Introduction ................................................................................................. 3
The search for a webmaster ........................................................................ 5
What is driving the Herald to success and how you can do the same? ..... 10
Using social media to build your newspaper ............................................ 11
Our decision to be a corporation ............................................................... 13
How we moved along ............................................................................... 14
Determining your format .......................................................................... 20
What you will need to get started ............................................................. 23
Step by step through the Herald's income plan ........................................ 26
What the Herald didn't do......................................................................... 29
Dispelling the myth that will get you more business ................................ 32
Constantly continue to engage the community ......................................... 34
In conclusion of a never concluded process ............................................. 35
Intent to create a community news outlet for Logan County.................... 37
The baby is on the loose and we are trying to catch it - Editorial............. 39
Area businesses agree with Herald's fundraising philosophy ................... 41