 2: 2, 5; Prov. 31; Rom. 16: 13; Ez. 23: 2; Jer. 50: 12)

Police: See also Guard, Lawyer and Judge: Spiritual authority of the church; Pastor or Elders; protection; natural authority; angels or demons;

enforcer of the curse of the law. (Hebrews 1: 7, 14; Luke 12: 11; 22: 25; Ps. 94: 20; 2 Cor. 10: 8; Titus 2: 15; 2 Tim. 1: 12; Eph. 6: 10-18; 1 Peter 5: 8; 2 Kings 10: 25; Acts 16: 27; Prov. 4: 13; 13: 6; 21: 23)

Preacher and/or Pastor: Also Priest and Prophet: Representing God; wife of a preacher could be the church; spiritual authority. (Jer. 3: 15; 23: 1; Jude 24-25; Rom. 10: 14; 12: 1- 2; 2 Cor. 11: 13; Heb. 4: 14-16; Gal. 3: 27)

Sister: See Brother: Sister in Jesus; similar qualities you see in yourself or someone else; herself; the Church. (Matt. 12: 50; Rom. 14: 10-21; 16: 1; 2 John 13; Hebrews 13: 3; Amos 1; 9; 1 Cor. 1: 1; 8: 11-13; Luke 10: 38-42; 2 Thess. 3: 6, 15; James: 1: 9; 2: 15; 1 Timothy 5: 2)

Sister-in-law: See also Brother-in-Law: Same as sister only under the law; Minister involved in another church; yourself; the sister-in-law herself; someone who has similar qualities to her. (Esther 7: 6; 1 Timothy 5: 2; Exodus 18: 17; Gal. 3: 5, 42-26; 4: 21; Romans 4: 13-15)

Soldier: See also Guard and Police: Spiritual warfare; God’s ability to keep us; angel;= warring in the Spirit; demon with the purpose of warring; persecution; working for the Lord. (Rev. 12: 7, 10; 2 Tim. 1: 12; 2: 4; Phil. 2: 25; Eph. 6: 10-18; 1 Peter 5: 8; 2 Kings 10: 25; Acts 16: 27; Prov. 4: 13; 13: 6; 21: 23)

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