The Best Information
Source on the Planet -
Public Domain
Writing the content for your eBook is not all that difficult – Really! It will make your writing go a lot faster if you are familiar with the subject. You won’t need to do much, if any research in order to get the thoughts out of your head and onto the screen. But even if you are going to be writing your first eBook about a subject that you don’t have a whole lot of personal experience with, rest assure you can write about it, and write well, too. Right now, this may sound difficult, but with the right research techniques, you can craft a wonderful eBook.
Remember back during your school days when you had an assignment to write a report about a subject you didn’t know too much about?
What did you do in order to equip yourself with the needed knowledge?
You probably went to the library and read up on the subject, or consulted the set of encyclopedias you had at home, in order to learn all about Saturn or the Civil War or whatever subject your teacher assigned to you. And, you wrote your report based on the knowledge you had gleaned from books.
While I wouldn’t advise choosing to write an eBook about a topic that you were totally unfamiliar with, you can write very well about almost any issue with the help of your best friend the search engine. There is information on the web on any subject imaginable that would amaze you.
What Do You Want To Achieve?
If you can answer these questions, your eBook is well underway already, even if you have yet to type the first line of text.
Target The Book To The Audience
You should think about how to target your writing style toward your audience. An easy way to do this is to imagine who you are talking to – and talk to them! Are you writing about video game codes? Your audience will be teenage boys. Is your eBook about how to soothe a colicky newborn? Then you’ll be talking to mothers or perhaps even fathers. Explain your subject matter, and write in a simple, conversational tone, but do not talk down to your audience. Picture your audience in your head as you are typing, and you’ll find it makes “speaking” to them a lot easier.
As I said earlier, it’s always easier to write about something you know, but even then, you need resources to flesh out your book. I suggested that you make use of the wonderful internet search engines to do research to enable you to write an information product eBook.
But, suppose you have come up with a great idea for a problem solving eBook, yet you are having a hard time compiling the data. Or, suppose you just don’t have the time to do the research? There is a perfect solution for you! Simply turn to the massive selection of public domain works that are online.
What Is The Public Domain?
You’re probably wondering what I’m talking about. The public domain is a humongous range of many different types of materials or “creative works” that are all lumped together and given the title of “intellectual property.” Anything that is intellectual property is not owned or controlled by any person.
Also, these materials are no longer under copyright, for it has expired.
Copyright expires -
It’s estimated that about 15 percent of all the books ever written are now in the public domain and no longer under copyright, and this figure includes 10 percent of all the books that are still in print. What this all means is that ANYONE can use these materials.
Any material that is or was from the United States government and several other governmental bodies in this world is excluded from copyright law. It is considered as public domain property as well.
You’re probably thinking, ‘Well, that’s all very nice and very interesting, but what does it have to do with me and the eBook I want to write?
These public domain materials are treasures to anyone who wants to create an information product! Not only are will you find written materials available for your use in the public domain, but also images, audios, and videos!
Okay, I hear you. You’re wondering how in the world could anything that old be something that the people of today would care anything about reading… right? Here’s a little trivia for you that may make you think. I’m sure you’ve heard of the Disney movies Snow White and The Little Mermaid, especially if you have kids. Did you know that these movies were once written works languishing in the public domain? A wise Hollywood producer found them there, put a bit of a modern twist on them, and turned them into movies that were a hit with old and young alike – and made a lot of money for the Disney Company! If a big conglomerate like Disney can use public domain material, you can certainly capitalize on it as well.
Here is a tiny sample of some of the public domain information that is available online for you to adapt into a superb information product!
As you can see, the vastness of this information is absolutely mind-boggling. It’s hard to believe that all of this information is free for the taking and is most definitely NOT considered plagiarism, but it is gloriously true.
Don’t you think you could find a topic for an eBook just from the listing of rather broad subjects above? All of them break down into further categories, by the way. What a rich resource of information, and it is all waiting for you to turn it into eBooks, articles, reports, how-to manuals, or any other type of information product you can dream up.
I think that perhaps one of the best things about using public domain works to create information products is that not too many people are even aware that this material exists.
They have no clue that there are millions upon millions of pages of well-written, interesting knowledge and gathered facts that they can freely use in any way they want without having to ask anyone’s permission.
Anyone can reproduce public domain works, distribute and sell them, and adapt and modify them. Sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it?
How To Use The Public Domain
The only caveat to using public domain material is that you must check to make sure that the material you want to use is definitely in the public Domain.
You need to insure that you are using the original public domain work as later versions of this work may possibly have been revised or annotated, and that adaptation could have been protected by copyright.
To explain this in an easier to understand manner, think of the original public domain work with a fresh layer of material added to it, and not just the same material written in a different way. The fresh layer is what has the copyright – NOT the public domain material.
So, to be on the safe side, it is wise to have and keep a printed copy of whatever original public domain work that you use for your information material so that if you are ever questioned about your eBook source material (which is highly doubtful) you have proof that you used the original works.
There are four main categories of public domain material that you can choose from to create your information product.
1. Plain, everyday “generic” information such as blank forms, titles, facts, ideas, numbers, etc.
2. Any written material that is still under copyright that has been donated or allowed to be used by permission of the author.
Sometimes, out of the goodness of their heart, or for reasons unknown, authors will allow their work to be used regardless of whether or not it has a copyright.
3. Anything written or produced by the Federal government or anyone writing information and/or materials FOR the Federal government.
4. Any material that previously had a copyright, but lost it for one reason or another and is now in the public domain.
I well remember how excited I was when I first found out about public domain material. It was as if my fairy godmother had waved her magic wand and spilled open a treasure chest in front of me! I spent several hours that first evening in mute fascination, just looking through the lists and lists of books on every subject imaginable, articles, pamphlets, and other information that I could hardly believe I could actually use to develop into an information product.
Then, when I discovered that there were several online libraries containing more public domain material than I could ever read in a lifetime, I was hooked. I knew I was onto something really big, and the very next day I was galvanized into action.
I selected a public domain work and developed it into a short but information packed eBook in just one day. I chose this particular information because it blended beautifully with another information product I already had on my web site for sale.
I used it as an upsell (remember our definition of this term above?) to this information product that had been selling for me on a fairly steady basis. I offered this upsell for $9.99, in addition to the $39.99 for the eBook already on the site, and sat back to see what would happen.
In a couple of days, I was shocked and very, very pleased! Sales of my eBook had not only picked up dramatically, but 45 % of the people who bought it also bought the upsell eBook for an additional $9.99! I actually got emails thanking me for the information in the upsell eBook!
I then did another experiment. I chose another public domain book and gave it out for free as a bonus along with another information product I was selling. That free bonus was irresistible, I guess, and since the only way people believed they could get it was to buy my eBook, sales for this one soared as well. To say I was thrilled is an understatement indeed!
But, enough about me and my success with using public domain material. We’re here to help YOU use this material to craft an information product that will make a ton of money for you! In a shorter time than you ever dreamed possible, you will have an information product of your own all written and ready to sell. Are you ready? Let’s get started!
Feb 2025
"Expert Pool Care Tips: A Comprehensive Guide to Keeping Your Pool Sparkling and Safe" is your go-to resource for maintaining a pristine pool year-round. Whet...
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