How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Week by Munjar Ali - HTML preview

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Table of Contents


Chapter 1: Steps to Take Prior to Starting

Step 1: Let Go of Yesterday

Step 2: Engage in Proper Goal Setting Techniques

Step 3: Don’t Start Empty Handed

Step 4: Make Your Plan Fit Your Lifestyle

Step 5: Prepare to Celebrate Your Accomplishments

Chapter 2: Fasting 101

Cutting Out Sugar

Eat Only Natural Foods


Water Only

The Master Cleanse

Put It All Together

Chapter 3: Understanding Weight Loss

 Know How Many Calories You Need

Use These Numbers to Create a Plan

Chapter 4: Get Rid of Bloat

Why Do You Bloat?

Decreasing Your Waistline

Chapter 5: Get Control Over Your Emotions

Negative Consequences of Emotional Eating

 Ending the Cycle

Chapter 6: Why Water is Fundamental to Weight Loss

The Advantages of Water

What’s an Appropriate Water Intake?

Chapter 7: Herbs, Vitamins & Other Supplements

Natural Supplements to Consider

Chapter 8: Time for Bathroom Talk

Chapter 9: Get Physically Active

Exercise is Your Friend Not Enemy

Fun Exercise is Sustainable Exercise

Calculate Your Body Fat

Strength Training Basics

Strength Training Exercises

Proper Strength Training

Chapter 11: Keep Yourself Motivated

Create Set-Points

Reward Yourself

Face Your Inner Motivation


Ask for Help

Chapter 12: Get Your Sleep

Advantages of Peaceful Slumber

Perform a Personal Sleep Inventory

Improve Your Sleep

Chapter 13: 7-Day Kick Start

Prepare for Weight Loss:

Sample Daily Plan:

The Continued Journey

Chapter 14: Medical Conditions that May Affect Weight Loss

Where To From Here?

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