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Chapter 6: The Health Benefits

of Coffee


For a long time, it was thought that the main health benefit of coffee was an increase in energy that would allow a coffee drinker to push through the day. This is assuredly the case with a caffeinated version of the drink, but, the benefits to consumption do not stop there. There are many other benefits that are just now being explored and expounded upon. This chapter focuses on these benefits and how they can increase the health of an individual consumer.

1. Battling Diabetes

Diabetes is a serious issue that can cause both primary and secondary health issues in those who suffer from it. There are two main types of diabetes: Type I and Type 2. Both can be devastating to the body if not maintained. Coffee may be able to help in battling the type 2 version of this condition.

Coffee may work to help diabetes, according to medical studies done at UCLA, by facilitating the growth of a hormone known SHBG. Specifically, it works to promote the plasma associated with this protein that works to promote testosterone and estrogen levels in the body. So, how does this help with the battle against diabetes? Well, according to studies by accredited physicians, increased levels of these hormones can counteract the impact of diabetes on the body. Therefore, consuming coffee may help to promote the body's natural defensive chemicals that help protect against the progression of diabetes.

2. Antioxidants Within

Oxidation of the cells in the body can be very problematic. This occurs when oxygen adheres to the cells, and push out what are known as free radicals. Free radicals are harmful if they go unchecked and can cause health concerns that range from the routine to the severe. One way to combat this problem in the body is to consume products that contain antioxidants. Antioxidants work to stop the process and thus, combat the presence of free radicals. Coffee is a huge source of antioxidants. In fact, a recent study of health professionals showed that coffee was the number one source of antioxidants in the US. Therefore, consuming coffee can actually work to combat free radicals in the body, helping to promote an individual's health.

3. Heart Help

Heart disease is a leading killer of women and men throughout the US and the world. There are many different foods and consumables that have been shown to have a negative impact on this severe and fatal condition. Coffee is showing promising results in this area as well. Though not definitive, Harvard researchers have suggested a negative correlation between coffee consumption and heart disease. Of course, this is when coffee is consumed in moderation but the results are promising in suggesting that there is a tangible and beneficial link between coffee consumption and heart disease prevention.

4. Cancer Prevention

Cancer is a real and tragic disease that does not discriminate in its impact. Individuals young and old can be afflicted by cancer and the progression of this horrible disease. Some cancers, however, are prevalent in certain demographic arenas when compared with others. For instance, endometrial cancer impacts female sex and reproductive organs in a way that it simply does not impact men.

While the research is still being investigated, there is promising evidence that there may be a connection between reduction in the risk of endometrial cancer and coffee consumption. No, it is not definitive, as much in medicine is not. However, the results of this research suggest that adding coffee to the diet in a moderate amount can have a positive impact on the health of females. Specifically, it may aid in the prevention or progression of this devastating disease.

5. Sexual Function in Males

Males have a unique sexual organ that defines them, arguably, as men. This organ is the penis. The penis is a part of the male body that aids in urination and in sexual intimacy, both of which can be highly impacted by a condition known as erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction can be devastating to the psyche and intimacy level confidence of a man. Therefore, more and more research is being promoted in this medical arena to help find the causes and remedies of this condition. Coffee, once again, is showing promising results.

Studies have suggested that coffee consumption by males can stimulate the activity of the penis. It can help to cause erections more regularly and aid in intimate actions. As aforementioned, coffee has been linked to the development of sexual hormones such as testosterone. This hormone is needed in order for male sexual performance. Therefore, consuming coffee may help to stimulate the body in such a way that it aids men in their intimate relationships, an important and hopeful medical revelation.

6. Energy Boost

Of course, no conversation on the health benefits of coffee would be complete without a discussion on the energy boost that can come from it. Specifically, the energy that is associated with the caffeinated version of this drink. Even the slightest of caffeine boosts can help enthrall the senses and get the heart pumping a bit faster. This facilitates metabolism and allows for that extra push that is needed to get through the day. Coffee can accomplish just that.

This energy boost can help battle fatigue and everyday tiredness as well. On the job, lethargy or exhaustion can lead to safety risks to the individual and to others. If these cases of low energy levels are not associated with a bigger health problem, which only a doctor could diagnose, that extra bit of energy that can derive itself from the consumption of coffee can be very helpful in creating alertness. Therefore, those that want a minor energy boost can see their health and safety increase, arguably.

A caffeine boost from coffee, in moderation, does more than just create an influx in the body's energy systems. It can impact the help and positive attitude of an individual as well. Research has shown that those that feel energized tend to have a more positive outlook on life. They tend to have a happier disposition and feel more accomplished because higher energy levels help to increase productivity. Of course, it is again important to note that not every individual will respond to coffee the same way and each should speak to a physician about increasing any amount of consumable in their diet. In general, though, coffee can help to increase energy levels and increase the mood of an individual, too! It really is a win-win.

Things to Consider 

When it comes to coffee consumption, as with any food or drink, moderation is key. No one benefits from a coffee diet alone no matter how good it may be and how many flavors there are. Instead, a balanced diet and listening to a physician has the most beneficial and controlled impact on health. The above linkages and potential health benefits, however, demonstrate that coffee is more than just an energy booster. It has the potential to increase the overall health of the body in numerous different ways. Do your research and find which combinations of coffee have the most health properties and be sure to stay up to date on the changes that are occurring in this area of research. With so many positive results, however, you may want to Therefore, consider adding a few cups of coffee to your diet if not prohibited by a physician and see what the world of medicine is now starting to notice.