How To Quit Smoking: Ex-Smoker's Guide To an Easy, Quick and Permanent Way to Give Up Smoking by Steven Case - HTML preview

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Social Reasons

Right of the bat I can say that I think this is a bad reason and you should look only inside yourself for the reasons why you wish to break the habit. Everyone is interested in themselves and even for the closest people in your life you not smoking will be interesting only for a very short time.

It won’t hurt to right a Facebook status that you “started new chapter of my life” but again, this is not really interesting or important for anyone except you.

Same goes for friends, family, significant others - they will be interested the first week but after that do not expect a lot of interest. Significant other will treat you nicer also only for so long before it is just a normal thing.

Remember, you are not really starting anything new, you are not doing something extraordinary. You stopped doing something what most people have never did in the first place.

One comedian expressed this very well:

“I am tired of people congratulating celebrities for going to rehabs. Great for them, they quit heroin, hurrah... Well, I have never even tried it so why nobody congratulates me every day for making a good decision? Do I have to take some drugs to get some attention?”

So use social pressure if you want but do not place too much faith in it to motivate you to do anything.