You can perceive it as that you must be a bit out of control if you need to resort to such tactics. You probably worry about what others will think of you if they find out that you are doing this - you would be sooooooo embarrassed.
That is exactly the type of irrational negative thoughts that you are trying to rid yourself of, so don’t look at it from that angle, instead, see it as a way that you can become free from your limitations, so you can be totally comfortable in social situations.
The hard truth is that generally other people do not really care that much about you, as they are too busy caring about themselves. I didn’t mean that to be offensive, I just meant to get the point across about how irrational that particular thought pattern it is. You are spending too much energy worrying and you owe it to yourself to STOP now!
You can become a better person by taking these actions.I am sure you will know plenty of other people in your situation, so please pass this report onto as many people as you want.
Here’s to the new you - go for
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