Lifting the Curse, Part I: A New Dawn by Konstantine - HTML preview

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Synchronicity hints at the unified world behind the illusory veil of the Material Universe.

   – Roger S. Jones



  Willenskraft, NY, USA,

  October, 2015



  John had recently turned twenty-five. But he hadn’t celebrated his birthday. He was happy enough to be alive; that was celebration enough for him. And, besides, he was too morose these days to be throwing parties. He just wanted to forget about New York and heal. In fact, if at all possible, he didn’t want to go back there ever again.

  After graduation day, he had moved back home again, you see. And, even though he had the usual problems that people like him often have with their parents, there was no denying it: when one needs a safe space to heal from deep trauma, there’s no better place than home. The psychological shock of witnessing the nuclear attack on New York had had a profound effect on him, because he had a great fondness for the “city that never sleeps”, as the Earthlings liked to call it. Never mind the fact that everyone he had known in University, except for Xander, had been blown to kingdom come in a blink of an eye! His folks were happy to let him stay for as long as he needed and John decided to utilize this precious time to mend his shattered psyche, as well as to figure out what he was going to do with the rest of his life.

  He tried as best he could not to think about New York and continued, as per normal, to upload two new videos a week to his channel, like clockwork: one on Wednesday and one on Sunday. He spent the rest of his time helping his father at the store during the day, while, in the evenings, he’d stay up late doing Internet research and reading books on the Illuminati, Spirituality, the Occult and the Grand Conspiracy in general. The more he learned about the Dark Cabal problem, the more he wanted to get out there and do something about it! He wanted to be a field man, not just some guy that reads about Conspiracy Theories all day and tells people about them on YouTube.

  Just as he had expected, the war started only two weeks after the FFA. As a matter of fact, John was surprised it had even taken that long. While losses on US soil had been minimal, on a global scale, the Final War was devastating: entire countries had been reduced to ashes, their populations decimated. The Middle East was no more…completely wiped off the map. The western half of Australia had been ravaged, as well as parts of Europe, Africa, India and the Americas. Russia was left untouched, since the USA wouldn’t dare risk facing retaliatory strikes from the indomitable behemoth that was Mother Russia’s military. Last, but not least, the damage in China was as negligible as it had been in North America, as the Elite, having sucked the USA and Europe dry for centuries, had long been planning to move their base of operations there. On the bright side, the war didn’t last long: it was over as suddenly as it had begun, running a little over a week. The Earth’s12 leaders, psychopaths though they were, seemed to at least have sense enough to stop it before it destroyed the planet beyond the point of no repair. They wanted to take over the world after all, so there needed to be something left for them to take over.

  Nevertheless, a nuclear war, however tame, is still a nuclear war and there were severe consequences for the planet, chief of which was the nuclear smoke that had enveloped the Earth’s stratosphere. This prevented about twenty-five percent of the Sun’s light from reaching the surface of the Northern Hemisphere and ten percent reaching the Northern one. It was not bad enough to bring the Earthlings to the brink of extinction, but it did create food shortages in certain agricultural-heavy regions of the planet, being that certain crops would no longer grow because of the sharp decline in temperature. It resulted in mass starvation: fifty million people had died from this in the first week alone! There was also the radioactive fallout and toxic smoke to deal with. And, while North America, Russia and China did not suffer much from the abovementioned problems, they could not escape the effects of the damaged ozone layer: skin cancer had suddenly become one of the biggest causes of death all around the world. If we add up the fatalities from the conflict itself, the subsequent starvation, radioactive poisoning and everything else, by year’s end the Final War had managed to wipe out almost two and a half billion people.

  Since this war had been planned from the very beginning by the Dark Illuminists as a way to both reduce the population (they would’ve preferred it if the death toll was at least twice as much as it ended up being) and to put their Global Police State into place, their plans were set in motion right after it had ended. The rhetoric plastered all over the Mass Media was that, if there was a One World Government, world war could never happen again. So, in what seemed like no time at all, they had utilized the power of the United Nations to create a World Government, a World Army and a World Currency. They told the world that these were the essential three prerequisites for achieving lasting global peace. And the world bought it. It bought it hook, line and sinker. Oh, how easy it was to fool the Earthlings back in those days! Like shooting fish in a barrel, as they themselves were fond of saying.

  You see, the Dark Ones often played a nifty little trick on the Earth-Humans, known as Problem-Reaction-Solution13, a term coined by the great David Icke. The way it worked was as follows: the Ruling Elite would secretly create crisis situations, which would then be blamed on manufactured, external enemies and the true perpetrators of the problem (i.e.: the Dark Elite themselves) would step forward as the supposed “saviors” of their people, offering them a prearranged “solution”. Perhaps not surprisingly, of course, the proposed “solution” always brought on further loss of rights and freedoms with it, under the pretense that this would help the government better “protect” its citizens. But, as one would say on Earth, that was complete bollocks!

  This sinister technique stemmed from the perverted, self-serving use of the great Occult Truth which says that, throughout the Material Universe, whenever a Living Energy System (be it an individual, a society, a country, a planet, a system, a constellation, a galaxy, etc.) survives and comes out the other end of a crisis (or chaotic) situation, it reorganizes itself into a higher order of existence. In other words, if the organism doesn’t die during the crisis, it evolves and, thus, emerges stronger. It is the very stuff of evolution. In fact, the well known Freemasonic14 motto, Ordo Ab Chao, which means order out of chaos in Latin, is derived from this great Truth. This, of course, is where we also get the universally known saying “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”.

  Now, while it is indeed true that order does come out of chaos, it does not, however, mean that this Universal Maxim should be used to covertly control people! Nevertheless, the Dark Masonic-Illuminati secret societies did just that. They basically used this secret knowledge of theirs against the masses. They wished to foster a kind of “artificial evolution” on Earth, you see. While, in a certain sense, we could say that speeding up the evolution of the planet was beneficial, and hence desirable, what was not desirable, however, was the fact that they attempted to control the direction said evolution would take. And, in this way, of course, they controlled the world itself. You see, through their carefully placed agents, they would create chaotic situation after chaotic situation in the world so that they could then replace this manufactured chaos with their version of order. Let us use the Final War as an example to show how this was done:

a) They plan the FFA on New York themselves

b) They utilize their controlled Mass Media to falsely blame “terrorists” for the attack and, of course, the gullible masses buy it, like the sheep that they are

c) They then go to war with said terrorists, who in truth have been secretly trained/funded by the Dark Illuminists themselves

d) This war eventually erupts into a world war, which is what they wanted to happen all along

e) After the world war, they succeed in getting their long-awaited World Government

f) Mission accomplished: they have now taken over the world

  So, in essence, wanting to achieve f) all along, they perpetrated a) themselves in order to get there. As can be seen in this particular case, they had replaced the manufactured chaos of WW III with the New World Order15… their New World Order! And, to add insult to injury, most people didn’t even realize this was what had really happened. If only this book had been released  at that time, as a warning, instead of over two thousand years later, in four thousand, two hundred and seventy six A.D! Had the novel gone viral enough, it could very well have averted the Final War. So this, then, dear reader, is the basic breakdown of Problem-Reaction-Solution. And it worked like a charm for them for centuries, so they kept doing it. As they say on Earth to this day: if something aint broke why fix it?

  The Black Magicians knew exactly what they were doing. Even if a segment of the population was indeed waking up to their deceptive ways, they’d, more likely than not, manage to put their NWO in place before the majority had realized there was a plot at all. By then, of course, it would be too late for the masses to stop their inevitable enslavement. See, as outlined in Pike’s16 Letter to Mazzini, the Illuminati had been planning on starting World War III by taking advantage of the tensions between Muslims and Jews in the Middle East. Incredibly, even though written almost one hundred and fifty years before the Final War, Pike’s instructions seem to have been, well, followed to the letter, pardon the pun. All joking aside, by hook or by crook, the Black Magicians got their One World Government in the end!

  The worst thing about this World Government was the police: as if it wasn’t already bad enough that they’d begun militarizing the Police Forces of the first world nations many years before WW 3 broke out, after the war they virtually merged the Police with the Military within a matter of months. There was little difference between the Police and the World Army anymore. John detested this part the most because, out of all his pet hates, nothing else pushed his buttons more than bullies. And these new Police Officers were just that: professional bullies! It didn’t help, of course, that they’d recently been given near unlimited power to arrest whoever they felt like, without having to provide valid legal grounds. It was a direct result of the latest fascist law the newly created World Government had passed, called the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act. It made the PATRIOT Act17 look like child’s play! All the Dark Luciferians needed now was to take people’s guns away. Once that happened, their takeover of planet Earth would be complete. John dreaded this moment, but knew it would soon come.

  He was bugged to no end by the fact that the FFA, which had triggered the war that killed off one third of the Earth’s population and, in turn, was used to institute the New World Order Global Police State, happened on the day of his graduation. And, even though he’d never told anyone about it, John had seen a dream warning him about the attack on New York months before it occurred. The dream proved to be frighteningly accurate. John could never forgive himself for not trusting his own Intuition. He knew that, had he told people about it on YouTube, maybe some of them would’ve listened. But it was too late now: what’s done was done and he had to live with that.

  Even though he’d wanted to expose the Dark Illuminists practically since the first day he found out about them, after New York, his resolve had redoubled. The synchronicities surrounding it were just too great to ignore: for one thing, he only stayed in University because it gave him the time needed to study the Illuminati and the associated subjects. Then there was also the fact that, much like Bill Cooper18 and Alex Jones19 had both done with 9/11 before him, John knew there’d be a False Flag Attack on a major US city months before it happened. And, what’s more, it happened on his graduation day! All these things put together convinced him that, somehow, he was not destined to be a simple Astrobiologist. While other people embarked on their mundane, soul destroying careers upon graduation, in J.C’s case, he seemed to have embarked on a lifelong odyssey instead. He was now more determined than ever to expose the Dark Brotherhood. But let’s go back now and see how he stumbled onto the Illuminati subject to begin with…

  All the trouble had started due to his love of adventure films in general and science fiction and fantasy in particular; John had always liked sci-fi and fantasy since his early high school years. Interestingly enough, however, he didn’t look like a stereotypical “geek”. On the contrary, he was handsome, with an athletic physique and stood at six feet two inches. He had his mother’s green eyes and his father’s jet black hair; these two features only added to his boyish good looks. You see, according to the prevailing idea back then, his six foot two, muscular physique (which had been sculpted from many years of practicing martial arts, specifically Taekwondo and Jiu Jitsu) and handsome visage were seen as the exact antithesis of what a “sci-fi nerd” was meant to look like.

  This was only a silly stereotype, but a pervasive one nonetheless, so he was not candid about his sci-fi geekness. He especially avoided telling the girls at school (who rather liked him). It would take the Earthlings many years to recognize the true significance science fiction and fantasy held. For they were the main vehicles through which the great Universal Truths –truths that had been suppressed by the Powers That Be– could reach the eyes and ears of very large numbers of people. Like the myths and fairytales of old, sci-fi and fantasy tales had become the  new carriers of Hidden Knowledge in the twentieth and twenty first centuries. Even if most fans of these stories didn’t consciously realize they communicated important Truths about the state of their world and about the Universe, and Life in general, this mattered not. For these tales spoke to people’s Subconscious20 and, in so doing, managed to easily bypass that filter we call the Mind. This was how these paramount Universal Truths were implanted deep inside the psyches of all who came in contact with the stories.

  The main reason John was drawn to sci-fi was because, for some strange reason, he’d always felt he didn’t belong on Earth and, tried as he did, he just couldn’t understand most people’s way of thinking. He possessed a rare and remarkable gift, you see: he could perceive things about life that almost no one else could; the little details others never seemed to pay attention to. He would see meaningful patterns where his baffled friends saw only randomness. Needless to say, he thought the vast majority of the planet was rather stupid and backward, and, despite his most valiant efforts, couldn’t completely rid himself of this elitist sentiment. All great men go through a similar phase in their formative years and, of course, Lord Casey was no exception. However, most of his friends and relatives didn’t care what he thought of them and just believed he was crazy! Nevertheless he still managed to get by just fine with people. But, deep down, he knew there was something very wrong with the world, even though he couldn’t work out what this was. John was sure there must’ve been a far better place waiting for him somewhere out there…amongst the stars.

  Sci-fi, to him, was more a way of life than a hobby. It wasn’t just fiction to John. For instance, he somehow knew there must’ve been a Galactic Federation out there. He didn’t know how he knew; he just did. And there were many other things about the subject of Extraterrestrials he just seemed to “know”. This keen interest in Alien life was what eventually led him to take up Astrobiology at University. Even though he later regretted having done so, this still didn’t negate the fact that it had imparted him with valuable knowledge, which proved to be of great help in his overall mission.

  He was particularly fond of Star Wars, The Matrix and Dune, but enjoyed many other things. He liked Superman, Batman and Spiderman, as well as The X-Files and other such works. As the reader already knows, all these works (including others mentioned throughout this book) are still popular in our galaxy, over two thousand years later. However, until the publication of The Complete and Definitive Milky Way and Aquarius Galactic History Encyclopaedia, the Classics21 were commonly believed to have originated in an earlier, and now extinct, Aquarius galaxy civilization of which Earth was the capital planet.

  After having watched and read many movies, novels and comic books in this genre, he noticed an underlying thread running through most, if not all, of them. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but he could tell they were attempting to communicate Universal Truths, in the manner described earlier. He could see that films like Independence Day and Men in Black, or series like the X-Files, seemed to touch on the, behind-the-scenes, reality extant on Earth at the time, even if presented in a fictional, and sometimes light-hearted, way. However, it was not until he had a powerful synchronicity involving a movie, eight years before the Final War, that his interest in the Illuminati was sparked. In fact it was his first major synchronicity.

  You see, the day John first read about the Illuminati (on, an anti-NWO website he stumbled on entirely by accident, while surfing the Net22 one night) was also the first time he’d watched Tomb Raider. It so “happened” that the film had started playing on his bedroom television23 just as he’d exited the webpage. When, after watching for a while, it emerged that the Illuminati were being portrayed as the primary antagonists, he became intrigued. He found it ominous that the movie had begun while he was engrossed in deep thought, trying to make up his Mind about the veracity of the Illuminati Conspiracy Theories he’d read on the site –and one called no less! So, of course, that got him thinking.

  Why would someone put the Illuminati in a fictional movie? Why, if it were rumored to be a very real organization, like the articles on the website claimed, would someone put it in a movie script and pass it off as make-believe? And why then (2001 A.D), just when secret information about them was beginning to come out at an exponential rate from a wide variety of sources? All of these “coincidences” could not be ignored, so it didn’t take long for J.C to realize this was a sign from God telling him to take a closer look at the Illuminati subject.

  Since he possessed a very methodical and analytical Mind (it is understandable that Lord Casey had a superior intellect, for only the smartest of the smart are good enough to be Master Magicians. A fact that the many unsuccessful applicants of the A.A.A.M.A discover every year), he set out to either prove or disprove the existence of the Illuminati for himself through objective research. It was a fresh topic, so he was dispassionate about it; he saw it as an intellectual pursuit, a fascinating subject for him to look into at the time and nothing more. But, before long, he was hooked: after just a few weeks of research on this secret society, he just had to find out what was really going on and wouldn’t stop until he was satisfied. It was an obsession! He needed to get to the bottom of it, even if, in the end, it all turned out to be an invention of paranoid, anti-authoritarian, cannabis-smoking Conspiracy Theorists. That’s what most people thought the theories were, anyway, and mistook them for paranoia. John knew there was more to it, however, because he could think outside the box.

  Upon finding out that, among other things, the Dark Brotherhood also controlled Hollywood, he began to examine other movies to see if they, too, contained any Illuminati references. He soon discovered that almost every major Hollywood film was full of Illuminati symbolism. Stranger, still, was the fact that, in a lot of them, the symbolism had no relation to the storyline whatsoever, but seemed to have been put there solely to create a subliminal effect on the viewer! By far, the most common symbol inserted in the films was the All-Seeing Eye26 (Note: There were many movies on Earth that were replete with Illuminati references and, if mentioned here, would slow down the fiction-like retelling of this true story. However, since this is a history book after all, I have taken the liberty of providing a comprehensive list of these films in Appendix I for research purposes). It soon became obvious to him that many of these films had an insidious, malevolent agenda. One that seemed to be in direct opposition to the few science fiction and fantasy films that attempted to teach the masses Truth and, in some cases, even warn them about the Problem-Reaction-Solution technique (like the ingeniously plotted Star Wars Prequels, for instance, which showed how the Emperor Palpatine character engineered crises of all kinds –that culminated in a massive galactic war, both sides of which he secretly controlled– in order to rise from Senator, to Chancellor and, finally, to Emperor).

  It seemed like all this was done on purpose, but by whom or why, exactly, he didn’t know. Didn’t know yet that was. Because this man would, one day, not only expose and defeat the Illuminati, but the head of the snake itself, the Order of the Serpent, which had its invisible tentacles clutched around three quarters of the Milky Way’s civilized worlds. Exposing their proxy on Earth was just the beginning for Casey. For he was destined, it seemed, to rid his entire galaxy of this cancer that had no cure until he surfaced from obscurity out of a backwater planet, most of whose inhabitants believed they were the most advanced life forms in the whole of Creation. Were they in for a shock!

  While this disturbing occurrence with the Hollywood movies had done much in the way of convincing him about the reality of the Illuminati Grand Conspiracy, he still had a long way to go. He became more and more engrossed in his research until it reached a point where he was neglecting the rest of his life –some days not even hunger or fatigue would interrupt his painstaking web searches or New Age27 and Occult bookstore raids. Fortunately he’d just gotten into college when his obsession with the Illuminati began (he’d first watched the Tomb Raider film about six months prior to that). And, while he still managed to get okay grades, they were never quite as good as they had once been in high school. He had little time for homework those days: there were far more important things to focus on. So he learned more about the Illuminati through YouTube videos, websites, books, radio shows, DVDs, magazines…and from anywhere else he could (Note: a comprehensive list of these materials is provided in Appendix II). His skepticism soon collapsed under the enormous amount of evidence, which proved the mind boggling Conspiracy Theory without a doubt! John was now convinced, but found it unbearable that almost no one else could see what he could.

  The majority of Earthlings were oblivious, just as they are depicted in The Matrix when Agent Smith, looking down on a crowded city street through the window of a skyscraper, says to a shackled Morpheus, “Billions of people, just living out their lives…oblivious.” Knowing what John knew now, he saw that movie in a completely different light. Smith was referring to Humanity’s total nescience of the Matrix’s existence, which, in the film, symbolized the real-life slavery the Illuminati had created on Earth. In the movie, there were those few who were “unplugged”, but the vast majority hadn’t the faintest idea they were being used as batteries to sustain the very Matrix that had enslaved them! It was the same with the Humans of John’s world: the great majority were Sleepers, who had not a clue that their beautiful home was in fact a Prison Planet. One was a movie, the other was real life; and he couldn’t tolerate it happening in real life!

  J.C knew what would happen if the Dark Cabal was not stopped: they ultimately wanted to microchip every Human Being on the planet. Even if people resisted to it, at first, the Illuminati would push on with their nefarious agenda regardless and, if need be, kill any and all dissenters. Subsequent generations born into this system would think it to be the norm, thus giving the Black Magicians a free pass to microchip people at birth without meeting any resistance! These chips had the ability to control a person’s thoughts, which would’ve reduced the Earth-Humans to little more than a race of robots existing solely to serve their Elite Masters (much like it is shown in The Matrix, as described above). John knew he had to stop it before it got to that point. Foreknowledge of this Microchipping Conspiracy was what had given him the initial impetus to start his YouTube channel a few years back. This is what gave him the drive, the stamina, the will to carry on his quest to both learn and teach Higher Truth to others via the Internet! The people need to know. If they take over our Minds, we’re finished; the planet is theirs for good!

  However, despite his unrelenting passion and drive to warn the world about the Grand Conspiracy, John felt that having a YouTube channel or a website somehow wasn’t enough. And he believed this applied to everybody, not just to him. While there were hundreds of fabulous researchers, authors and speakers dealing with these subjects all over the world, he wasn’t satisfied with the impact their work was having on the planet at large. Something was missing; he could see there was no real change forthcoming: the same International Banking Families were still in power, the same Political Dynasties still held the highest positions of office in the senates and parliaments of the world, the Police and Military were still used as the bully-enforcers of the Dark Cabal’s every whim and so on and so forth, ad nauseam. J.C sometimes thought the only thing that had really changed, compared to, say, a generation or two before his time, was that people now knew the names of the criminals that were screwing them! But they were still slaves, same as they were fifty years previous to this realization.

  He’d eventually concluded that the problem boiled down to this: most people did not want to accept the Multi-Dimensional nature of the Grand Conspiracy. But, like it or not, this was the reality of the situation and the only way the Earth-Humans could be truly freed from their slavery, was to become Multi-Dimensional themselves through making direct contact with the Higher Self! However, to try and convince the bulk of the population that, at its highest levels, the conspiracy was Multi-Dimensional was no easy task. The thing is that the Illuminati had done a fantastic job of suppressing or ridiculing any reports of “paranormal” or “metaphysical” phenomena. So the general public, being conditioned in this way, couldn’t accept these things were valid, perfectly natural occurrences. However, in order for one to properly understand the Illuminati problem, it was essential to realize metaphysical phenomena were quite real and quite normal. Sadly though, while many people were quick to recognize that Political Conspiracies were commonplace, whenever the evidence suggested there was more than just a Five Sense, 3D element to the Grand Conspiracy, the usual, knee-jerk reaction would be to dismiss the whole thing as a hoax, over-exaggeration, crack-pot theory or whatever else.

  And this was, of course, due to Cognitive Dissonance29, which was a very big problem in those days. If only people on Earth, at the time, knew how real Magick and Sorcery were. If only they knew their entire planet was controlled by Dark Magick and they were, all of them, under a sinister Black Magick Spell…unknowingly kept in a perpetual, Global Mass Hypnosis, even as they scoffed at the notion of Magick being real. It was right under their noses all along and, yet, they saw it not! Unbelievable as it may seem to us now, this was the situation on planet Earth back then and the majority of its inhabitants believed it to be a perfectly normal state of affairs. Imagine that. Just imagine it for a moment, dear reader! It’s not hard to see that these poor people were in dire need of saving and, of course, John Casey was sent by Providence for this very purpose.

  And, since we got started on this particular topic by talking about the sci-fi and fantasy genre, mention must be made of the fact that John had also become aware of the deep Truths embedded within popular masterworks such as The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, etc . It was obvious that these works did not just teach the viewer about things like Problem-Reaction-Solution, as mentioned earlier. There was much more being shown in them, if only one had eyes to see: Sauron…Sauroman…Darth Sidious…Darth Vader; all of them Black Magicians, Satanists; all of them trying to take over an entire world, or an entire galaxy, through use of their Dark Magick! This was no coincidence, nor was the fact that Tolkien had based his books on ancient myths like Atlantis32, Lemuria33 and so on.