My $500 a Day Secret by John C Wilson - HTML preview

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Once you are successfully signed up the next step you need to do is to pick up a product to promote. Clickbank market place has products available for almost any category you can think of, like match-making, weight loss, dog training, paleo diet etc. You will surely find a suitable product in no time.




Select a product that has Ave$/sale of more than $30. If it’s less than that you won’t be making much on your selected product. So choose wisely.

Once you click on the ‘promote’ button you will be provided with a hop link. Note that affiliate links can often look a little strange. Like this,


When a customer clicks this link and makes the payment for the product, you make a commission.

The hop-link might look suspicious or spammy to some as it’s too long and contains random characters in it. I got a bit when I first stumbled upon an affiliate link.

Now to make your affiliate links or hop- links look less spammy, you can make use of url-shorteners. There are many url shorteners that you can use on the internet.

I recommend using ‘’ url shortening service.


After generating hop-link for a clickbank product it’s time for you to start promoting it. Hop link is of no use if you don’t promote it and allow it to remain idle. Following are the best methods that you can utilize to promote your valuable affiliate hop-links.


Your blog can either focus on one single CB product you are promoting, or make the blog dedicated to all sorts of products reviews from Clickbank.

There is no restriction on the content of the blog, so you could include product reviews, testimonials, and even informational articles, but keep them in perspectives, or that they should be relevant in term of your chosen keywords and affiliate links.

Forum Posting

Look out for forums and message boards related to Clickbank products.

If you are currently promoting an exercise machine then you should join a fitness forum or message board. This principle applies to other product niches as well, so you could potentially participating in gaming forums, technology forums, and webmaster forums.

Sign off with your affiliate links as signature in these forums or message boards.

Regularly post helpful contents there so as to convince the forum members of your credibility, which makes them want to buy your Clickbank products through your affiliate links embedded there.

Yahoo Answers


Now what is Yahoo Answers you might ask. Well, Yahoo! Answers is a community-driven question-and-answer site or aknowledge market from Yahoo! that allows users to both submit questions to be answered and answer questions asked by other users.

A question and answer site like yahoo answers is full of potential. You can use it to promote your affiliate link. Here’s how,


As you can see above a user has asked about methods for losing body weight. Another user has provided a solution for it. Also he has provided a link for more information.


Similarly, you can also make use of the reply box to suggest a solution. Next thing you should do is to put your affiliate link for your product. In this way your affiliate link is now exposed to thousands of visitors and that for free!


Over a billion people use facebook and other social media. They post photos, like posts, comment on posts without even realizing that they can earn thousands of dollars monthly with facebook.

The first thing you need to do is find someone, or a group of people, on Facebook that you have identified as having a specific interest (through a status update, comment, like, group etc.).

You will come across these all the time just with your normal use of Facebook. Your newsfeed is constantly filled with information saying that someone has liked a particular page, joined a group or set themselves a new goal through a status update etc.

If you want to find even more potential people to contact, you can look outside of your own connections and use the Facebook search function to identify groups, pages or tags that will help you segment a target audience.


Personally, I like using facebook as my link promoter. Its easy working with facebook and the results are quick and better than expected.

Here’s how I once suggested one of my friend an affiliate product. I found a post similar to this on his FB timeline.

Can anyone recommend a good android phone? I just broke my old one and I need to buy a new one ASAP!

I commented on his post like this,

Hey there, I've heard that the new XYZ phone is good. Here is a link to the top selling Android phones, they all have independent customer reviews so it should help you choose:

And this is what happened next, he went through the link that I provided and ordered the phone. He got a great phone and I scored a decent commission!

Now blogging, forum posting and facebook posting might sound like too much work. So, I suggest using ‘OPF Kit The World’s #1 money making program’ to make things easier. OPF kit helps affiliate markets to start making money in less than 24 hours.

That’s it!

Follow these basic steps in your every day internet usage and you can start making easy money from the things you ALREADY do on the internet!