How to Wear Opal Gemstone
by Trent — February 26, 2015
Opal is one of the most magnificent gemstones that represents the month of October. The opal gems are known for their opulence and the ability to reflect a variety of colors with brilliance. Precious opals range from white to vivid magenta and green. You can find an array of colors such as red, orange, gray, blue, olive, brown, black, and yellow. When you are advised to wear an opal or you wish to wear opal stones, you need to know that every color has different meaning and different properties; therefore, you need to be cautious while buying opal gems.
People buy opal because it is a beautiful stone with mystical powers. They use the stone for healing and spiritual purposes. Opal gems are considered stones of inspiration, as they enhance creativity and imagination. Opal is basically made of silicate and water. It strongly correlates with the emotions. It clarifies and mirrors the feelings, desires, and buried emotions. People determine Opal value depending upon their properties. The fire is one of the most popular opal stones that enhances the personal power and protects from dangers. It amplifies the energy and facilitates the changes. Blue opal comes at price, as it is a powerful stone that is worn for the wishes fulfillment. Blue green opal helps you look at the world from new prospective and alleviates emotional burdens. The green opal has a huge value, as it cleans and rejuvenates the emotions and helps in stabilizing relationships. The opal that is highly admired is black opal that increases sexual attractiveness and leads to higher spiritual experiences.
It is easy to buy opal, but it is crucial to know how to wear the stone that has a huge impact on the body. To get maximum benefits from the gemstone, you need to know what the right way to wear opal stones is. People often consult an astrologer or gemologist who help them decide which stone to wear and how. You need to research on how you can enhance the benefits of opal by wearing it the right way.
People are badly affected by wearing opal gems wrongly and therefore, some people consider them a bad luck and so many myths surround these valuable stones. According to astrologers, some religious rituals need to be performed before wearing the stone. They believe that by performing some rituals and enchanting some hymns, people can enhance the powers of the opal stones and make them more valuable.
It is also considered that gemstones should be worn when Moon is in a specific constellation on a particular day. This enhances the beneficial effects of the opal gems.
You are recommended to wear a specific weight of stone in a particular situation, if you are seeking remedy for some health issues or professional growth. Even astronomers recommend the metal in which you can get the opal gems studded or the finger in which you should wear the stone to amplify its powers. Opal is usually worn on right index finger for maximum benefits, so make sure you get it right to get the best results.
Tags: buy opal / opal gems / Opal Gemstone / opal stones / Opal value