How to Secure Million-Dollar Cases for Your Law Firm by Darryl Isaacs - HTML preview

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Cases for Your Law Firm

The circumstances were horrible, but we were at least able to help her and her family by getting a $10

million verdict.

We will sometimes ask clients to do online reviews and short video testimonials for us, and we decided to ask her if she would be willing to do that for us. Joy said, “I’ll do better than that,” and she agreed to have a camera crew go out to her house and shoot for over two days to create testimonial footage. We got some amazing footage and had some powerful conversations.

During the entire trial, the defense attorney was disagreeable and had no respect for anyone, both my team and the client as well. Because of his behavior and her loss, I decided to create as many billboards as I could to share the verdict. I wanted the whole world to know what they did to Joy and her family. As a result of that, the billboards also let everyone know that the defense attorney lost to us.

As soon as the billboards premiered, the whole state knew about it. That meant that we were sending a message to every other defense attorney out there: if you lose to us, that verdict is going to end up on a lot of billboards. It worked better than we could have imagined. For the next six trials, every one of them rolled over and we got results in the millions because they did not want us to win and then publicize that win.

You can also list all your settlements on your website. Visitors to your site will be able to see that the defense attorney lost to you. At the end of the day, the insurance companies, and sometimes the defense attorneys, are not on the right side of history. They didn’t do the right thing, and sometimes it’s good to send a message to remind them. When we started using those billboards, the settlement amounts rose.

So, the mission here is simple: whenever you get a

good result in a case, you want people everywhere to

know that the defense attorney and the insurance

company lost. The more information you can share,

and the more places and opportunities you can share

it, the better your results get. Not to mention that

billboards about successful verdicts are also great

social proof to get you more clients as well.