Lost Innocence by Simon Palmer - HTML preview

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IT WAS raining heavily as Harvey's BMW crawled through Bangkok traffic and Bo was looking pissed.

"Why we take this job?"

"It's been quiet with all these protests going on. We need the money. I think we just poke around a bit. Don't worry, we won't make any waves."

She raised her lower lip. "Hope so."

"What do you think of Nigel?"

"Looks kind, think have good heart."

"Rape isn't regarded as a big crime here, is it?"

"Big, but still happen, usually with young girl. People pay family, then problem go away."

They pulled into the car park at the Evita. Harvey climbed out, dashed inside to escape the downpour as Bo ran after him skipping over puddles.

Once inside, they brushed off the rain and were met by a guy wearing round glasses and a red suit.

"Khun Harvey. It's been a while."

"Hello, Mr Anan, how are you?"


"I'm here about a girl."

"Most men are."

"Not like that. I just want to talk."

"They have sex-lines for that."

"I'm on a case. You have a girl here called Tee?"

"Sure, I know Tee."

"I need to talk to her for a few minutes."

"The girls are not paid for talking."

Harvey reached into his wallet, slipped out a purple five and handed it over. Anan took it and hid it in a pocket. "Would you like to use my office?"

"That would be fine."

"It's open. Make yourself at home. I'll send her in."

"Thank you."

The manager walked away. Harvey steered Bo to the office.

There was a dusty desk, some files on a shelf and a window in the corner. The air smelled stale and the temperature was warm. Harvey flicked on the Ale then took a look at the books while Bo pulled out her phone.

Bo had parked herself on a chair and was playing Diamond Dash while Harvey was flicking through a magazine featuring amulets.

A young girl appeared at the doorway and looked in. Harvey smiled. "Come in, Tee. Take a seat."

She had long, brown hair and wore a red gown with the number ten attached above her hip bone.

"What you want?" she asked as she walked in. Harvey perched on the corner of the desk, took out his phone and showed her a picture of Puku.

"Is this a friend of yours?"

She nodded and smiled.

"Where is she? When you last see her?"

"About two week ago, she works at Angel."

"Not anymore."

"Then I not know."

"She doesn't come here?"

Tee shook her head. Harvey flicked through the images on his phone and showed the picture of Mia. Tee reacted with surprise.

"You know her?"

She paused. Bo shouted - Tee jumped. "Yes I know Mia, she sister of Puku." "When did you last see her?"

"Not see her for long time."

"What about Puku? When did you see her last?"

"Not see for long time."

"You have Mia's number?"

"Have in locker."

"Then go get it. We can wait."

She ducked out of the office and hurried to her locker. Once she arrived, she slipped out of her dress, pulled off a wig and fake eyelashes and stuffed them into a bag. Climbing into her casual clothes, she stepped out of an emergency exit and was rushing away when she was taken a hold of, pushed up against a wall, spun round and pinned back by a sharp knife at her throat.

"Leaving so soon?"

Tee was speechless. They were alone. Bo spoke quickly as she pressed the blade firmly against Tee's throat. "You try to run away from me?"

Tee trembled. "You're hurting me."

Bo took out her mobile and called Harvey. "We're outside. I tell you she not come back."

She hung up, slipped the phone into her back pocket then delivered a sharp slap to Tee's face.

"What are you not telling me?"

Tee started to cry. Bo slapped her again. "Okay, I tell. Stop hurting me and I'll talk."

"I'm listening."

"Puku in trouble with a man called Nawirat. He loaned her thirty thousand and was going to kill her if she didn't pay. She used her sister Mia to trick farang to get money, but he not pay."

Harvey appeared, a little out of breath. Bo still had Tee pinned to the wall.

"What happened to you?"

"I just walked around the building. You didn't say where outside. What's happening?"

"She owe thirty thousand to some guy."

"Let her go."

Bo released her, snatched her bag and searched it. She found her phone and opened up her contacts.

"What you want me to do?" Tee asked Harvey.

"Call Puku now."

"I not have number, she throw away phone." Bo looked over at Harvey and nodded.

"Where does Puku live? "Where's Mia?"

"Puku moves around. Mia stays with her."

"You're not telling us much, Tee."

"When she call me, I give her message, call you."

"Good. Bo will put my number in your phone."

"She scared, have men chase her."

"I'll take care of that."

"What you do?"

"Go back to work. When she calls, tell her that we've paid off her debt and that she should call me."

"Alright, I do." Tee rushed away.

"I expect to hear from you soon!"

Bo frowned at Harvey. "Why you always so nice?"

"You never heard of good cop, bad cop?"

"No, in Thai have only bad cop.”