Jesus The Extraterrestrial Trilogy (Vol. I - Origins) by Leo Mark - HTML preview

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chApter 18

Pacific Ocean Depths, 14th June 1947

The inhabitants of the planet Nibiru, under the leadership of Enki, were entrusted by the intergalactic Confederation with protecting planet earth from other invading races. Though there were alien peoples with technology much superior to the Anunnakis’, the Confederation provided the latter with the necessary technology to help them protect the earth. As humanity was created by Enki, it was his responsibility, since the atomic incident centuries earlier, to protect it until it reached a new level of evolution and could defend itself. Enki had set up many secret bases, most of them hidden in the ocean depths. There was also a secret base inside the moon, which helped monitor all the earth’s orbit. The Anunnakis found a great quantity of water in the interior of the moon, and so it was possible to build a base there, affording a privileged view of any point on earth or within its orbit. each base held hundreds of Anunnaki soldiers as well as humans recruited by enki’s army. The majority of the Anunnaki soldiers on earth had been born there and so did not know Nibiru, their race’s planet. Carall and his assistant 165


onlik were sitting in the control room of one of Enki’s bases, located in the Pacific ocean near the coast of the united States.

It was a normal day. For a long time nothing had happened, and everything was strangely calm, too calm. The control panels were made of crystal and there were larger crystals which sent out a light creating a three-dimensional hologram showing earth’s orbit, some points in space, and a large area of earth stretching from the uSA to Mexico. Carall was in charge of the monitors that day. As his assistant was at his side, he decided to take a walk round the base to see if anyone needed anything. Carall got up and, as he was walking towards the door, an alarm started to ring. He turned to look at the great hologram which appeared behind the crystal panel.

‘onlik, what happened? All I did was to get up…’

‘Carall, look at this. Thirteen unidentified objects heading towards earth at great speed.’

‘They can’t be meteors, their flying formation is too perfect.

Calculate impact time,’ Carall told the computer.

‘Impact time, 45 minutes,’ the computer informed him.

Carall sat down in a cold sweat.

‘Intruder alert. Moon base, we need visual identification of approaching objects,’ said Carall.

‘Visual contact established. There are thirteen invading ships.

They do not have the Confederation’s permission to be in this system.’

‘Can you identify who the ships belong to?’

‘real time visualization of the ships in progress. Our system cannot identify them.’



‘Carall, I recognize these ships. The Confederation had one of them in custody when i was doing my apprenticeship there. They belong to the race whose leaders were imprisoned in the same parallel universe as enlil. That means they belong to one of the races allied to enlil.’

‘Moon base, we are sending ships to intercept the invaders. Have you had any communication with them?’

‘Negative. We attempted communication but there was no reply.’

‘Commander, there is a formation of possibly hostile ships near our orbit. Request permission to intercept them,’ said Carall, contacting his superior on the video link.

‘Positive, Carall. Do that right away before they enter earth’s atmosphere.’

‘Attention intercept units. Contain enemy at twenty minutes from our orbit. send twenty ships as there are a good number of them.’

‘understood. On our way.’

Twenty ships set off on the mission; ten from the Pacific base and ten more from a base at the North Pole. When the twenty intercepting ships approached the thirteen invaders, the latter broke formation and scattered at great speed. A vigorous pursuit began.

Apparently the invaders were faster than the Anunnaki ships. Five ships succeeded in throwing them off their track, and went into hiding in various points under the ocean. Two ships were destroyed and five more flew off rapidly towards the sun, taking flight when they realized that ten more ships had been sent to intercept them.

Faster than the Anunnaki ships, the enemy couldn’t be caught.

But before they fled they succeeded in destroying five Anunnaki ships, which became dust in space. During the battle one of the 167


invaders was hit, but managed to enter earth’s atmosphere. As the Anunnakis were busy with the other enemies, they thought it had been destroyed. The ship fell and made an emergency landing, crashing into a deserted area of the uS, leaving a great trail of wreckage.