Lost Innocence by Simon Palmer - HTML preview

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A GUARD with a Scorpion tattoo called my name. I stepped over some motionless bodies and followed him to a small room which was divided into two by a bent wire mesh that hung from the ceiling. Both sides had a wooden table, two chairs and an old fashioned phone taped to the mesh.

I sat and waited until the door to the other side burst open and I came face to face with the man who had put me here - Nincotte. He took a seat and picked up his phone. "Thai prison is not so nice like in your country. You had enough?"

I wanted out, but couldn't let him beat me.

"It will cost you a hundred and fifty thousand."

He reached into his pocket and produced a credit card - my credit card. He taunted me with it for a moment then tucked it away.

"Give me the pin number, or we'll see you in Court next week. A date will be set for a further hearing and that could take a while."

"I know you only have twelve days to charge me."

"You'll be charged with rape."

"…With what evidence?"

"We have the semen, the photographs and the witness statement from Mia."

"How did you know it was my semen?"

"We matched it with your DNA."

"That was quick."

"We're quite efficient over here."

"Was there anything else in the doctor's analysis,

perhaps a drug that put me to sleep?"

"You were shown the report."

"It was in Thai."

"We are in Thailand."

"Why are you doing this?"

"You beat and raped an underage girl."

"We both know that isn't true."

"I have the evidence right here."

"Do you know my father's a lawyer? He's flying over right now. My time here is almost up then you'll have to let me go."

"Who told you about the twelve days?"

I didn't reply.

"Did he tell you that they can be extended several times before we even charge you?"

My balls dropped. I looked away. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing me scared.

"I didn't think so and your father may be a lawyer in his country, but this is not his country. You've survived so far, but things could get worse."

"Are you threatening me?"

"I wouldn't advise you to wait and find out. A hundred and fifty thousand, Michael, and you walk away this week. Do we have a deal?"

I shook my head.

"What's wrong with you?"

He sat and stared for a minute without saying a word, then rose up and walked out.

My thoughts caught up with me. The twelve days could be extended? John hadn't mentioned that. I sat for a few minutes in a cold sweat until he returned. "Last chance, Mr Walker."

My mind drifted over to John and how he was offered a similar way out and hadn't taken it. He was stronger than me. I wasn't sure I could do this, go on, but then I'd already come this far.

"Well?" Nincotte pressed.

I looked at him with purpose. "No deal."

His jaw dropped. "You are willing to stay here?"

I shook my head and nodded nervously at the same time. I didn't know what I was agreeing to, but I stood my ground determined to beat this man.

"I may not be able to release you in the future.

Every day you're in here the paperwork increases."

I didn't look at him. He waited for a while then eventually stood up and stepped out. A few minutes later, 'Scorpion Guard' arrived, pulled me off my chair and returned me to my cell.

"Are you alright?"

"I just had a visit from Nincotte. You didn't mention that the twelve days can be extended."

"I'm sorry. I didn't know. What happened?"

"He offered me a deal."

"That's great….but you didn't take it."

"I thought I could do the time and beat him."

"You fool. You had a way out and now you're stuck in here, for who knows how long."

It suddenly hit me what was happening. My heart started racing and my body started rocking.

"Michael, calm down."

It was too much; the bugs, the smells, the people. I needed to get out. The thought of being trapped in here any longer overwhelmed me.

"Come back Michael." He leant over, took a grip of my shoulder and squeezed it like a medicine ball.

"Tell me about your father."


"Just do it. Trust me!"

"He's very down to earth; took his law degree in Leeds. He never wanted to be a lawyer but his father pushed him into it. He scraped through law school, went on to work for his father's firm and that's where he met my mother. She was a legal secretary."

"You mentioned your grandfather was a lawyer.

Tell me about him."

"He ran a law firm until he was diagnosed with cancer. My dad took over and it wasn't long before they clashed. Nigel retired and beat the cancer."

"How did he beat it?"

"After going through all the chemo, he turned to a spiritual healer; got really into spiritualism and never looked back."

"He left his company with your dad?"

"Yes, but I think he's regretted it although he isn't driven by money. He never was."

"That's great. How come you call him Nigel?"

"It's just something that stuck over the years. I

think it makes him feel younger."

"That's sweet. You two close?"

"We are. He gets me. He appreciates my art."

"You love him more than your dad?"

"My grandfather's great, but he's more a mate than a grandfather. We've had the best chats down the pub; he's told me some stories. My dad is a friend, but more of a dad, if you know what I mean. He doesn't always make the right choices, but he'll always get there in the end."

John nodded. "You feeling better, mate?"

"Yeah, I am thanks but now I'm tired and thinking about my dad."

"Get your head down. We can talk later.”