Oceans2Earth Volunteers Ltd by oceans2earth - HTML preview

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The Wildlife Code

1. Respect the privacy of wildlife when you visit their habitat and their home. Observe them from a distance as animals can become distressed and injure themselves. Don’t crowd them, make sudden noises or movements or try to attract their attention.

2. Beware of wildlife. They are wild and can be unpredictable and dangerous.

 3. Wildlife always has right of way. Allow them to pass freely.

 4. Don’t feed wildlife. It upsets their diet, can have harmful effects on their health and leads to human dependence.

 5. Keep quiet. Noise disturbs wildlife.

 6. Do not use your flash when photographing wildlife. It can damage the animal’s eyesight and cause them stress.

 7. When in your car, never drive off-road. This damages wildlife habitat, pollutes the ecosystem and causes soil erosion.

 8. Drive slowly and carefully at night, many of our native animals are nocturnal.

 9. Never light fires or discard burning objects. Bush fires cause immense damage to both vegetation and wildlife.

 10. Carry a towel, blanket, sack or box in your car, in case you encounter injured wildlife on the road. Call a wildlife carer as soon as possible.

 11. Do not purchase, collect or remove any animal products, rocks, plants, seeds or birds’ nests from the wild, or alter the environment in any way.

 12. Be a responsible pet owner, dogs and cats cause injury and death in many of our wildlife species.

 13. Teach your children to love and appreciate all wildlife and the environment.

 14. Take your litter home with you. Litter is dangerous to wildlife, the ecosystem, is unsightly and creates fire hazards.

 15. Animals are not humans and should be treated as such with respect and not as providers of entertainment.
