Natural Skin Secrets by Angela Boket - HTML preview

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Combination Skin Type Masks


Combination skin type care is difficult and troublesome. Its peculiarity consists in the fact that several types of preparations for different facial parts must be combined. With the combination skin type it is usually the chin, nose (especially the wings) and the centre of the forehead which are oily while the cheeks and the neck are dry. In this case you should apply a purifying mask to the central part of your face and moisturizing or nutritious masks for the other parts.

Before applying the masks you should moisten the centre of the face with tepid water and put some moisturizing cream on the cheeks and neck.


Purifying Honey Mask with Aloe Vera


Aloe Vera 1pcs

Bean curd or Tofu half

1 teaspoon of honey



1. Clean the Aloe Vera with water, remove the Aloe Vera peel.

2. Put the Aloe Vera flesh and bean curd or Tofu to into a mixer and blend until it mix well.

3. Extract the juice with pledget.

4. Add in honey into the Bean curd and aloe Vera juice, stir until it fully disolved.

5. After facial cleansing, gently smear this Aloe Vera Honey mask on the face (avoiding eye and lip area).

6. Leave it for 15 minutes.

7. Wash with warm water.


Clay Mask


1½ teaspoon of green clay (French is preferred)

½ teaspoon of kaolin clay

1½ teaspoon of Aloe Vera gel

1 tablespoon of rosewater

2 drops of rose essential oil



1. Mix green and kaolin clays together.

2. Add in the Aloe Vera gel, rosewater and oils.

3. Apply on the face on for 10-15 minutes.

4. Wash with warm water.

Refrigerate mixture for up to four weeks.


Honey mask with blackcurrant


1 tablespoon of honey

2 tablespoons of blackcurrant juice



1. Steam-melt honey and add blackcurrant juice. Mix well.

2. Apply mask on the face and neck area for 30 minutes.

3. Rinse away with cool water.


Egg mask with blackcurrant


1 egg white

1 tablespoon of blackcurrant juice



1. Mix egg white with the blackcurrant juice.

2. Apply on the face, wash off after 10 minutes.

You can use a mask every 3 days.


Cucumber Mask


1 tablespoon of nonfat dry milk

1 egg white

1/2 peeled cucumber

1 teaspoon of plain yogurt

1 teaspoon of mint



1. Blend all these ingredients in a blender until smooth and well mixed.

2. Apply on the face with a foundation brush.

3. Put a slice of cucumber on each eye and relax for 20 min.

4. Rinse with water.


Herbal mask


1 egg

1/2 cup of oatmeal

1 teaspoon of olive oil



1. Mix 1 egg with 1/2 cup of cooked instant oatmeal.

2. Put in 1 teaspoon of olive oil (or more if your skin needs a little extra hydration).

3. Leave this mask on the face for 15 minutes.

4. Rinse with warm water.

Your skin should be toned and radiant.


Apple mask


1/2 of an apple

1 tablespoon of warm milk

1 egg yolk

1 tablespoon of pure oatmeal(optional, but recommended)



1. Puree the apple in a food processor, blender, or any other appliance used for pureeing food. (Leaving the peel on is optional.)

2. Add the warm milk and mix until blended.

3. Add the egg yolk and break it a bit, then mix it in, binding all three ingredients together.

4. If you see that your mixture is a bit too runny, add a bit of oatmeal to make it more spreadable.

5. Apply on your face for 10-15 minutes. Using the back curved part of a spoon is the easiest way.

6. Wash off with warm water.

7. Pat dry with a towel.


Yoghurt mask


100 grams of natural yoghurt

1 egg-white



1. Mix 100 grams of natural yoghurt with an egg-white.

2. Apply on the face fro 15-20 minutes.

3. Wash the mask with warm water.


Rye-bread mask



1 tablespoon of honey

25 grams of milk



1. Mix a round of rye-bread with a tablespoon of honey and 25 grams of warm milk.

2. Apply on the face for 20 minutes.

3. Wash off with warm water.


Curds mask


2 tablespoons of curds

1 tablespoon of milk


1 tablespoon of olive oil



1. Mix two tablespoons of rich curds with a tablespoon of warm milk

2. Add a bit of salt and a tablespoon of olive oil.

3. Mix all these ingredients.

4. Apply the mask on your face for 15-20 minutes.

5.  Wash off with warm water.


Sandalwood and Milk mask


1 tablespoon of sandalwood powder




1. Take one tablespoon of sandalwood powder and enough milk to make a paste.

This mask is removes excess heat from the skin and cools the skin.


Honey and Oatmeal Mask


2 tablespoons of honey

2 teaspoons of oatmeal



1. Take 2 tablespoons of honey and 2 teaspoons of oatmeal.

2. Mix and apply on the face for 20 minutes.

3. Wash off with cold water.

This is perfect face mask as it hydrates the skin and removes dead skin.


Yogurt and Mint mask


1 tablespoon of yogurt

2 teaspoons of mint juice



1. Take 1 tablespoon of yogurt and 2 teaspoons of mint juice.

2. Mix and apply on the face.

3. Wash off with cold water.

Yogurt is great for skin it gives an instant glow to the skin and makes it soft and supple.


Banana with Avocado Mask


1/2 banana

1/2 avocado

2 tablespoons of full-fat yogurt

1 teaspoon of olive oil



1. Puree all ingredients in a blender.

2. Apply to freshly cleaned face and leave on for 15 minutes.

3. Wash off with warm water and pat dry.


Papaya Mask


1 papaya



1. Peel and remove seeds. Chop into pieces and drop into food processor.

2. Puree until papaya is the consistancy of baby food.

3. Use 1/2 a tablespoon for each facial. Keep leftovers in a baggie in the frig.

Mask contains a strong enzyme called papain which dissolves oil and dead skin cells.


Cornmeal Facial Scrub






1.  Mix cornmeal with enough water to make a paste.

2. Apply on the face in a circular motion.

3. Allow to dry and rinse off with cool water.


Rose facial mask


The crushed petals from one rose

1 tablespoon of yogurt and honey

1 tablespoon of rosewater

1 tablespoon of honey



1. Mix all the ingredients and apply it on the face with gentle circular massage motions.

2. Rinse the mask off after 15 minutes.