Pilates and Complete Body Fitness by Richard C. Thompson - HTML preview

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The Good In Pilates Reformers

Pilates is a method of exercise invented by Joseph Pilates in the early 1910’s. Joseph Pilates was a frail child, getting sick most of the time, he eventually got into exercising to improve his health. When he was detained in an English detention center for being an “enemy alien” in World War I, he used springs from hospital beds, for the resistance exercises that he used. It was these exact springs that inspired him to make the exercise machine that is now called the Pilates Reformer.

Joseph Pilates invented the Pilates technique of exercising to form a low intensity workout that is suitable for anyone in any condition. And indeed, Pilates has been successful both in the healthy and the slightly not well of population because of its low energy requirement. The Pilates reformer is just one of the many Pilates equipment that the technique employs and it is also the most popular of it all, with its simplicity and its economic size.

Essentially, doing Pilates Mat work would be the most ideal form of exercise that you can do, but reality wise, nobody can really do the demanding exercises of mat work without first experiencing less tiring methods; this is where the Pilates reformer comes in. But remember, it is really better to do Pilates of any form with an instructor. The Pilates instructor knows which part of the body to focus on, which exercise would benefit you most and which machine to really use.

But if you’re hel bent on using the Pilates reformer, then to each his own, the truth is the reformer is one of the most effective equipment of all the Pilates machines. Just its name entails something that is a big claim on its own, “reformer” meaning something that reforms, and indeed it does, reform, reform your body.

The first basic exercise would have you, the exerciser lying face up on the carriage, as they call it. This is where the instructor comes in, he positions you to prevent strain on your body, and then you push your body, carriage and all, up and down or back and forth, depending on the type of Pilates Reformer that you are using.

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