Level 1 Specialist Guide by Dennis - HTML preview

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Content Library Management

(489) 15 What Is Our Content Library

Every person at CoachYu is involved in working with our content library in one way or another. From articles and client calls to tutorials and conference videos, there is a lot to keep track of. Bookmark the following checklists and refer to them for assistance as you begin working in these databases.

Endorsement Tracking
Tracking Facebook Mentions
Video Upload and Editing Workflow
Content Creation Process

For the most part, we create articles based on videos of recent interviews and presentations. Here is the basic process we follow to create a new article.

Youtube captions to text
Submit to Fancy Hands for transcription edit
Moving from transcription to Article
Where to Find the Content Library and How to Navigate it

1522) INTERNAL: How to Navigate Our Content Library

The content library house all of our content and be very useful in your growing process here at CoachYu. We encourage specialists to try and find the answers to their questions before addressing team leads about the question. The video below will show you where to find it and how to navigate the tabs of the content library.

Content Library Management: Key Points

  • Content Library is where all of our content is housed
  • Get comfortable with the content library so you can refer clients as well as team members to certain articles or videos to help them understand better
  • Content Library will be located in Google Sheets
  • The tab on the bottom will explain what is housed in the tab itself


Fancy Hands

How to submit request in Fancy Hands to collect Positive Mentions to update the Client’s Content Library

1. Please login to FancyHands (FH) as access@blitzmetrics.com. Obtain the password from Operations team when the need arises.

2. Inside FH looks for a thread that’s about collecting positive mentions for your client. This is to confirm if one exists already.

3. If you’ve spent 15mins looking inside FH and can’t find it, stop looking and let’s create a new task in FH.

3A. If you find an existing FH thread, download the result. And update the BC thread for this To-do, if doesn’t exist create one. The result from FH should be compiled in an Excel file, or Google Sheet.

3B. If you can’t find an existing FH thread for your client, then look for the task that collect positive and negative mentions for Academica and it’s CEO as your reference.

Then, copy and paste the instructions, to a new FH task.

A. Update the opening sentences, replace any reference to Academica and it’s CEO name, or any other person name with

img6.png your client’s personal name,

img6.png public profile name (maybe different than personal name, such as Armando and Pitbull, and

img6.png business name.

B. Update the task to collect positive mentions and/or negative mentions. So just edit that as necessary.

4. Create a BC To-do thread to update your client’s content library

5. Iterate in that BC thread, and give update on what you do with FH in that thread because emails are easy to lose track.

Content Library QUIZ

What does the content library house?

Positive mentions
All of the above

How do you know what tab you are on when you are in the content library?

The top of column of the page
The bottom of the page
The side of the page
Look at the title

Where do you locate the content library?

Google Docs
Google Spread
Google Sheets
Google Word

If your team member emails you about a topic and we have a video made what tab should you look in to send them?

Current videos
Re-Edit Videos
Videos to be made