Jesus The Extraterrestrial Trilogy (Vol. I - Origins) by Leo Mark - HTML preview

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chApter 13

Earth, approx. 440000 BC

Galzu and David exited the ship through a doorway and immediately they were on firm ground. The place was uninhabited, full of trees, some lakes and swampland. Galzu pointed out to David a brilliant star in the sky which could be seen on the horizon, even though it was daytime.

A great ship from the planet Nibiru was nearing earth. Alalu was on it.

Galzu began explaining to David that the star was in fact a spaceship, that it would land near them, and began to speak of the one who piloted it.

‘David, the ship you will see landing carried Alalu. King of Nibiru, he was dethroned by Anu. Alalu had seized the throne of Nibiru. he killed king Lahma and proclaimed himself sovereign. Years later, prince Anu challenged Alalu to a fight for control of the planet. Anu won the fight and became king. In all the confusion, after his defeat before all the people, Alalu managed to escape. He was afraid of being killed like Lahma. He stole one of the royal ships, armed with 111


a variety of weapons, sat himself in the pilot’s seat and took off.

After many adventures in space, Alalu caught sight of the planet earth. he disconnected the long-distance turbines and began to fly round the earth reconnoitering, studying the atmosphere and making other analyses. his ship loosed a ray which penetrated the atmosphere and swept over the planet’s main regions. it detected a great quantity of gold under the earth and in the water. Alalu was delighted at the discovery. he took a decision: he would land on that planet, even though he was afraid, since the atmosphere was very hot and the ship might not survive the descent. The ship began to shake and groan loudly in protest as it passed through the earth’s atmosphere, but in a few seconds it was near the ground. It was almost impossible to stop the ship, which fell into a swamp. Alalu lost consciousness, and when he came to he was totally disoriented, almost in a state of shock. he opened his eyes and realized that he had survived, and that the ship was practically intact. He had landed on the planet of gold.’

Alalu put on his protective suit, the door opened and he stepped down on to the earth. The ground was dark and the sky was white and blue. The silence was almost complete; he could hardly hear any sounds. There was no one there; he was alone. On the horizon he saw great hills, all around him there was vegetation. The ground was swampy, his feet sank in easily, and it was very cold. After a few hours exploring the place he returned to the ship to rest and eat.

David and Galzu followed Alalu’s every step.

After he woke up again Alalu saw everything very clearly: it was day, and the brightness was unbearable - he had never seen anything like it on Nibiru. Next he programmed the onboard computer to 112


test the oxygen and the water on the planet. he sent a probe out of the ship and, after testing the oxygen and confirming there were no poisonous gases, Alalu risked taking off his protective suit. He went out of the ship again and took a deep breath. he was pleased he could breathe normally. The brightness was such that it hurt Alalu’s eyes, and he went back to the ship to get a dark eye-shade.

He began to walk across the mud; the water was dark and greenish, the edges of the swamp were full of stones. Alalu took a stone from the ground and threw it into the water; as it hit he could see the movement of fish. He sent a probe into the water and discovered to his disappointment that it wasn’t drinkable. He continued to walk, reached the dry land and went towards the hills, past trees, undergrowth, bushes. The trees were full of colorful fruits of various shapes. he picked one of the fruits and tried it without hesitation.

It had a sweet taste. As he journeyed Alalu tried to protect himself from the sun’s rays. he began to feel dampness in the ground and realized he was near water. From afar he saw a lake, went up to it and tested the water with his probe. The probe confirmed that the water was good to drink. Alalu was overjoyed. There was oxygen, water, fish, fruit, everything was perfect; and what was more there was gold, an essential metal for the survival of his planet. When he tried the water he found that it had a different taste from the water on Nibiru. While he was drinking he began to hear sounds.

he turned round and was alarmed to see a body sliding along the edge of the lake. He took out his weapon and fired a shot. He ran up to see what it was. The creature was dead. its body was like a very long rope, it had no hands or feet and the eyes were very strange, as if it was a fierce animal. It frightened him. He filled a container with 113


water and ran back to his ship. The sun was going down and by the time he arrived it was dark.

‘How strange, the day’s very short here, not at all like Nibiru,’ said Alalu, watching the moon and the planets brightening in the sky.

Alalu was worried: he needed to find large amounts of gold, on which his planet depended. Nibiru’s atmosphere needed the metal to protect itself, since the gold served as a sort of force-field to filter and block radiation from the cosmos, as well as protecting the planet from excessive heat and cold.

As soon as dawn came, Alalu left the ship with his probe and went to look for gold. he went to the swamps and passed the probe through the water, anxiously awaiting a positive result. The probe indicated the components in the water: oxygen, hydrogen, organic material and, finally, gold. The probe confirmed the presence of gold in the water. Alalu could hardly contain his delight.

‘The people of Nibiru will be very pleased with my discovery, they’ll be proud of me and I’ll get my throne back,’ said Alalu, hurrying back to the ship.

he sat in the captain’s seat and gave orders for the ship’s computer to link up with Nibiru. he was euphoric and needed to give his people the news. When he was connected he started to talk to Anu, the king of Nibiru:

‘Anu, the fate of Nibiru is in my hands. I want you to listen very carefully to what i have to say. i’m on another planet and i’ve discovered gold.’

‘But how is it possible you’ve succeeded in getting to another planet on your own? What planet is it?’ replied Anu, thinking this was another of Alalu’s tricks.



‘i have reached the seventh planet beyond the asteroid belt. i am close to the big yellow star. it’s a small blue planet.’

‘And how much gold have you found?’

‘I’m not sure yet how much exactly, as I’ve only analyzed a few areas, but the probe confirmed the presence of gold in most of them.’

‘Alalu, I am pleased at the news. I’ll call a general assembly straight away to decide on an expedition to this planet. Please keep me informed, in spite of everything.’

King Anu, his counselors and all the people of Nibiru were amazed at the news and at the fact that Alalu was still alive. how could he be alive in another world?

Anu immediately called a meeting of the counselors of Nibiru.

‘Call together the commanders of Nibiru. We must send an expedition to this blue planet as soon as possible. Alalu has found gold. Our planet will be saved.’

Alalu was present at the assembly through a video link, and then he replied:

‘let all the princes present declare my royal supremacy. let the commanders of Nibiru choose me as their leader. let the royal counselors appoint me king in Anu’s place.’

All of them were surprised at Alalu’s words. how could they depose Anu? And what if Alalu was lying about the gold he said he had found?

The counselors cut the video link and started discussing the matter among themselves. Then Anu’s son, Enlil, spoke:

‘Alalu is in no position to ask for anything. he lost the battle with my father and so he lost the throne. he should honor what 115


has already been decided. Maybe he has found gold, but who can guarantee it will be enough for our atmosphere?’

The counselors resumed the conference with Alalu and asked him about the truth of his find, calling for proof. Then Alalu took a crystal from his probe and inserted it in the ship’s computer, which transmitted the information to Nibiru.

‘See for yourselves the data from my probe: data which, as you know, it is impossible to manipulate. Now that I have proved what I told you before, declare me king,’ demanded Alalu angrily.

They cut the conference with Alalu again and Anu’s other son, the prince Ea, stood up and began to speak to the assembly:

‘let me go to the blue planet to bring back gold to Nibiru. When I get there I’ll calm Alalu down - after all, he is my stepfather - and we’ll proclaim him king of the blue planet. if Nibiru is saved by the gold, we’ll have another fight between my birth father Anu and Alalu. Who wins will keep the throne of Nibiru,’ said Ea, referring to the fact that Alalu had married his mother.

everyone listened to ea’s wise words with admiration. This seemed a good solution to the conflict.

‘so let it be!’ declared Anu before the assembly. ‘let my son leave for earth and if Nibiru is saved, I will fight Alalu again and the victor will be king.’

The counselors informed Alalu of the decision via the video link.

Although Alalu could not see all that was going on at the assembly, David and Galzu could see what was happening on a small crystal screen which Galzu had.

‘David, Alalu couldn’t see everything that happened at the assembly in Nibiru, as they blocked him when it was convenient.



i have the complete record of the meeting in my crystal and what you are seeing happened at the very same instant, but on the planet Nibiru. i’ll run it forward a little for you to see what happened some time later, when the commanders of Nibiru and ea set off for earth.’

By the video link Alalu was informed of the decision. He was ea’s stepfather and Anu was ea’s real father. so ea would be an important intermediary in the conflict.

‘let my stepson ea come to this planet. i accept the challenge of another fight, but first we will save Nibiru with my discovery, and may this be recorded in the royal archives of Nibiru.’

After the assembly, preparations began for the great journey. It took a long time for everything to be organized. several commanders were summoned. The astronomers of Nibiru began to calculate the best moment for the ships to depart for the blue planet.

The departure day had arrived. A crowd gathered where the ships of Nibiru were located. They had gone to say farewell to the crew that would return with the salvation of the planet. The crew started to embark, wearing their spacesuits. The last to embark was Ea, who first kneeled down before his father Anu. Anu wished him luck.

‘My son, a great responsibility rests on your shoulders. You will make a long journey. Go, and return alive, and bring back with you the salvation of our planet.’

ea’s mother embraced him. ea said goodbye to his wife and then to his brother enlil.

With great sadness, but also great joy, Ea went up into the ship and gave the order for departure.



Anzu was the commander of the ship that ea was in. he was a skilled pilot. he lifted off and they set off towards the distant sun.

David and Galzu watched the events unfold and then went through the door back into their ship.