Personality of plants by Royal Dixon and Franklyn Everett Fitch - HTML preview

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“’Tis a quaint thought, and yet perchance,
 Sweet blossoms, ye have sprung
 From flowers that over Eden once
 Their pristine fragrance flung.”

“In the beginning God created the heaven and earth. And the earth was without form and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light!”

There is no greater mystery than the mystery of creation. Nowhere is its story told more eloquently and more scientifically than in the opening words of Genesis. All the fruitage of centuries of research but reaffirms this ancient narrative.

In the early days of this planet, when its crust was scarcely hardened from the molten state, there reigned what might be called the age of water. The entire surface of the globe was covered with a sea of restless, moving liquid, overcharged with a heavy atmosphere of vapour, so dense that not a single ray of light could penetrate it. As the process of cooling went on, more and more moisture condensed out of the air, until finally the first ray of light reached the universal sea and terrestrial day began.

Here in this dim, watery world, about the time that the first land began to emerge from the deep, by some divine, mysterious agency, the first life was born.

No doubt it was one-celled, free-moving, and like modern Flagellates, partaking of the nature of both plant and animal.

Slowly, and in response to evolutionary promptings, simple aquatic plant forms began to develop from the primary single cells. Animal life may have begun a simultaneous development, but if it did, it did not become strong enough to make any impress on the geologic rock from which we draw our data.

Certainly the plants were in the ascendency. The mobile green Algae were characteristic of the time. It is a remarkable thing that though they are probably the progenitors of all that vast world of vegetable life which enriches the world today, the Algae have always gone on reproducing their own kind. Today we can watch, under a microscope, the activities of the first form of terrestrial life, born incalculable aeons ago.

Mayhap the earth would be peopled exclusively by Algae and similar forms today, if it had not been for a prehistoric accident. One day, the water suddenly receded from a bit of land and left some Algae in the mud behind it. Now, the Algae had always been used to plenty of water and they saw that unless they did some quick thinking, they were in danger of drying up and blowing away. Accordingly, by common consent, they secreted and surrounded themselves with a jelly-like mass capable of absorbing and holding water. The amphibious Liverworts and the Ricciocarpus Natans do the same thing today.

With the Algae successfully living in the mud, surrounded by their mucilaginous water-reservoirs, it was but a step for some enterprising individual to extend a portion of his own tissue in search of more water. By this simple act, the first root came into being, and lo! there were terrestrial plants.

It is to be noted that all development in the plant world is born of necessity. To the plants, dependence upon water, food and the impulse to reproduction may be ascribed the start of many a new form among them. In the more complex groups we seem to see a conscious striving for higher and better things, but the lowlier species often need the goad of circumstance to force them to attainment.

When the plants first emerged upon the land, a number of structural changes became necessary. Whereas in the marine world, water is absorbed directly by all parts of the plant, in land life special organs of absorption and conductivity must be developed. At first, the roots were mere rhizoids or hairs, aided by water-drinking leaves and tubers, as in the Mosses and Liverworts today; but it was not long before true root and vascular systems were evolved. Other changes which came with terrestrial life were greater rigidity of tissue and devices to guard against evaporation. Leaves were developed for the purposes of manufacturing starch by photosynthesis, spreading out into thin layers in order to present the greatest possible surface.

These lower land plants retained and still retain some characteristics of their aquatic ancestry, notably swimming spore cells, as in the Mosses. The formation of rigid cellulose about vegetable cells stops their movement, except when cilia or projections of protoplasm extend through openings in the cell walls. The Liverworts were probably among the first real land plants: their spores are non-motile and they have a massive, foot-like organ for the absorption of water.

To the liberality of Nature we must ascribe the development of the law which ties the plants to the soil. They started out as animals, but enjoyed such an abundance of food that it became unnecessary for them to go in search for it. Water and carbon dioxide, which formed their principal means of subsistence, were all about them; they settled down to a life of quiet ease. When Corals, Sponges, Oysters and other lower animals are similarly situated, they become as firmly rooted as any plant. Moreover, they have free-swimming larvae analogous to the active zoospores of certain members of the plant world.

The first land vegetation of the globe must have presented a curious spectacle. Imagine a forest consisting of endless repetitions of Algae, Fungi, Lichens, Liverworts and Mosses, with many forms of gigantic sizes. The fresh-water Algae early developed a clever device to save their race from extinction by drought. Certain cells in each plant became hard and devoid of water, presenting that phenomenon of suspended animation to be observed in many of the higher seeds. When drought overtook any particular plant, it died, but these special restive cells lived, and were carried about by the wind or other agencies until a new abundance of moisture called them out of their trance. As zygotes, they exist in the Nostoc today.

The first plants were non-sexual and propagated by cell division. They were therefore capable of little advancement. With the introduction of the sex element, infinite possibilities for racial improvement and differentiation were opened up. The Mosses and Ferns belonging to the family Archegoniatae early established an alternation of generation in which the spores give rise to a small plant which looks like a Liverwort and bears the reproductive organs. The fertilized ovum of this plant grows into a leafy, sexless individual which produces spores non-sexually. We therefore have a generation endowed with sex organs making for development and progress, alternating with a sexless generation calculated to continue the tendencies of the race.

It is undoubtedly the sex element which accounts for those “sports” or mutations in plantdom which occasionally overstep the limits of species to form new species.

In the luxurious atmosphere of the early globe, vegetation waxed strong and vigorous and attained remarkable proportions. The primeval woods served to draw the superabundant carbon from the air and in millions of decayed bodies store it up as graphite, coal, petroleum and illuminating gas. The present day graphite beds alone represent vast quantities of ancient vegetation. It is a unique experience to be able to write or draw pictures of these prehistoric plants and use, in the carbon of our pencils, portions of their very bodies.

Everything was on a grand scale in the “Old Red Sandstone” age. There were no real trees yet, but the Asterophyllites, with their tall, slender stems, looked much like Palms. The Eryptogams were immense Mushrooms. Algae, Zostera and Psilophytons covered the shores with a tangle of seaweed vegetation.

In the succeeding carboniferous period, the plant world reached the climax of its dominion. While the variety was still very much limited, its vigor and luxuriance were astounding. The Tree-ferns seem to have come down to us unchanged from that time, but other plant descendants have dwindled in size greatly. Our humble Mares’ Tails were then twenty or thirty foot trees called Calamites. The Club-Mosses were giant Lepidodendrons. Other immense plants which have no direct descendants were the Sigillarias and the Lomatophylos. With its flexible, fluted and checkered stems, saw-edged leaves, and hanging garlands of parasitic Ferns, the carboniferous forest presented a remarkable scene.

The air was still very moist, covering the entire earth with a permanent fog and a uniform temperature. It is said that certain present-day islands in the Pacific Ocean approximate these ancient conditions.

All the plants of that time were flowerless, and belonged to neither the monocotyledonous nor the dicotyledonous classes, which include the greater number of families today. Thanks to many excellent specimens found in coal mines, it is possible for scientists to classify as many as five hundred families. It is believed that coal itself was mostly formed from small plants, but often entire trunks of the tree-like forms are found in bituminous strata. Bits of bark, cones and petrified leaves have also been unearthed at different times.

In the course of evolution, the Conifer trees were the next to develop extensively. They gained a great ascendency, but were succeeded by Palms, Alders, Cypress and Elms. By the Miocene period, all the forms known in tropic Africa today had come into existence, but were restricted by no such regional limitations as they labour under now. Oaks and Palms, Birches and Bamboos, Elms and Laurels grew side by side. The Palms reached as far north as Bohemia, Switzerland and Belgium. Maples, Lindens, Planes, Spruces, Magnolias, Persimmons and Pines flourished in Greenland. The Silver Fir and the Southern Cypress advanced to within two hundred leagues of the North Pole. The California Redwoods and Sequoias are survivors of a race which flourished in this age.

Man came very late in the earth’s evolution, but he has had a profound effect upon the plant world. His most noteworthy feat has been to take comparatively weak plants like the grains and, for his own purposes, give them large areas in which to grow. Wheat, Maize, Yams and Tobacco became widely diffused as cultivated plants before the historic era. It is probable that Rice and the Legumes were first domesticated in Asia; Barley and Wheat in Egypt; and Maize, Potatoes, Yams and Manioc in America.

The origin and development of plants is a fascinating study. So authentic are the records which they have left in the eternal rocks that we have little difficulty in reconstructing their entire race history.
