Money Management for Students by Vincent Patasse - HTML preview

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Ways to Spend in a Smart Way

Spending smartly is not something that most students do. More often than not, many spend money without thinking about their budget or consequences of spending a huge amount of cash. If you want to be smart with spending money while you are studying, these are some of the ways you can take for consideration:

img1.png Enroll in Meal Plans

One of the ways to save money is by enrolling in meal plans. A meal plan is program that is pre-paid. This is where you pay a particular amount of money for your meals on your campus every semester.

In addition to that, meal plans are extremely convenient. You can just pick your snack or lunch whenever you like and you don’t need to cook for yourself.

img1.png Share Expenses with a Roommate

Another option you can consider when reducing your expenses while studying is to share expenses with a roommate. If you are living in a dorm, you should expect that you will live in a close quarter with another student. A lot of expenses can be shared between your roommate. Some of these are groceries and furnishings.

img1.png Look Out for Impulse Spending

This can be very tempting to spend money on things you like but don’t require. It is essential to take a shift with your spending because you will need cash for more vital things including clothing, school supplies, and books. Instead of spending your cash on some items, watch your spending. Then, use this on those that you really need the most for your daily living.

img1.png Know What Is Non-Essential and Essential

Another thing that most students can’t do is to determine the difference of their needs from their wants. Because of having no knowledge about non-essential and essential, some students waste their money on some things that will just waste their money.

Essential items are those that you require for daily living such as hygienic products, clothing, and food. Non-essential items, on the other hand, may include electronic gadgets, trip to movies or pair of shoes when you already have several pairs. Even though this can be difficult at first, curbing your spending is essential as this will let cut off some things that you don’t need for your budget.

img1.png Saving Money on Various Supplies

Saving money from supplies can be easy most particularly if you’re living on campus. Before you go straight to the campus bookstore, you should shop around on nearby bookstores for you to know if they are much cheaper or not. With this, you can save an amount of money on your textbooks that you will use for your next semester. In addition to that, you can save yourself even more money if you choose downloading your textbook to a tablet device or an e-book. If you are searching to save on some supplies including 3-ring binders as well as loose leaf paper, consider purchasing in bulk from a store that caters office supply. Retailers provide you a discount when you purchase a bulk amount of supplies. If all fails, try online sites. This can help you save money from considering discounts.

Bottom Line

Know how to spend smartly may be difficult. But, this can offer you benefits in the long run. If this is your first time to manage your finance, those mentioned ways above can help you big time. If you can’t manage your expenses successfully, keep yourself away from places that trigger you to buy things that are not essential for your everyday living. Take note that there’s a difference in knowing what you want and need. So, be wise with your money while you are studying because this gives you the chance to save an ample amount of money, which you can use for your future expenses or other important purposes.