5.) ASKING for the Case
If we’re speaking to a potential client, I want to get that case. What’s the best way to get a case? You have to ask for it. Actually, ask for it. I don’t mean presenting your plans for the case or sharing your credentials and
experience. I mean literally ask for it.
I’ve had close to a 95% sign-up rate over the years
because when the client and I finished speaking
after I asked them if they had any other questions, I ended by saying the same thing: “I’m ready to start
working. Are you going to let me represent you?”
Most of them are surprised by that, but then they
say, “Yes, you can represent me.”
And if I’m willing to ask for the case, why would I not be willing to ask for a referral? Many times, I’ll ask a client, “Do you like what I’m doing for you? If so, let me help your friends or family. Just make sure if you know anybody, tell them I want to help them, too.”
Some lawyers might think this makes you look desperate or weak, but nothing could be further from the truth. You’re showing them that you care. You’re saying, “I care about you and your friend and your family. I want to help.” That’s why we get such great testimonials, too. Because they recognize our compassion.
No one will know how you feel unless you express it, and no one can give you something that they don’t know you want.
6.) Displaying Genuine Care and Compassion
One of my very first big cases was a truly awful situation for the family. The father of the family was killed in an accident while his three children were in the car with him. His wife was pregnant at the time with their fourth child. The family wanted to meet with me, so of course I met with them in person.