Mercy: Episode 1 - Greatness by David Avery - HTML preview

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Kayla: Well you can’t say I didn’t try then. It was nice meeting you David. Will you tell your mom again that I really appreciated the invitation to dinner?

David: (Nodding) Sure.

Kayla: Thanks.

Kayla reached out now and opened the door to let herself out of David’s car. Before climbing out of the passenger’s side the woman turned her eyes back to David.

Kayla: It’s not me is it? I mean I’m not like hideous or have food in my teeth or something do I?

David: No, it’s definitely not you. You’re not hideous and you don’t have food in your teeth.

David tried to reassure her self-esteem. She smiled once more before finally climbing out of the car.

Kayla: Good night David.

David: Good night Kayla.

David waited in his car as he watched Kayla make her way up to her front door and go inside. As soon as she was gone David reached into the jacket he was wearing and pulled out a slip of paper. He glanced down at the phone number that Matt Peterson had given him earlier that day. He hesitated only for a moment before he reached back into his pocket and pulled out his mobile phone to dial the number…




Scene 30

Gavin Murphy was halfway finished with his first drink when Andrew took a seat next to him at the table in Brock’s.

Andrew: I had a feeling I was gonna see you again before the night is done.

Andrew announced with an undertone of charm. Gavin had an unbelieving grin across his face.

Gavin: Oh did you?

Andrew: I did.

The blonde tried to convince the officer using his sex appeal to his advantage as he sat back in the chair in just a way that the muscles of his chest were outlined in the tightness of the t-shirt he was wearing.

Andrew: And it looks like my intuition was spot on.

Gavin: It certainly does.

Gavin’s eyes roamed over the physique that was being flaunted before his eyes. Andrew could tell by the way that the other man was staring that his attempts of allure were working.

Andrew: So I take it that you’re not disappointed to see me then are you?

Andrew assumed. Gavin shook his head, smirking at the irony of the assumption.

Gavin: Disappointed would be the wrong term to describe how I feel in this case.

Andrew: Then what would be the correct term Officer Murphy?

Gavin: Aroused.

Andrew: Oh I like that.

Andrew lusted as he reached over and placed his hand on the top of Gavin’s thigh.

Andrew: Does that mean that you’ll let me buy you a drink then?

He questioned as his body throbbed over the thoughts that his mind was now host to.

Gavin: No, but I will let you take me home.

Andrew: Right to the point, how bold of you. I like that in a man.

Andrew was even more turned on by Gavin’s boldness. The officer grinned again.

Gavin: Oh yeah, and what else do you like in your men?

Andrew: Myself.

Andrew answered bluntly, returning the same boldness that Gavin had just expressed towards him. Gavin was impressed and the look in his eyes said it all.

Gavin: Then I guess the two of us should get out of here then shouldn’t we?

Andrew: Yeah, I think we should.

Andrew agreed, ready to get the rest of the evening underway. Gavin was just as ready. They were both standing up from their seats now. As they did so Gavin reached into his back pocket and pulled out a bit of cash to pay for his drink. Within seconds the two of them were headed on their way out of the bar, off to find someplace where they could be alone for the rest of the evening…









Scene 31

David was sitting in the driver’s seat of his car as it was parked on the back of an old country road not far from where his parents lived. It was so late after dark that the road was secluded. There was no other soul around for miles, well aside from Matthew Peterson who had his mouth full of David’s cock.

David took a heavy breath as he threw his head back against the seat. He was in a state of enjoyment as he looked down at the man who was giving him head. The warm, wet, and tighten lips that were around the girth of his dick were enough to induce gasps of pleasure from his lungs. Though it wasn’t the best blow job that David had ever gotten, he wasn’t going to waste his breath to protest nor complain. Instead he simply reached down and gave Matt a little guidance.

David: That’s it, eat that fucking cock.

David groaned forcefully pushing the back of Matt’s head down farther, causing the zealous little cock sucker to take in even more of his length. The back of Matt’s throat could be felt against the head of David’s penis and the sensation made him groan even louder to express his liking.

David didn’t ease up his hand to give Matt a break until he was satisfied by the sound of gagging, which was quite the turn on for him. The sound of Matt’s choking made David’s cock pulsate and throb with even more blood flow than before. As Matt returned to simply sliding his tighten lips up and down the shaft of his cock, David moved his hand down to grab hold of the tight ass that was hiding beneath the denim of Matt’s jeans. Matt took this action as a queue He took his mouth and tongue away from David’s cock and sat upright to undo his own pants.

David viewed with anticipation as his new friend started to undress. Matt undressed only from his waist down. He pushed his pants down to his knees. His cock was already hard. David reached over and started to stroke it. It was Matt’s turn to moan in satisfaction.

David: You like that don’t you? You like it when I play with that cock yeah?

David revealed in his ability to make Matt whimper with need. Matt gasped back as he breathed in deeply to soak in the sensation of David’s palm.

Matt: Oh yeah.

David: Good, now put your mouth back down on mine.

David ordered effectively as he took his hand away and sat back against his seat again. Matt bent forward once more to shove his mouth back down onto David’s hard on. David slid his hand back down to Matt’s ass, this time grabbing hold of the exposed flesh with a caressing grip. He moved his hand back and forth from one side to the other groping, squeezing, and sometimes even slapping the firmness of both cheeks until he was aching with readiness.

David: That’s enough.

David barked out persuasively. Matt stopped to look up and waited for further demands from his dominant counterpart. David pointed over to the glove box in his car and gave out another order.

David: Grab a rubber out of that glove box and get your ass over here. I’m through playing games, I wanna find out how tight that ass is.

Matt found David’s dominance to be a turn on. He obeyed the demands without pause and reached over to open the glove box to grab from it what David had asked for.

In the next moments both men were preparing for the act that was about to come next. Matt finished pulling off the rest of his clothes and tossed them to the floorboard of the passenger’s side of the car. David put the condom on and then pushed his seat back as far as it would go to give Matt the space to climb into his lap.

When Matt finally straddled him and sat his tight little ass down on David’s cock, they both let out gasping groans of sexual tension that echoed throughout the vehicle. As soon as he had the chance, David reached one hand up to the side of Matt’s face and pushed it into the back of hair. He pulled Matt forward enough that their mouths could come together in a hungry kiss that brought just a bit of passion to the carnal pleasures that both of them were partaking in…






Scene 32

Gavin closed the front door to his apartment after leading Andrew inside. As he turned around the blonde paramedic was right behind him and the gap of space between the two men was closing swiftly.

Andrew: Do you remember the question that I asked you earlier today?

Andrew inquired as he took another step closer. The air around them was already charged with sexual attraction as their eyes met and exchanged evidence of desire.

Gavin: I do.

Gavin reacted with a nod of his head, remembering back to the question that Andrew had whispered into his ear earlier that day when the two of them were in front of the vending machine.

Andrew: Very nice, so you got em?

Gavin: Of course.

Andrew: Good boy.

Andrew indulged in the answer.

Andrew: So let’s see em huh?

Andrew reached out his hand as though he were waiting for Gavin to give him something. The officer obeyed, reaching into his back pocket to pull something out. Andrew’s eyes lit up with satisfaction at the item in Gavin’s hand; a pair of police issued handcuffs.

Andrew: Ooh this is gonna be good, real good.

Andrew took the cuffs from Gavin. Now he continued to move in on the man in front of him. He was hungry and making that hunger known by using the weight of his body to push the officer back up against the door. Their bodies drifted together slowly building up anticipation before Andrew finally claimed Gavin’s mouth with his own.

For a brief amount of time the two men continued kissing up against the front door, until they had had enough and were impatient for more. With their hands they each explored one another’s bodies, pawing at buttons and zippers until their clothes were falling to the floor, revealing naked flesh beneath every item that was pulled off. As they undressed their mouths would only part when they needed to and each time they were quickly returned.

Their pulses were quickening between them as Andrew pushed his body forward, moving it against Gavin’s. Their bare muscular forms meet and all the masculine features that made them men curved together willingly. They were both aroused and their erections were growing fuller with every touch and taste that they could spare.

From the earliest age that Andrew could remember he had thirsted over all things of a masculine nature. There was nothing he didn’t love about men and it was his insatiable craving for them that feed his need to seek out as many as possible and as often as possible. Their natural tastes and smell, their body hair, the way they sounded when expressing pleasure were only a few of the things that he favored. Andrew loved all these things. It was every single one of these attributes that proved to him over and over again that he was gay. He didn’t just find himself attracted to men; he was in love with everything that made them men. He overjoyed in the way he felt when he was inside one; and there had only ever been a few instances in his life where he had passed up the opportunity on purpose.

When it came to women Andrew’s disinterest was overwhelming. On most occasions he could barely find the will to look at one when they spoke to him. Unlike with men, there was nothing about a female that Andrew could honestly say that he enjoyed. He found their voices annoying most of all, but there were so many things that he could add to his list of dislikes. In his entire life there had never been a moment where he had even remotely found a woman attractive, and this was one thing that would remain to be true for as long as he had a breath in his body.

When he was no longer interested in prolonging sexual gratification, Andrew finally pulled his mouth back from Gavin’s. This time he didn’t return it, at least not right away like before. Instead he gave Gavin yet another command and waited for the eager officer to obey.

Andrew: Turn around and face the door.

Gavin turned without hesitation and then waited. Andrew was by no means gentle when he pulled Gavin’s arms back and cuffed them together. Gavin liked the roughness. After the cuffs were in place Andrew grabbed Gavin by one arm and shoved him forward. He grabbed the back of Gavin’s head and pushed his face up against the door.

Andrew: How does it feel to be the one on the other side of these cuffs?

Andrew pressed with unconventionality.

Gavin: Good.

Andrew tightened his grip around Gavin’s arm now and twisted just a little to induce pain.

Andrew: How about now, you still feel good?

Gavin: Yeah.

Andrew: It’s hot isn’t it? You like it when a man take charge don’t you?

Andrew squeezed tighter and twisted further.

Gavin: Fuck yeah I do.

Gavin grunted back, bearing through the small amount of pain that added to his arousal.

Andrew: Yeah, and how hard to you want me to fuck you?

Gavin: Hard.

Andrew: That’s right; you want it real hard don’t you?

Andrew interrogated further. Then without getting an answer from his new found playmate, he brought his lips up to the other man’s ear and spoke in blunt threats of promise.

Andrew: You’re in luck then. I’m gonna give you exactly what you want. I’m gonna fuck you so hard tonight that you’ll never forget it. You’re gonna get down on your knees and suck my cock and when I’m done watching you gulp down the first load of my cum I’m gonna shove so much of my cock into your ass that you’re gonna taste it all over again. How does that sound Officer Murphy?

Gavin: It sounds like you should stop making promises and get started.

Andrew grinned all over again at Gavin’s audaciousness.

Andrew: Mmmm, I like your eagerness. I guess I better let you better get to work then.

Andrew stepped back, pulling Gavin with him and then forced him down onto the floor. Gavin moved without defiance until he was on his knees and there was a girthy, fully erect cock in front of him. Andrew held the shaft of his own cock in his hands and guided it up to the opening of Gavin’s mouth. The officer stuck out his tongue and took the first taste. His mouth was already watering for more and Andrew was already growing impatient to give it. He was longing to feel the sensation of Gavin’s full mouth around him.

Andrew: Open your mouth and stop wasting my time.

Andrew raised his voice sternly. Gavin was thrilled by the power in Andrew’s tone and he did just as he was being told to. He opened his mouth wide and without further delay Andrew shoved the entirety of his manhood into Gavin’s mouth. He gave no warning nor did he ease it in slowly. Instead he gave Gavin all that he could and then threw his head back with a grunt of pleasure at finally getting what he’d been craving since the moment he had seen Gavin Murphy earlier that day…

Scene 33

When David came home his father was the only one who was awake. The smell of cigar smoke and booze hit his nostrils as he entered the den to find his father watching television. Ed was sitting in a large green recliner with a drink in one hand and a cigar in the other. His eyes were fixed to the box in front of him.

David: Dad?

Ed turned his eyes up from the screen to see that David had come in. He smiled.

Ed: Oh, hey there kid. You’re back.

David: Yeah I just got in.

David took a seat down in one of the other recliners that were in the room.

Ed: Did you get Kayla home alright?

David: I did.

Ed: Yeah? You were gone for a quite a while. The two of you must have had some fun eh?

Ed assumed as he sat his drinking glass down. David grinned. He knew exactly what his dad was accusing him of. He didn’t want to lie to his father, but he wasn’t exactly out to his parents and telling Ed the truth about where he was for the last few hours wasn’t the way he wanted to tell them he was gay.

David: Don’t worry pop. I just took her home. We had a drink and she went to bed.

Ed: Well that’s too bad. That girl is a looker.

David grinned. He was amused sometimes by what a dirty old man his father was. His mother was so involved with the church, such a believer in the bible and the sins that were listed throughout its pages. She didn’t believe in pre-marital sex or homosexuality. Ed on the other hand, hadn’t picked up a bible in any of the years that David had been alive. He drank, he smoked, and he believed in things that Regina would never put her stamp of approval on. There was even part of David that already knew his father wouldn’t judge him for being gay. Actually, if he had to make his best guess on what his old man’s reaction would be, it would be nowhere close to how his mother would react. His mother would raise hell. She’d cry and scream and pray. Ed would more than likely pour him a drink, pat him on the back, and give him the same ole speech he always gave when his children did something he was proud of. Still there was some deep rooted fear that prevented him from just coming clean. Maybe it was the fear that Ed might tell Regina and it was her that David really had to worry about; either way, this was a secret that the Kurt family wasn’t ready to deal with. Of all the members in David’s family there was only one that knew the truth about his preference for men over women; cock over pussy. This person was Sunny. In their last few years of high school David had confided in her out of trust. She had never once broken that trust. Not even Charley, David’s brother and Sonny’s husband knew that David was gay.

David: Yeah well, Kayla’s a nice girl, but she’s a little too nice pop.

Ed: Yeah well your mother was pretty worried but then again you know she always is. I finally managed to talk her into heading upstairs and going to bed.

David: I’m sorry that I worried her, but these days there isn’t much that she doesn’t worry over.

Ed: I know your mom can be overwhelming at times kid, but she does love you.

David: (Nodding) I know she does, and I love her too. I just wish she’d stop trying to fix me up with all these girls from her church. I can get my own dates you know.

David stated in self-assurance. He wasn’t wrong either. If he were at all interested David would have been able to get any woman he wanted. He had a lot of qualities that women found to be attractive. He had a solid well-paying career; he was a doctor after all. He even had extremely good looks.

David was tall at a height of 6ft and evenly proportioned at a weight of 160lbs. He was muscular and in great shape. He had stark black hair that was grown out just a little past his ears; emerald green eyes that had gotten him many compliments, and an olive complexion that gave him a year round tan due to the Italian ancestry on his father’s side of the family.

However, despite the occasional glance or moment of attraction to women that came on very seldom, David was not as interested in woman as he was in men. Sure he liked how a few of them looked and even admired a nice pair of tits from time to time, but it didn’t divert the fact that he loved cock.

There had been times in the past where David had let a woman go down on him and even fewer that he had fucked them, but then again all of those instances had occurred before a time where he had come to terms with what he was.

Ed: She’s only trying to make sure that you’re happy and not lonely. She believes that all of a man’s problems can be solved by finding the right girl to take care of him. Besides, you know how excited she is about the idea of grandkids. She’s not gonna rest until every one of her children give her at least one.

David didn’t say anything to his father’s last comment about having children. He didn’t figure it necessary to burst the dream that both his mother and father had about being grandparents one day. The thing was that David had never really put much thought into children and being that he was gay he had supposed that he would never really have to worry about it.

 Ed: Can I interest you in a brandy?

Ed asked to as an icebreaker to pick the conversation back up from the standstill it had come to.

David: Sure

David nodded his head to accept the offering. He wasn’t much of a brandy drinker. He would rather have a glass of scotch, but tonight he wasn’t going to protest. He was in the mood to drown his troubles a bit tonight. Ed sat his cigar down in an ash tray after his son had accepted the invitation to join him for a drink. There was already a bottle and a second drinking glass on the table at the side of Ed’s chair, like he’d been expecting his son to join him David was quiet as he watched his father pour him a drink. In fact, he didn’t actually say anything again until after Ed had handed him the glass and he had taken the first sip.

David: Thanks pop.

David sighed a breath of relief at the burn of the liquor. It hit the spot just right and he leaned back in his chair to enjoy it.

Ed: No problem kid.

Ed reached over and picked his cigar back up from the ash tray. He flicked the ashes into the tray. As he was putting the cigar in his mouth he picked his drink glass back up as well. He took a sip from the glass and then a puff from the cigar before he himself finally sat back and relaxed into his chair.

Ed: You know I heard from Sunny today that you’ve been having a rough go of things at work.

Ed broke a bout of silence that had fallen across the room. David glanced over to his father. He shrugged his shoulders as he spoke.

David: It’s nothing really.

Ed: It doesn’t sound like nothing. From the sounds of it, sounds like Dr. Branson isn’t letting you into the OR.

David: Well that parts true.

David sighed as he gazed down into the liquor in his glass.

David: It won’t be this bad for long. I’m sure Dr. Branson is just trying to be cautious. He’s a douche bag, but eventually he’s gotta let me into that OR right?

Ed: I guess.

Ed shrugged back at David’s reasoning, exhaling yet another drag that he had taken from his cigar.

Ed: But then again, all that talent that you have is going to waste in the meantime. All that training that you’ve done over the years and the skills that you’ve earned are all just sitting there, waiting to be used.

David: You don’t gotta tell me about that. I know that every second I spend out of that OR is another moment that I’m wasting. I was born to cut, and here I’m just sitting on the sidelines waiting for someone to finally pick me for their team.

Ed: What are you doing then kid? Why are you still here, wasting your greatness?

David: My greatness?

Ed: David from the moment you were born I knew that you were gonna be different. I knew that out of all my sons you were gonna be the one to choose the greatest path in life. When you decided to go to medical school, that’s when I knew that my predictions had come true. You could really make a name for yourself and yet you’re squandering it by working under Dr. Branson. You don’t belong here David. We both know you don’t want to be here either. There are other hospitals, hospitals better than Madison West, hospitals that will appreciate the talent that God gave you and the work that you’ve done to get there.

David narrowed his eyes with confusion at his father. Ed sighed, and then put his smoke out in the ash tray. As the cigar smoldered out, the man exhaled the drag he had last taken.

David: You think that I don’t belong here?

David sat forward and sat his glass down on the coffee table that was in front of him. Then he glared at his father while waiting for an answer.

Ed: Don’t get me wrong kid. You’re my son and I love you. You’re mother and I both love having you around and you’re always gonna be welcomed back here with open arms, but you don’t belong here. You were never meant to stay here in Madison forever; you know it and I know it. Son you’ve got the potential to be a great surgeon one day, but you’re never gonna find that greatness staying here.

David: Pop I thought that you and Ma needed me around.

Ed: No son, we don’t need you. We love having you, but that has nothing to do with whether or not we need you to stick around. Besides, you need to stop trying to help everyone else out and start helping yourself.

David: But what about Charley? He stayed here at home. I mean hell; he and Sunny only live a couple of blocks down the road.

Ed: You’re brother Charley isn’t you; he doesn’t have the talent that you have now nor the drive to reach for it. As much as I love both of you, the two of you are very different. You’re no better than he is I know that, but Charley isn’t the type who needs a fancy job title or college education. He’s just a mechanic and that’s exactly what he wants to be.

David: Yeah, but the world needs mechanics too.

Ed: (Nodding) yeah they sure do, but by god David you have the power to save lives. You need to get the hell out of Dodge and you need to do it fast. You need to spread those little doctor wings of yours and move on to greener pastures.

David: To achieve greatness?

David grinned, mocking something his father had said just a few minutes ago. Ed shook his head, but smiled anyways at how much of a smartass his son was.

Ed: Yeah smart ass, greatness.

Ed reached over to a cigar box that was beside his chair. He was lighting up another smoke as silence fell back over the room for one last final time. David sat back again in his chair and took a few more sips from his brandy. A state of relaxation came over him as he was starting to really think about all the things that his father had to say…






Scene 34

After Andrew left Gavin’s place, he went straight home. He was quite tired after using up so much of his energy with the hot young officer. When he came through the door of his father’s home, Andrew went right for the kitchen. He was in search of some type of nourishment to replenish the calories he’d burnt off during his latest workout.

Andrew was currently living in the house that he had grown up in. It was really his father’s house. Andrew had left home many years ago when he had gone off to medical school. After four years of that, he had joined the army. After two tours in Iraq and another year to recover from injuries that he had sustained during war, Andrew Pryce had returned home. He’d been home for only about six months now, but didn’t like being under his father’s roof again. It was nearly ten years later and he was right back where he started. This concept bothered him quite a bit, but he ignored it because he was happy to be near his family again.

It appeared as though everyone was asleep when Andrew came in, but

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