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Chapter 7: Herbs, Vitamins & Other Supplements

There are many products on the market that claim to burn fat. Some do it through raising your body temperature, which ultimately raises the amount of calories you burn, even while at rest. Others boost your liver function, resulting in greater amounts of fat being metabolized. And yet others raise your heart rate which burns higher rates of calories.

The problem is knowing which ones are okay and which ones may hurt you. While no single pill is the answer to weight issues, there are some supplements that have been shown to help you in the process.

Natural Supplements to Consider

Three of the best natural weight loss supplements you should consider are:

  • Guggul – Originally used for medicinal reasons, this plant can help you drop six times more weight, as that is the result of research when some participants took guggal and others took a placebo.
  • Green tea – Because its caffeine speeds up your body and makes you less hungry, green tea is great for weight loss. Additionally, it contains phytonutrients which, according to The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, can help you get rid of double the weight of non-tea drinkers.
  • Dandelion – This natural substance helps promote liver function which increases your body’s ability to metabolize fat. Additionally, it also helps your body to release excess water.

Of course, there are many other options as well, but they’re not as well researched. According to WebMD, they are:

  • Chitosan A sugar found in the hard layer on the outside of shellfish such as lobster, crab and shrimp and is said to stop absorption of cholesterol and fat.
  • Chromium Picolinate A mineral that boosts insulin activity which ultimately raises your metabolism.
  • Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) Chemical components found in linoleic acid that are thought to get rid of fat and reduce hunger.
  • Glucomannan A derivative of the konjac plant that allegedly prohibits fat absorption

Please understand that just taking these herbs and not changing your food intake or exercise level isn’t going to help. They act as a supplement to healthy behaviors.

And, even products found in nature can be harmful. So, if you’re considering taking anything in an attempt to assist your weight loss, make sure you talk to your doctor first.