Inside Out: NLP and Hypnosis for Weight Loss by Arfat220 - HTML preview

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NLP and Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss

NLP is short for Neuro-Linguistic Programming and looks at our subjective experiences and the structure and processes of our thinking and behaviour. Through various techniques and interventions NLP can help change the patterns of thought that lead to unhelpful behaviour. NLP for weight loss is particularly effective because most of our eating behaviours and habits are as a result of many different experiences, influences and deep-seated conditioning. Tackling those behaviours at a fundamental level through NLP replaces unhelpful patterns with positive, healthy ones.

Hypnotherapy has been used for centuries as a way of effecting change at an unconscious level - and therefore bypassing conscious barriers and challenges that make it difficult to break habits or overcome past trauma. Hypnosis or ‘trance’ is a completely natural state that you enter into spontaneously several times a day. When day dreaming for example or that common ‘driving trance’ where you arrive at your destination without remembering the journey because you were so absorbed in your own thoughts. Contrary to some perceptions you are not ‘asleep’ in hypnosis but in an altered state of awareness that allows you to focus internally and accept suggestions for change. You will only accept suggestions that are congruent with your values and your desire to change.

Hypnotherapy for weight loss is especially effective because compulsive eating is as a result of unconscious behaviour - usually in connection to seeking comfort, solace or diversion. Hypnotherapy can break the connection and allow the unconscious mind to provide the same positive intention with another, more helpful behaviour.