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Boosting on LinkedIn


LinkedIn offers certain targeting aspects that are unique. Creating audiences from job functions, skills, degrees, and job titles opens a door of possibilities for recruiters looking to find qualified candidates for job openings.

We recommend promoting LinkedIn posts but since LinkedIn’s traffic costs more, we suggest promoting for at least $5/day.

The audience on LinkedIn is more about professional networking than casual social use, which has an effect on the presence that ads have there, naturally. Consider that, while certain products may have traction if targeted correctly, the CPC could be so high that you may not even break even.

Sponsoring on LinkedIn serves the user best when boosting to a niche audience that will engage and convert. Experimentation is expensive, so you should have a pretty good idea for targeting prior to spending the money.

Here’s what else you should know:

You can sponsor directly from your feed. If you decide to do this, you’ll be taken to another page to determine which update you’d like to boost, what audiences to boost to, and what budget you’d like to set.

From our experience, organic engagement rates have been pretty low in general on LinkedIn when compared to posts on other media; but when we tried boosting, we saw improvement.

The results speak for themselves. There’s a noticeable increase in impressions and engagements with sponsorship, but the quality isn’t necessarily greater than what we may have acquired from boosting on Facebook or Twitter.