Jesus The Extraterrestrial Trilogy (Vol. I - Origins) by Leo Mark - HTML preview

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chApter 21

United States of America, 12th November 1963

James Murdock walked rapidly, with long strides, along the wide corridor which led to the office of the director of the CIA, John McCone. He was carrying a brown envelope addressed to the director, with the president’s seal beside a sticker marked ToP

SECRET. The envelope had been handed to agent Murdock by a messenger from the White house. When he got to the door of the office he knocked and went in.

‘Mr. McCone, this envelope has just arrived from the White house.’

The director was absorbed in making notes on some documents that were scattered about his desk, and goggled at Murdock when he heard the words “White House”.

‘An envelope from the White House? Did you call to confirm they sent it?’

‘It wasn’t necessary, the president’s adviser phoned in person just as I received the envelope.’

‘Very odd. Well, give me the packet.’



The director quickly tore open the flap of the envelope and took out a letter from the White House, on headed notepaper, stamped and signed by President Kennedy in person. The letter read: TOP SECRET

12th November 1963

Memo to:

John McCone, director CIA.

SUBJECT: Classification review of all UFO intelligence files affecting National Security.

As I had discussed with you previously, I have instructed James Webb to develop a program with the Soviet Union in joint space and lunar exploration. It would be very helpful if you would have the high threat cases reviewed with the purpose of identification of bona fide as opposed to classified CIA and USAF sources. It is important that we make a clear distinction between the knowns and unknowns in the event the Soviets try to mistake our extended cooperation as a cover for intelligence gathering of their defence and space programs.

When this data has been sorted out, I would like you to arrange a program of data sharing with NASA where Unknowns are a factor. This will help NASA mission directors in their defensive responsibilities.

I would like an interim report on the data review no later than February 1, 1964.

Signed: John F. Kennedy

President of the United States of America 188


‘My God, the president’s gone crazy. He wants to share secret documents, which even he doesn’t have access to, with the Soviets.

We must talk to General McMillan. He gave explicit orders to inform him about anything related to these files. When the president has access to these documents he is going to want to know about Area 51 and, worse still, he’s going to want to visit the base. Murdock, you can go, I’ll phone the general; he’ll know what to do.’

‘Yes, Sir. If you need me I’ll be in my office,’ replied the agent as he left the room.

‘Ah, don’t mention this memo to anyone, do you hear?’

‘Yes, Sir, you can be sure of it,’ he replied as he closed the door.

The director picked up the phone.

‘This is John McCone of the CIA. Call General McMillan at once, it’s a top secret matter.’

The director waited a few minutes while they tracked down the general.

‘General McMillan speaking!’ bawled a coarse voice at the other end of the line.

‘General, we have a problem. I have just received a memo from President Kennedy in person, requesting access to all our documents; you know which ones I mean. And what’s more, he wants to share the information with the soviets.’

‘My God, the president must have found out something,’ he muttered.

‘What could he have found out, general?’

‘Nothing, I was thinking aloud. John, destroy that letter at once.

i’ll have to see what i can do here and i’ll get back to you soon.

Don’t mention this to anyone.’



‘Yes, Sir! I’ll wait for your call.’

The general, one of the members of the Majestic-12, was indignant at what he had just been told. ‘Why does the president want to see the documents and, worse still, share them with the enemy? If this happens we will no longer be the greatest power on earth,’ he thought. The general got up out of his chair and went to the door of his office, which was ajar. He looked out to make sure there was nobody nearby. Then he closed the door and locked it. he went back to his desk and sat down. He thought for a few seconds, then picked up the phone.

‘This is General McMillan, speaking from the Pentagon. Put me through to Senator Cullen’s office.’

The general was calling Senator Frederick Cullen, another member of the Majestic-12.

‘What can I do for you, general?’

‘Senator, what we most feared is about to happen. Please meet me tonight at the usual restaurant, we have to talk. Eight o’clock suits you?’

‘oK, I’ll be there at eight.’

That night the general went to the restaurant, where he usually had important meetings. So as not to draw attention to himself, he went home first and changed out of his uniform. When he went in he looked round to see where the senator was sitting. he saw him at a table at the back and went to meet him.

‘Senator, McCone phoned me today, just before I called you. He has received a memo from President Kennedy requesting access to the confidential Majestic documents. And what’s more, he wants to share them with the soviets and with NAsA.’



‘My God, the president must have gone out of his mind. If those documents fall into the hands of the soviets we’re lost. Not even he can see those files.’

‘I appreciate the problem, that’s why I got worried and called you. i don’t know what to do.’

‘Thanks for telling me, general. We’ve got to think up a way of stopping Kennedy doing this. How much time have we got?’

‘Till the first of February next year.’

‘Good, then we have time. Let me think about what to do and I’ll let you know. General, please, remember this matter is extremely confidential. Call McCone and tell him the same thing.’

‘No problem.’

After swallowing the rest of the wine that was in his glass the general got up and went out. The senator stayed there a while longer, thinking about the news he had received and about what he should do.

‘The only plausible solution is to eliminate the president. if he learns about our technology-sharing agreement and lets the information fall into enemy hands, we’re finished. We risk them boycotting our project for the particle accelerator. If that happens, goodbye to opening the gateway. I’ll call Benjamin now, he’ll know what to do - he’s got people planted in the CiA and the secret service; it won’t be difficult. I can’t get personally involved in this, now I’m a senator,’ thought Cullen, as he called the waiter to bring the check.

on 22nd November, as President Kennedy was being driven through the city of Dallas, passing through Dealey Square at 191

midday, two shots hit him: one wounded him in the neck and the other in the head. he died about thirty minutes later.