How To Quit Smoking: Ex-Smoker's Guide To an Easy, Quick and Permanent Way to Give Up Smoking by Steven Case - HTML preview

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All the Right Reasons

By now you heard reasons why you should quit hundreds of times. Google it and you will get lists upon lists of reasons but they are the same three reasons but in different words: 1) Health 2) Money and 3) Social pressure.

It might be top 5, 10 or once I saw even 97 reasons to quit but they are all the same three reasons. Everyone knows that the best call to action is easy to remember and short. This concept helped politicians win elections, corporations sell you overpriced running shoes or consumer electronics you have no use for. So why are you still smoking?

Quit Now - Save Money and Live Longer!

That’s it, that is the message we are constantly getting and it is easy to understand, it calls to action and it clearly states benefits. So what is the problem?

You have probably made a list of what you will gain from quitting this habit. You indicated all the great reasons and I did it too.

The benefits aren’t really that hard to see. I saw it constantly. While buying cigarettes I would think to myself that I could be buying something better instead. I would get ill with bronchitis regularly at least twice a year and I knew that it was due to smoking.

I had this information, you have this information but that doesn't change anything.

The reason for this is very simple - it’s due to how we think. Let’s explore these three reasons and see why they fail to stir us into action…or more correctly inaction, as we are talking about NOT smoking.