Mediterranean Diet Weight Loss Results by SteadyHealth Community - HTML preview

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Finally, the Mediterranean diet emphasizes fresh greens and small amounts of fresh fruit, along with a daily shot of alcohol and a daily cup of coffee and/or herbal teas. These foods provide vitamins and antioxidants in their most complete form, and the olive oil that appears with every meal assists in their absorption.

How can you put together a Mediterranean-style diet that can help you lose weight effortlessly? It's really not hard at all.


·        Get rid of packaged foods, particularly snack foods in cellophane or plastic wrappers that sit on a shelf for weeks or month at a time. Mediterranean foods are made fresh.

·        Find a bakery or learn to make pita-style breads. They are textured, they are tasty, and they satisfy with fewer calories than loaf-style breads.

·        Make a habit of drinking coffee. Most Americans get much of their antioxidants from coffee. Greek, Turkish, and southeastern European coffees have even more antioxidants than brews elsewhere in the world.

·        Make a habit of drinking herbal teas. Dandelion and mint teas regulate digestion and gently lower cholesterol.

·        Eat meat and fish grilled, broiled, or roasted rather than fried. Rely on salt and herbs, used in small amounts, to enhance flavor.

·        Eat greens every day. You don't need a lot. Even a cup (about 20 grams) of salad greens can make a difference, providing the mineral and ash your body needs to alkalize your urine without having to break down muscle and bone.


And don't be afraid to go a little nuts with your Mediterranean diet. Of the 180 scientific studies of Mediterranean-style diets, at least 10 have found that including almonds, pistachios, or walnuts every day aids weight loss even though nuts are high in fat and in calories. Generally, people who eat nuts daily lose about 1 to 1-1/2 pounds (500 to 750 grams) of weight monthly without making any other changes in their diets. A 100-calorie pack of nuts, or 10 to 20 nut pieces, is enough to make a difference. Of course, if you are allergic to nuts, don't eat them, but you can still benefit from the rest of the Mediterranean diet plan.