Hannigan 'Wanted Dead Or Alive' by C.A.Dayhoff - HTML preview

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Wrong Turn


Who? “You know damn well who I'm talking about!”

"Sorry I'm just nervous being here"

“Now what do you mean about that”?

"The Haskett brothers have spies all around us"

“Yea I've heard that before now, what do you know about Bill”

"Well he was a good kid, but wet behind the ears, you know he just thought everyone was good"

I thought back to the night I stayed with him and I could see that side of him, maybe that's why I feel the need to find his killers..

 “How did you know Bill”?

 "I was engaged to him"

Well the story matches, I thought...


"Yea that's right, we were engaged and as wet behind the ears as he was I loved him"

“I'm sorry I didn't know who you were and I meant to go to your place tomorrow to give you the news”..(I didn't want her to know how much I knew)

"Well you see I'm here and the Sheriff already told me everything" “What did he tell you”?

"That you just happened to find Billy shot"

I didn't like her tone and whatever she was implying


"My name is Sadie"

“OK Sadie I'm not sure what the Sheriff told you, but I'm not liking your tone much”.

 “Well that's too bad mister, but I think you killed Billy and you're here to take my claim...”

“What the hell are you talking about”?

Sadie then pulled a derringer from underneath her dress, snagging it, causing her to misfire into the bottom of the tub.

 I jumped up kicking water into her face to slow her down, giving myself time to jump on her...

 “What the hell are you doing”?

“I'm going to kill you....you ...bushwhacking son-of-bitch”....

I kept her pinned to the floor, knocking her derringer out of her hand “Sadie I didn't kill him, I found him in a cave that I scouted out for shelter for the night. Sadie I sat with him until he died, there was no helping him Goddamit he was gut shot and had a slug that passed through a lung and he was gut shot. Moving him would have killed him sooner”...

"You lying son-of-bitch"

“Sadie it's the truth and he had a message for you”...

She quit fighting me and stared into my eyes

 "You better not be lying to me"

“I'm not Sadie”

"OK let me up unless you like lying on a lady all naked like"

“ha ha I had to laugh at that”

"Let me up"

“OK, but promise me that you will hear me out before you get all crazy again”


So I let, her up and grabbed my pants, putting them on while I kept an eye on her.

 "OK mister tell me what Billy said...”

 “My name is Jim Trainer”

"OK Jim I'm waiting"

Jesus this woman is a handful I thought

“OK Billy said he loved you and he was sorry he was leaving you”... "Leaving me"?

“Dying Sadie”....


And she let loud a small sound and turned her head so I wouldn't see the tears flowing.

I made myself busy getting dressed, when I finished she had got a hand on her emotions and I asked her if she wanted to get something to eat as I was hungry enough to eat a bear.

She laughed at that and it broke the tension in the room...

“Any place with good steaks we can go too”?

“Yea Macbeth's Diner down the street is good”...

“OK we can talk more over dinner and you can tell me who would want Bill dead”.

At that, her eyes got all glassy again and I had to back step...

“I'm sorry Sadie I'm not used to talking with lady folk. I’m more of a straight talker”

“It's OK, I need to thank you for taking care of Billy in his last hours”. “I'd do it for anyone, but I think he reminded me of an old friend”...

"Sadie looked at me and asked where’s your friend is now?”

 “He's dead”

Sadie turned her head and I had to kick myself again...

“Sadie I'm sorry I did it again”...

 "It's OK Jim I need to get used to this it's my life now"

I opened the door for her as we entered the diner I looked around and saw the Sheriff setting with four other men at a table in the back and they looked like they were in a hot debate about something throw arms around and such.

I also noticed Sadie looking mighty uncomfortable so I lead her over to the other side of the room. She stopped midway and whispered to me

"I don't think this is a good idea”...

I chuckled, “It'll be fine Sadie”... When I looked back to the table with the men at it they were all staring at us. Seating Sadie I took a seat facing them so I could keep an eye on them.

After the waitress left with our order, I asked Sadie, who the Men were.

Well the Sheriff you've met and made look like a fool in front of everyone in the Saloon.

Oh so you saw that?

"Yea I did"

“Well he needed to be put in his place”.

“Your right, he has pranced all around the town since he came, thinks he's a big time gunslinger because he shot down a town drunk who couldn’t have drawn even if he was sober”.

“Nice guy I said. And, the others?”

“Well the rest are the Haskett Brothers Tom, Steve, Buck and Roy” “Tell me about them”.

Sadie was looking ill

"Are you OK?"

“Yea, but I think we are going to get a visitor"

Glancing up I saw the Sheriff come weaseling over.

“Well....well look what we have here a trail bum trying to bed a lady that's still grieving. Seems a little planned don't you think?”

I slowly stood up and looked hard at him, he quickly looked away and asked Sadie

"Is this trail bum bothering you?"

“No Jeff he isn't"

I thought, she must know him personally....

"Sadie I'm just worried about you”

 "Jeff quit worrying about me, I told you there could never be anything between us"...

I had to laugh at that...

"Well your brothers over there wanted me to check on you"

 The laughter died in my throat and I looked over at Sadie with a surprised look.

The Sheriff caught the look and said,

"Well I see she didn't tell you"?

"What" I asked, trying not to look so surprised

"What the hell are talking about"?

"Sadie is a Haskett".

Fuck I thought; I've been tricked by a skirt....

Sadie looked at me and said...

”Jim it's not what you think"...

"Oh its Jim now The Sheriff said"...

I could see he was trying to build up some courage so I turned to him and said...

"It's not what you think asshole"

Backing up, I saw his hand was itching to go for his gun...

"I wouldn't do that Sheriff"...

“I've got witness here that you pulled on me for no reason and I'm not the town drunk".

"I don't need a reason trail bum"

I looked deep into his eyes and said, "If you draw it will be the last thing you will ever do on this earth other than die"...

I saw a flicker of realization in his eyes as his steam faded away. He backed up muttering something about next time and finally he turned and headed outside...

I looked at the brothers and they had shit eating grins on their faces.

 I couldn't see any danger from them at the moment, so I sat back down and turned to Sadie

"When were you going to tell me"?

 "Maybe never"

“Well you know this changes things”

"Like what? I still want Bill's killers caught"

"It changes TRUST I have a problem with "Trust" and you just stepped on it"

"Sadie you know Bill might have been killed by your brothers or someone working for them"

"I know but I need justice"

"Well Sadie you might not like the justice I serve"


With that said, I threw money on the table and Stalked out..



Hannigan stood outside the restaurant for a few minutes, letting the new information soak in, so Sadie was a Haskett now he wasn't sure who to trust.

Pulling his slicker closed against the cold, he turned right and moved down the boardwalk deep in thought. He would have saw the signs, but he was too angry at himself to look around or he could have avoided the next few minutes. Standing on the corner of the restaurant was a barmaid he had seen at the Saloon.

He approached her until he was next to her and she said.

"Hannigan I have some information for you"

"What kind of information"?

 "Not here, follow me I don't want anyone seeing us talking"

I looked around to see if we were alone, It's was just too cold for most folks to be out this time of night, so I followed her into the alley. I should have been more cautious, but I was sidetracked by the "Who Sadie was" information I had just found out.

I didn't notice anything wrong until the barmaid quickly slipped through a door and I heard the lock click. Standing in front of me was a man in black from the light through the various windows I could see him well enough to know he was a gunslinger, tied down colts and penetrating cold black eyes that didn't waver for a second. He looked like a snake ready to strike

 "I heard you've been asking around about Bill Waters...”

"Yea, I'm looking for his killers".

"Well you're looking in the right spot"

"You killed him?"

"Maybe or maybe not"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean"?

As he talked, he tried to position himself with the light from one of the lower windows over his shoulder, I guess he was hoping to get the light in my eyes so I couldn't see his gun hand move at the right second.

"It means I was hired to Kill him"

"Who hired you"?

"Well now you're going to have to kill me to get that information" "Dead men tell no tales"...

 "Well I've got a bank deposit slip in my pocket that explains it all" "What makes you think you can kill me"

"Well Mister gunfighter, anyone who fancies himself as a gunfighter and dresses like you with all that Dandy Silver buttons, spurs, black clothes and chrome peacemakers. Is usually all show, plus really has only killed women, kids and dogs"... "So Mister Gunfighter, you've got a choice"...

The gunfighter was starting to fidget and I could tell he was not liking the way this was going. I tied back my slicker so it wouldn't get in the way. He was watching closely as I did this and his coal black eyes never left me for a second. I moved my hand slowly down to my Colt waiting for his next move.

"How dare you, I'm going to kill you" he said through clenched teeth.

That’s when I noticed his eyes flicker upward to a window on the second floor. A window that was dark...

I moved my left hand so that it hung loosely so that I could draw my hidden Colt Lighting if needed.

"Well Mister Gunfighter when you're ready"..............

"First I like to know who I'm killing, what’s your name?"

“Hannigan, Bishop Hannigan” his eyes grew wide with fear,

“The same Bishop Hannigan from Dodge City?”


“The Same from Tucson?”

“Yes, but that account was wrong”

“What do you mean Hannigan”

“It was five men not four, they forgot the one in the window”

He nervously glanced up at the window again but he knew he had to save face.

“You know Hannigan I never believed any of it anyway”

A bead of sweat glistened off his forehead and that’s when I saw a small smile form on his lips.

 I knew right then and there that he thought he could put in claim on my reputation.  

He drew both chrome plated Colts, he was fast…real fast.

My Colt 45 jumped into my hand, putting two slugs into him before he leveled his Colts, he looked down at his chest and back up to me his eyes were wide with surprise.

Blood ran out the corner of his mouth as he fell to his knees...

 "I heard you were fast, but I had no Idea”...Choking on the last word as he fell face first in the dust.

That's when I felt the first slug tear into my shoulder... Spinning me around I tried to locate the shooter, but a blackness was edging its way into my vision.

Seeing another flash from that darken window on the second floor, I pulled my Colt special and fired three times into the window and I heard a satisfy groan and a crash. I hit the ground, knowing I had been hit a second time in the leg.

Rolling over I waited for the next shot which would probably end my life. Darkness came and all I could think about was I was dying before I could find Bill's killers and I would never clear my name.

Sadie heard the gunfire and ran towards the door. Her brother Tom stepped in her path...

"Sadie you don't want to go out there"

"What the hell do you mean"?

"I mean a man is dying and you don't need to see that"

"What? like how you killed Billy"?

 "Now Sadie you know we didn't kill Bill"

"Oh of course not, you wouldn't get your hands dirty, you probably sent that good for nothing Sam Smith to do your dirty work"...

"Tom laughed ...Well Sadie I'm going to have to give you credit for your wild imagination...”

"Get the hell out of my way"


She kicked him as hard as she could right between his legs... And as he doubled over she went out the door. As Tom lay there groaning, the other 3 brothers started laughing even louder...

Seeing Hannigan laying in a pool of blood Sadie ran for her buckboard, bringing it around, she helped him into it, but Sadie was pretty sure he had no idea what was going on. It was like he was doing everything from memory... This man has been in more than one scrape in his life she thought to herself...

Sadie headed out of town with him instead of taking him to the Doc she felt his life was in danger in town and until he was back on his feet he was fair game...

Sadie had time to think as she pushed the team of horses hard, she had seen Sam Smith face down and another laying on the ground with glass all around him... So they tried to bushwhack Jim, looks like it backfired, he smiled to herself...



Hannigan fought to stay awake; he was not sure, where he was at, how long he had been there, all he knew he hurt like hell. Barely opening his eyes, he kept watch trying figure it all out, he wasn't ready to let anyone know he was awake. He figured it's better to act asleep and maybe he'd hear something that told him whether he is in danger or not.

Tom Haskett looked at his brother as they stood around Sam Smith.

“Either that trail bum took Sam by surprise or he isn't who he says he is”. “Yea I agree....... Buck Haskett said; Look at the bullet wounds, they are within an inch of each other”....

“Steve Haskett shook his head, and he shot Sam's backup out of the window, Jesus he can't be that good, he had to have help

You wouldn't think Sadie had anything to do with it do you?” 

Tom looked at Steve, “No she left after the shooting and that reminds me where she got off too?”

“I don't know, but her rig is gone Roy said”.

“Hey Tom look over here there is more blood maybe that trail bum is hurt.” They walked over to Steve as he looked at the puddle on the ground.

Roy looked at Tom “Looks like his hit hard too Tom you don’t think Sadie has anything to do with that Trail Bum.”

“I'm not sure, but I doubt it... She has just as much to lose as we do if that Trail Bum lives”.

“What is his name?” Roy asked

“Jim Trainer is what the Sheriff said”.

Buck spoke up “Yea, that's it... and he muttered; she stands to lose everything if he finds Billy killers”.

“Well Boys he found one of them already”.

They all turned and looked at Sam Smith face down in the dirt.

Roy looked at Tom “Well when I find him I’m going to kill him”

Tom looked back at him and said “Roy you know Sam was fast what makes you think you can out draw him?”

Roy leveled his cold black eyes on Tom and said ”Because I could take Sam”

Tom felt a chill run down his spine, he knew Roy was serious

,he sure was glad he wasn’t Jim Trainer.

Sadie got Hannigan into the house with the help of her cook.

“Help me put him into the guest room Lily”,

“OK mama Lily said”.

As they both undressed Hannigan Sadie felt her face flush and Lily smiled at her,

“Mama if you're not up to this, I can handle it”.

“No..No I can, I'm just knew to this. Except for my little brothers”.

Lily laughed. “Well, Miss Sadie this is all man here differently all man”. Sadie blushed and jumped up and went into the front room, looking over her shoulder she said.

“When your finished taking his clothes off I'll come help dress his wounds”. Lily chuckled to herself as she watched Sadie walk out of the room.

 Hannigan tried to remember what happened after the shooting, but he only had bits and pieces of what happened. He remembered being in the back of a buckboard the rough ride, someone taking his clothes off and that's it. Nothing until now. He could hear women in the other room talking and laughing.

He strained his neck to look the room over and his shoulder screamed out in protest. Grimacing he forced his way through the pain... He needed to find his clothes and guns just in case.

Suddenly the door opened and he closed his eyes and acted like he was sleeping still He felt someone touch his head and heard her say,

“Miss Sadie his temperature down to normal”.

Hannigan eyes flew open and Lily jumped back letting out a small yelp

“Miss Sadie our guest is awake”.

Sadie came into the room, eying Hannigan.

“Well Mister Hannigan how do you feel?”

“What the hell I'm I doing here?”

“Jim or whatever your name is, I saved your life”

Hannigan looked at her for a minute and said,

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I heard shots outside and I found you lying in a puddle of blood”.

“Why did you help me?”

“I got you here before someone else came to finish the job Sam started”. “Sam didn't do shit it was his bushwhacker in the 2nd story window that got the draw on me”.

Sadie laughed... “I always thought that Sam Smith Mister Gunfighter was all wind”.

“Well doesn't matter now he's dead”.

“OK Sadie why did you help me?”

“I told you... I want Billy's killers either dead or jailed”

 Hannigan shook his head, trying to clear the cobwebs from it... He had alot to think about a lot of things to get done. And laying here wasn't getting them done.

He started to raise, but his head started spinning and he fell back on the bed.

Sadie put her hand on his good shoulder, holding him down.


Hannigan looked up at her and said, “How do you know my name?”

“Because the Sheriff came around a couple of days ago and said he was sure he had seen you before and come to find out it was a Wanted Poster.

Shit, Hannigan thought this is going to make things impossible.

“But Bishop it's OK the Sheriff isn't sure so he sent for the Marshall that covers the Snake River Basin Territory”...

Hannigan thought for a moment and said.

“So that gives me a little over a two week to get this done here”

Sadie looked at him; “Bishop I'm not sure you will be out of bed in that time”.

“I have to be”, with that he try to raise again but fell back passing out

Sadie touched his head, looking at him, she let her finger trace the lines in his face, wondering where each scar came from, letting her finger run through his dark hair and back down to his jaw line,,, He has such a strong jaw, she briefly touched his lips and was startled when Lily called her, she was flustered as she rose up, turning she tried to hide her flushed face.

The Sheriff had sent one of his Deputies to the Snake River basin to fetch the Marshall Allen who had put out the Wanted Poster he had found under a stack of newer posters

 He thought this has to be him, the description fits two guns one hip and the other a special built colt. Yea he thought. I’ve got him now and the $250,000 would set him up, maybe then Sadie, would pay some attention to him. But first he would need to find him and put in jail until the Marshall got here.

Locking him up with some bogus charge maybe murder of Sam Smith..., Yea that will work, But I need to find him first the Sheriff thought and I bet Sadie knows something, I'll have to ride out to her place again and have a look around. Interrupting his thoughts, he heard the door open and in came Tom Haskett...

“Hey Sheriff we need to talk”.

“I know Tom I'm doing all I can, I've sent for the Marshall that put out that Wanted Poster, he is the only one that can tell us if we have the right man”...

“Sheriff you think that is wise? What if he gets all interested in what's going on here?”

“What do you mean?”

“Shit Sheriff you know about Billy's killing and the others if he gets wind that he’ll find out your not much on finding the killers”,

“well he could take over the investigations”.

“Whoa Tom that's not happening, not after we hand over Bishop Hannigan”.

“Well that maybe is true, what makes you think we can find him?”

“It's been two weeks now and nobody has seen hide or hair of him”...

“Tom have you checked your sister's place?”

“No because I asked her and remember she has just as much to lose if Hannigan gets away and finds Billy's Killers”.

“We all have alot to lose”.

The Sheriff shifted uneasily in his chair and slapped his hand down.

“God Dammit Tom that won't happen, I'll make sure of it”.

“Well Sheriff you better because you only have two weeks before the Marshall is here and we better have Hannigan all wrapped up by then”..