Odd Family Out by Nick Nwaogu - HTML preview

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I will like to thank everyone that made my first book ‘The Almost Kiss’ a resounding success. You all gave me the courage to put this book together. Without your invaluable contribution towards my growth as a writer, this book wouldn’t have seen the light of day.

Without further ado, I would like to thank my publisher and my distributors who made sure that ‘The Almost Kiss’ is now available everywhere books are sold.

I will also like to thank all the media outlets, including ‘Broadway World’ who have published news of my work.

I will like to thank all the author-reader online communities that allowed me to share excerpts from my book with hundreds of other authors and thousands of potential readers.

Specifically, I will like to thank:





Fiction Pad,

Deviant Art,



Fan Fiction,

Authors Den,

Savvy Authors,

and Writers Café.

You all have been amazing.

Thanks for your wonderful services towards to the continuous spread of knowledge through books.

For Bonnie Flach: Thank you for reading the The Almost Kiss, and for your kind words afterwards.

For Free-eBooks: Thanks for featuring The Almost Kiss in your ‘Editor’s Choice’ list. I know it’s a very short weekly list of not more than a dozen books, so I’m indeed grateful for distinguishing my work from a list of over a thousand great books.

Thank you!

E dupe!

Na gode!



Nick Nwaogu
February 2017