3 Types of Psoriasis and the Symptoms
Psoriasis is a chronic disease that lasts for a lifetime. The symptoms and signs of the disease vary depending on the type and the person. For some people the symptoms can clear up for years at a time, which is known as remission.
Here are the types of psoriasis and the symptoms:
1. Plaque psoriasis
Patches that thicken when scratched
Silvery-white coating patches
Raised, reddish patches that appear anywhere
Patches appear in the elbows, knees, lower back and scalp
Nails with pits that are crumbling
2. Guttate psoriasis
Spots that appear after an illness like strep throat
Small red spots, commonly on the arms, trunks and legs
Spots that clear in a few weeks or months without treatments
Spots that appear where the person ha plaque psoriasis
3. Pustular psoriasis
Bumps often only on the soles and palms
Red, swollen and dotted skin with pus-filled bumps
Brown dots on the skin after pus-filled bumps dry
Soreness on the bumps
This type of psoriasis has a special symptom, which is when pus-filled bumps cover the body, the person may have bright-red skin. He or she will feel ill, and always exhausted. Commonly, the person who had this psoriasis also has a fever, chills, rapid pulse, severe itching, muscle weakness and loss of appetite.