Jesus The Extraterrestrial Trilogy (Vol. I - Origins) by Leo Mark - HTML preview

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chApter 15

David and Galzu returned once more from their voyage in time.

These journeys were very tiring for anyone not used to them. David was exhausted, practically fainting with tiredness. Back at the ship, Galzu’s soldiers gave David water and fruit to build up his energy.

He devoured the fruit as if it was his first meal in years. In fact they had spent more than three days traveling in space-time. David was very confused by this mixture of dream and real life. it was very strange for him, and his head was full of questions.

After some hours of sleep David woke up and went walking through the ship. It was enormous, like a steel labyrinth. Part of its surface was covered in a gilded metal, with inscriptions in silver, like the inscriptions he had seen on pyramids, and even like the marks that appeared in plantations. Apart from the gold and silver, a sort of crystal was used in some of the ship’s structures. Apparently all the circuitry was made of this crystal, which had many colored lights passing through it. David walked a little further and reached a compartment which appeared to be the control room. At the rear, 137


seated on a chair, was Galzu. The control panel was immense, with many crystals and many lights, like nothing David had ever seen before, not even in science fiction films. It was beautiful. Galzu, facing the panel and without turning round, felt David’s presence.

‘Hi, David, come over here! I hope you’re rested.’

‘How did you know I was here?’

‘We have presence sensors in the ship. each of these lights represents a member of our crew.’

‘There are a lot of lights.’

‘Yes, there are 350351 of us, including you.’

‘Galzu, that trip of ours… It wasn’t a dream, was it?’

‘of course it wasn’t! Please, sit here at my side; I think you’re bursting with questions.’

‘Yes i am - i’ve got so many doubts my head is hurting.’

‘Well ask away, that’s what I’m here for: to serve you and to pass on knowledge.’

‘Galzu, as far as I can understand, what till now I knew as God, the creator of the heavens and the earth and the creator of mankind, in reality, all along, was your people?’

‘exactly right.’

‘So does that mean that God doesn’t exist?’

‘That depends on your concept of God.’

‘For me, God is a superior being, very powerful, and the creator of the universe.’

‘David, tell me this: how could a single being be the creator of the universe? And if this was the case, who created this being?’

‘Good question, I’ve always asked myself the same thing. But my mother told me it was a sin to entertain that sort of doubt about God.’



‘in fact it would be impossible for a single being to create a real world. We can create a virtual world and people it with beings possessing artificial intelligence, but it would be an environment created in a computer, which wouldn’t really exist. The universe has existed for billions of years, even we don’t know how it really came into being, the superior races haven’t given us this knowledge yet. our theory is the one we taught you, that the universe was smaller than an atom and expanded as time passed. some studies indicate that our universe is the mirror image of another one. it’s as if our universe had got to the limit of its expansion and then turned back on itself, forming a previously non-existent parallel universe, continuing to expand in this way. The multiverses interact: one universe interferes in another one with a parallel dimension.’

‘Do you mean to say it was you who taught us what we know of the universe?’

‘Yes, a good part of human knowledge was passed on to you by us, otherwise you’d still be living in the tenth century. Many technological advances and cures for disease were achieved with our help and that of some other races that visit the earth.’

‘I understand. But to get back to God: if he doesn’t exist, who created your race, before you created ours?’

‘Our race was created by another one superior to us. They are beings of the highest order, who have existed for more than two billion years, so they are highly evolved. In fact they didn’t create us, they transformed us, as we did with you: they took an existing race and subjected it to genetic modification, allowing it to take a great evolutionary leap.’

‘You mean evolution exists?’



‘Yes it does, but it’s very slow. A superior race can always give evolution a little push, shall we say.’

‘so it’s true that man came from the monkey. From what i could understand, you altered the DNA of another race, mixed it with yours and created us.’

‘The being you evolved from is known on earth as homo habilis.

First we created the Homo erectus, using part of our DNA. Then we crossed homo erectus with our race. From this cross arose what you know as Neanderthal Man. After several more crosses and some genetic modifications, we arrived at Homo sapiens, or the human race. have you never wondered how homo habilis evolved so quickly into Homo erectus? The missing link, the link between these races, which has been looked for and researched so deeply, is nothing more than a genetic modification which today human beings are capable of carrying out. And there’s more: what is today known as Homo sapiens sapiens was genetically modified a few hundred years ago, so today’s human being is much more highly evolved than the first Homo sapiens.’

‘Truly, now it all makes sense. But why don’t you reveal this, instead of letting us live a lie? In fact you just created us to use us as slaves.’

‘David, humanity isn’t ready for this information yet. If it became known, all belief in God would be extinguished and there would be chaos in the world. Our research shows us that a good part of humankind only keeps, let’s say, to the straight and narrow, for fear of breaking some divine law. if these people were convinced that creation didn’t happen as they imagine now and that God, in truth, is a being from another planet, we don’t know what might happen.



That’s why we are making an effort to give man the necessary basis in knowledge, so that there won’t be chaos. It will be one of your missions to reveal the truth, and the moment is near. As far as slavery goes, I can tell you it was mainly in the mind, since the primitive humans worked from a spontaneous free will, as a tribute to us their creators. We never forced them to work and in exchange they received much knowledge - without which the human race would not have evolved till now.’

‘I understand. You passed for gods, for angels, all that time, deceiving us.’

‘David, in the old days humanity only obeyed and behaved reasonably well when the god gave orders. if we had let humankind do what it wanted to, without a God to intervene, it would have torn itself apart. let me tell you a story. There was a time when humans no longer obeyed the gods. They did what they wanted, when they wanted. The result of this was the death of thousands of innocent people, disease, killing, war, hunger. Anu the king of Nibiru and his son enlil were set on doing away with humanity. This was necessary another time too. Thousands of years ago, our planet Nibiru was very close to Earth. Nibiru’s magnetic field caused a massive interference in your planet and the poles were inverted. huge icebergs began to melt and that is when what you know as the Flood took place. Mankind was going to be wiped out, but I was given orders to intervene. Not from Anu, our king, but from the beings who created us. They came to me and said that, since humanity had been created, it should be preserved. They are opposed to the extinction of races, however bad they may be. They prefer to work towards converting these races to the good. This way, with Enki’s help, the son of Anu, 141


we were able to save part of humanity through the one you know today as Noah.’

‘You mean it wasn’t God who sent the flood? It would have happened one way or another?’

‘Right. It was inevitable. And thousands of years later, humanity returned to the way it was. This time the extinction would be deliberate, as Enlil, who was always opposed to the creation of the humans, wanted to destroy them with a lethal virus. once again Enki intervened and saved them. But I’ll show you this story so that you understand it properly. We’ll go back in time to the moment when this decision was taken. And that’s where you come in - this way you’ll understand your purpose and your mission.’

‘But why me? I still haven’t understood what I’ve got to do with all this.’

‘David, you’d better sit down because I’m going to tell you something that could give you a shock. Take a deep breath. Now listen.’

David sat down slowly, trying to imagine what Galzu was going to tell him.

‘You, David, are none other than a clone of Jesus Christ, the one who came to earth to save humanity from being destroyed. Your mission, as I have mentioned, is to prepare humanity for the return of Jesus. When this happens and you succeed in defeating Enlil, you and Jesus will govern the earth.’

‘What? I’m a clone of Jesus? How’s that possible? I can’t believe this!’ said David, getting up and walking back and forth, incredulous at what he had been told.

‘David, I’m going to leave you alone now to think about all this.

it’s a great deal of information in a very short time. relax in this 142


armchair and when you’re calmer, press this button and I’ll come back.’ Galzu pointed out a sort of button made of crystal.

Galzu left the room so that David could think things over. The boy sat down in the armchair, facing the ship’s control panel, leaned his head back and began to think and to remember everything Galzu had said, shown and revealed.