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Is Hair Transplant The Right Treatment For You?

A lot of people face hair loss due to different reasons. Genetic hair loss is one of the most common types of hair loss. This scalp disease takes place when genes and hormones of the body are involved in making your scalp total y bald. Genetic baldness is a hereditary problem. It means, your next generations are more likely to face the problem if you are experiencing male pattern baldness or genetic hair loss.

If you are not sure about the type of hair loss, you need a hair

doctor in Indore.

Mostly hair doctors recommend hair transplant surgery for the treatment of genetic hair loss. Bringing hair fol icles to the scalp back is not possible. However, hair loss experts may change the place of baldness-resistant hairs that grow in the back and sides

of the head. Since the hairs are baldness resistant, they wil grow in the treated area with ful strength.

You can surely have hair transplant surgery for your hair loss you have to think about your candidacy.

To determine your candidacy, you have to consider the fol owing factors:

Type and severity of hair loss:

Your surgeon wil check the severity of hair loss before determining a treatment for you. If you have enough hair on the scalp, it is possible that the doctor recommends PRP hair loss

treatment in Indore for you. This treatment is an effective procedure to rejuvenate hair on the scalp.

Hair transplant surgery is the best for hair loss patients who are facing male pattern baldness or genetic baldness. To undergo this procedure, you have to look at your donor area. If the donor area has enough healthy hair, your surgeon wil al ow you to undergo the surgery.

Your goals and expectations:

It is essential that you look at your goals and expectations when you visit the hair loss clinic.

You have to understand that hair transplant surgery wil not provide instant results. Hair transplant surgery wil provide natural-looking results. However, the surgeon wil consider a lot of factors like your age, traits of your hair, and the condition of your baldness. The surgeon wil treat you after ful consideration of these factors.

Health and lifestyle:

It is mandatory that you have good health at the time of the surgery. If you are facing any chronic disease, you need ful treatment of the disease before the surgery.

You should not be a smoker or drinker to have good results after the surgery. Moreover, some medications like blood thinners are not al owed before and during the surgery. Do not hide it if you have some medications for any disease.

Final y, if you have some hair on your scalp, PRP treatment in

Indore may be used for you to control your hair loss. A hair transplant is suitable if your entire scalp is bald. To get better treatment, you have to talk to your doctor about your options.

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The Most Common Reasons That Trigger Hair Loss There is nothing to worry about if you observe 50 to 100 hairs on your comb. Fal ing hair is a part of a natural hair growth cycle.

When everything is normal, the rate of hair growth is more than the rate of hair fal . Some reasons promote the rate of hair loss and reduce hair growth in your head. This condition is cal ed hair loss. You need proper hair treatment in Indore if you are experiencing severe hair loss and hair thinning.

In this blog, we have a list of common reasons that are responsible for severe hair loss and hair thinning.

Have a look!


Believe it or not but stress can be a reason for hair loss. Any kind of physical and psychological stress can promote hair loss. When your mind and body is stressed, the immune system of your body

wil treat this condition as a threat. As a result, the body wil release hormones to fight the risky situation. If this condition remains for a long time, the body wil stop the functions that are not important for your body. These functions include hair is not a vital part of your body.

Seasonal effects:

Seasons change to affect the health of your hair. warm or cold air and sunlight cause broken hair and promote hair thinning in the entire scalp. You can minimize the adverse effects of cold or hot months by looking after your hair effectively.


Leave this habit if you wear a tight hairstyle. Tight hairstyles wil keep your hair under pressure for a long time. As a result, hair roots wil become weak and trigger hair loss.

Hair products:

Use the hair product cautiously. Some creams, lotions, hair dyes, and gels may have harsh chemicals to affect the health of your hair. it is better if you get proper information about the product and its effects before you apply it to your hair. you can visit a hair

doctor in Indore to enhance your knowledge.

Improper diet:

Your hair roots proper supply of nutrients to remain healthy. If you like spicy food and ignore a nutrient-rich diet, you may face hair loss in the future. Therefore, it is better you include nutrients like protein, iron, vitamins, and zinc in your diet.

Genetics and hormones:

Genetic hair loss is also cal ed male pattern baldness. This type of hair loss is permanent and it takes place due to genetic and hormonal reasons. Hormonal disturbance in the body may take place due to medical conditions as wel . For example, pregnancy and menopause are known for hormonal fluctuations.

When your genes are involved in making your scalp sick, it is cal ed male pattern baldness. Other reasons cause temporary hair loss but genetic reasons are responsible for permanent hair loss.

You have to detect the real problem if you want proper hair loss

treatment in Indore. Proper treatment is not possible without a correct diagnosis.

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Do Not Forget These Essential Things About PRP

If you are facing hair loss, you would not be able to get proper treatment without the help of a capable hair doctor in Indore.

Only your doctor wil tel you about the best hair loss treatment options after proper detection of the problem.

Hair loss is a complex problem. It has several patterns, types, and reasons. Therefore, you need the help of a professional to start the treatment process.

According to hair loss experts, a lot of hair loss treatments are available when you try to find out a suitable solution. However, many of them are unable to yield satisfactory results.

Among these treatments, PRP treatment in Indore is one of the best hair loss treatments. It yields good results if you choose a skil ed and qualified doctor.

In this blog, we are going to tel you about the common things you need to know about this effective treatment.

What is PRP?

PRP means platelet-rich plasma. The expert extracts it from the patient’s own blood. Experts say that PRP has growth factors.

These growth factors stimulate hair growth in the affected areas.

Moreover, growth factors promote healing in the injured tissues as wel .

How is the treatment carried out?

During the treatment, the expert wil draw blood from your body.

Then, this blood sample is placed into a centrifuge to spin it quickly. This process provide three layers cal ed platelet-rich plasma, platelet-poor plasma and red blood cel s.

The experts col ect platelet-rich plasma in a separate test tube to make PRP injections.

At the last stage, the expert wil inject the PRP injection into the scalp of the

Who is able to get this treatment?

Both male and female hair loss patients may have the PRP hair loss treatment. there are a lot of factors that cause hair loss in men and women, both may see a PRP clinic for better treatment.

PRP is effective for the first stage of androgenic alopecia when a lot of hair are remaining on the scalp.

If we talk about the age limit, from 18 to 72 may get optimum results after getting the treatment.

PRP is an effective treatment for stress-related hair loss. So, you can come to a PRP clinic if you are sure that your hair lost because of stress.

You may have the treatment if you are not a smoker or drinker, do not have a chronic disease, and your platelet count is at the optimum level.

Benefits of PRP

PRP is a simple and risk-free procedure. It is done with your own blood. Therefore, you have no possibility of infections or rejections by the body. You wil recover at a faster rate after the treatment. PRP is also effective if your surgeon wants to apply it with hair transplant surgery.

You can increase your knowledge about PRP hair loss treatment

in Indore by visiting the Marmm Klinic. Marmm Klinik is a premier center for hair loss treatment and diagnosis.

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How To Keep Hair Healthy In The Winter Season If you are looking for proper hair loss treatment in Indore, you have to consider the underlying reasons that cause hair loss.

There are a lot of reasons that may cause hair loss including stress, improper diet, hormonal reasons, genetic factors, hair products, medications for certain diseases, and seasonal effects.

In this blog, we wil talk about the winter season and its effects on hair.

Cold weather is harsh for your hair. You need proper protection from the cold weather if you want to keep your hair shiny and healthy.

In this blog, we have some tips for you to protect your hair from the cold season.

Have a look!

Have a proper diet:

First of al , a healthy diet is necessary to keep the hair healthy in the winter season. Natural y, your body needs more energy in cold weather to keep your body warm. Therefore, you crave more food to fulfil the demand of the body. Like other parts of the body, your hair also needs proper nutrition but your body wil keep the vital organs of the body at the top priority level when it supplies energy to the body parts. Surely, your hair is not included in the vital organs. Thus, you have to include more nutrients in your diet to keep the hair fit and fine.

Cover your head with a hat:

Dry hair, snow, rain, and wind are enough to affect the health of your hair. Therefore, it is vital to cover your hair whenever you leave your home. If you expose your hair to the cold air or foggy weather, your hair wil lose its shine and strength soon and start to fal rapidly.

Choose silk or satin for your hair because fabrics like wool and cotton may increase the breakage.

Trim your hair:

During the winter season, it is better to trim your hair every month or two months. If you make it a habit, you wil reduce the chances of split ends and dry hair.

Avoid blow drying:

If you use the hair dryer to dry your hair regularly, it wil draw moisture out of your hair to make them dry and brittle. As a result, your hair wil start to lose its strength easily.

Massage your hair with oil:

If you wish to have a better home hair treatment in Indore, oil massage is a better option. Apply some oil to the hair, hair roots, and scalp and massage gently with the help of your fingertips. Oil is a natural conditioner and it nourishes your scalp and hair as wel .

Do not wash your hair unnecessarily:

Overwashing in the winter season is not a good habit for your hair. Washing your hair every day wil keep essential oils away from your hair and scalp. In the winter season, you need to keep your scalp moisturized. Therefore, these essential oils are necessary for your scalp and hair. So, extend the time period between two hair washes.

See a professional

This is the last tip for you. If you think hair loss and hair thinning are not under control, you have to see a skil ed hair doctor in

Indore as soon as possible.

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Top Tips for Better Treatment of Hair Loss However, every type of hair loss is irritating but we wil discuss male pattern baldness. Male pattern baldness is the most common type of hair loss. This scalp not only removes hairs from the scalp but destroys the self-confidence of the patients as wel .

Therefore, patients usual y look for a top hair doctor in Indore

for proper treatment.

If we talk about the best hair loss treatment, hair transplant surgery is at its peak level. This surgical treatment option is highly effective for the treatment of male pattern baldness.

In this treatment, a hair loss surgeon wil borrow hairs from one area of your scalp and transplant these hair grafts into the bald region of your scalp. Borrowing hairs from other heads is not possible in this treatment.

Usual y, the back and both sides of the head serve as donor areas since only this region of the scalp grows baldness resistant hairs.

If you want to have a better treatment for hair loss with hair

transplant in Indore, we have the most common tips for you.

Have a glance!

Choosing the correct clinic:

You have to choose a great team of specialists to get proper hair loss treatment. The qualification and experience of the surgeon have a vital role in hair transplant surgery.

You can determine the qualification and skil s of your doctor by talking to former patients of the clinic. Moreover, ask for before –

after photos to be sure about the quality of the clinic. Visit the clinic to check the facilities provided by the clinic to hair loss patients.

The stage of diagnosis and planning

For the treatment of any disease, you need to detect the real cause. The same rule works in hair transplant surgery as wel .

Your surgeon has to check your scalp thoroughly by looking at it visual y and performing some tests and checkups.

Proper diagnosis wil help the surgeon to determine the correct number of hair grafts that are needed to cover the bald area of the scalp.

Selecting the correct technique:

After checking your scalp completely, the surgeon wil be able to determine the correct hair transplant technique for you. General y,

surgeons use two hair transplant surgeries to treat hair loss patients. These techniques are fol icular unit extraction and fol icular unit transplant.

Both techniques are effective to restore the bald scalp. Only the surgeon makes the final decision about the technique. However, patients may share their expectations.

Look after your hair well:

After the surgery, you wil leave the clinic with a set of instructions.

Fol ow these guidelines to ensure proper hair growth in the treated area. General y, these instructions include:

∙ Wash your hair with a mild shampoo and use soft cloths to dry your hair.

∙ Sleep with an elevated head to reduce the chances of swel ing.

∙ Do not touch your scalp when it is not necessary.

∙ Do not do heavy activities like exercises, sports, weight lifting etc.

∙ Avoid sunshine when you go outside; wear a scarf or hat.

To know about issues like hair transplant cost in Hindi , visit the Marmm Klinik of Indore.

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What is the role of a hair loss surgeon in hair transplant surgery?

There are mainly two types of hair loss: temporary and permanent. Solutions like PRP hair loss treatment in Indore are available to treat temporary hair loss. However, Hair transplant surgery is the only effective procedure for the treatment of hair loss.

If you are experiencing permanent hair loss or male pattern baldness, you have to visit a reliable hair loss clinic to get proper treatment. In fact, the role of a hair loss doctor is extremely important if you need proper results after the surgery.

Before we talk more about the role of a hair loss doctor, you need to have a look at the procedure of hair transplant surgery.

Hair transplant procedure According to the hair loss experts, hairs growing in the back and sides are baldness-resistant. Thus, experts remove these hairs from the donor area and transplant them into the bald scalp. They perform these steps with the help of advanced tools and technology.

Experts say that transplanted hairs do not change their nature after the surgery and they grow in the new area with ful strength.

Hair transplant surgery is not an easy job. You need the assistance of a Top hair doctor in Indore to get proper results.

Doctors have to consider the fol owing issues while they do the surgery:

∙ Survival of the hair fol icles

∙ Determining candidacy

∙ Acquiring natural result

∙ Management of side effects

∙ Handling expectations of the patients If you want to undergo hair transplant surgery, choose a reliable and skil ed hair doctor.

You need the assistance of a reliable hair loss doctor because of the fol owing reasons

Proper diagnosis:

First of al , your doctor wil check your scalp to determine your candidacy for the surgery. Suppose you are facing male pattern baldness. The doctor wil make a proper treatment plan to help you achieve good results.

Correct guidance:

Your surgeon wil al ow you to have the surgery at the correct time. If your baldness is not stable and it is stil progressing, the surgeon wil try to treat the condition with the help of medications and treatments like PRP. After proper stabilization of the disease, you may have surgery.

High-grade treatment:

At the time of surgery, the surgeon wil use appropriate tools and technology to treat your problem. Moreover, skil ed and experienced surgeons are always ready to adopt new changes in the hair transplant field. Thus, you always have the help of advanced technology with reliable surgeons.

High success rate:

If you choose your doctor cautiously, you wil realize that he treats the patients at a high success rate. Their optimum rate of success is solid proof of his efficiency and skil s.

Some patients worry about Hair transplant cost Hindi why they start their research before the surgery. Indeed, it is not a good approach because reliable clinics always treat the patients at an affordable cost. So, you may hope to get quality and cost-effectiveness at the same time.

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How Will You Prove That You Are A Good Candidate

For PRP Treatment?

If you are facing hair loss, you have to consider PRP treatment

in Indore. This is a safe and highly effective treatment for hair loss. In fact, many treatments are available to prevent hair loss but not al of them are able to bring the hair fol icles back to the scalp.

If you use PRP treatment, you wil get your thick and dense hair back after one or two sessions of the treatment.

The procedure of PRP hair treatment

During the treatment, the expert wil draw some drops of blood from the arm of the patient. In the next phase of the treatment, the expert wil spin the blood sample into the centrifuge machine.

The machine wil separate the component of blood into its components and wil create three layers cal ed platelet-rich plasma, platelet-poor plasma, and red blood cel s.

The expert wil col ect platelet-rich plasma and make PRP

injections to inject them into the affected areas of the scalp.

If you wish to have the PRP hair treatment, you have to consider some factors that prove your candidacy.

Have a look!

Stage of hair loss:

PRP hair loss treatment in Indore wil be more effective if you respond early. According to hair loss experts, PRP works on active hair roots. It has limited effects on a total y bald area.

Therefore, you should see your doctor immediately after you see the first signs of hair loss.

You must have a good health condition: Good health condition is vital for the success of the treatment.

You would not be able to have treatment if you are suffering from anemia. Moreover, you need to maintain optimum platelet count to have the treatment as wel . If you are facing a chronic disease, have proper treatment for the disease and then, have the treatment.

Leave alcohol if you are a drinker:

You have to leave drinking before the treatment. Heavy drinkers are not usual y good candidates for PRP hair treatment. Your body would not respond to the PRP injections effectively if you drink before or after the treatment.

Quit smoking:

Smoking affects the platelet count in your blood. Therefore, leave this additive habit if you are about to have PRP treatment for hair loss. If you smoke in the past and now you have to leave smoking, you may have the treatment.

PRP is not for pregnant women:

If you are pregnant, you would not able to have the treatment.

Pregnant women may have low blood pressure. Thus, drawing a blood sample from her body is not a safe decision.

You have to talk to your Hair doctor in Indore if you want proper hair loss treatment for your hair loss. Your expert wil diagnose your problem and provide better treatment according to the nature and type of hair loss. To know more about the treatment, you have to visit the Marmm Klinik of Indore which is the best center for hair loss treatment with PRP.

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