Lost Innocence by Simon Palmer - HTML preview

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LOUISE WAS SITTING in her spacious kitchen with her hands wrapped around a hot mug of caramel coffee. An attractive woman in her fifties, she had grape-green eyes and sunset-yellow hair.

Her husband burst in, eyes darting all over the room. "I'm late and I can't find my keys."

Stan had short, bear-brown hair, Sinatra-blue eyes and a bent nose. He was of a similar age to his wife, had taken reasonably good care of himself and had retained his boyish looks and charm. "Lou darling - have you seen my keys?"

She rolled her eyes. "Try the coffee table."

He rushed out and returned moments later, jangling his keys triumphantly. He leaned over and planted a kiss on her cheek. "What ever would I do without you?"

She didn't reply.

"Is everything okay dear?"

"Michael didn't call me yesterday."

"Should he have?"

"Yes, every Wednesday. I told you that."

"He probably just forgot."

"I'm sure you're right, it's just-"

"What?" Stan asked, waiting for a chance to sneak a peek at his watch.

"It's so unlike him not to call."

"Then call him, dear. There's no harm in that."

"I did already; no answer. I hope he's okay."

"Try him again later….I really must run."

Stan waited for the approving nod from his wife then slipped out of the door.