Lessons Learnt By Living by Sanath Dasanayaka - HTML preview

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Several months ago, in a cold evening, I was relaxing under a well-grown tree in my garden. Cold air blew, chilling my entire body. It made my body more relaxed. I was there, lying under the tree, for around ten minutes. For years, I have been searching for the ways to live better and achieve more in life. Suddenly, I got a flash in my mind. A guiding light. “Sanath, it is your time now.” My heart said. “Don’t wait anymore. Start writing your book you ever wanted to write about life.” It said again. I listened to my heart, since it better knew what was best for me, always. So, from that day, I started writing this book.

This is my story about the life and ways to live it better.

Did you suddenly get a flash in your mind recently? An amazing idea about something unique? A title to write a marvelous book?

If yes.

Did you act on it?

If no, you have missed a way to wealth in your life. But, don’t worry. There will be a second chance for you.

As I believe, all of us have our chances to achieve more in life. Our life, itself sends us flashing lights from time to time. It believes each of us deserves more love, a good health, good money, better relationships and a happy family life.

We, humans have to recognize the chances given to us. Those chances are turning points in your life. They can change the way you live, your finances, your health and happiness instantly. In no time.

Some get amazing ideas that can make them billionaires. Some get ideas that will revolutionize the entire world. They will change everything. Entire society. People’s  lifestyle.

But, some poor fellows think, “This idea is impossible.” “I cannot do it alone.” “I am not that worthy.” He doesn’t act on it. His negative mind doesn’t let him to act on insights and become successful. He neglects it. The idea goes to another man, who is brilliant, energetic. He thinks the idea is marvelous. He acts on it as soon as possible. With time, he becomes successful and creates a greater fortune. He was not lucky. But, he was conscious and decisive. Believed in his potential.

So, never ignore a flash coming to your mind. It can be your gold mine. Your way to wealth. As soon as you get an idea, write it down and act on it right away. Don’t wait for the perfect time. Now is the best time to be successful.

Sooner or later, you will have your calling. Never ignore it. Ignore it, you will miss a fortune.

You got an idea of a book?

Start writing right now. Publish it as an eBook on Amazon. You may become the next bestselling author.

No one knows what will happen in the future.