Platinum Dust by K.C. Baylor - HTML preview

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Sneak Peek

Part 2

Felicia’s Baby


Chapter One


I stood at the window watching my aunt Sadie and my girl Felicia step into the black limo parked in front of the house. Today was my baby brother’s funeral and I didn’t feel like going. With one last look in the mirror I walked through my aunt’s house like a zombie. I ignored all of the well-wishers and offers of condolences from my aunt’s neighbors as I stepped into the back of the limo. All eyes were on me as I sat beside Felicia. She looked good in her black knee length dress and swollen belly. It’s crazy how life plays out. In the same moment I lost my brother I found out I would be a dad with the only woman I cared about in this world. 

My aunt Sadie reached over and squeezed my hand. I couldn’t feel anything, a week before I had to rescue my brother from a crazy bitch looking to pay me back for kicking her dude’s ass. Now I was driving in the front of a funeral procession. I fought back the memory of my brother choking on his own blood in the back of a getaway car as we headed toward the church holding his body. As the limo made its way to the church I noticed how crowded the streets were. There were lots of faces I didn’t recognize. Amir was well known at his church and many of its members came out to wish him farewell. I made sure his funeral was one of a kind. He had a white casket with gold plated letters spelling out his name on the side. We would even release doves when the pall bearers carried his casket to the hearse. When the limo parked in front of the church we stepped out and I forced my legs to push me forward. Family would get a private viewing and then they would allow others to come in.

My girl Felicia stood beside me the entire time holding my hand. When I stopped walking she stopped also. She knew how hard this was for me. Amir was my only brother from a mother I hated for killing my father and kicking me out of the house at eleven and a father who was dead way before his time. My aunt walked into the front of the church toward the casket and I could hear her crying loudly. I choked back the lump growing in my throat as I waited for her to come back out. Moments later she walked out with mascara lines running down her face. I knew this was hard for my aunt, first losing my dad her- only brother, then her husband a few years ago, and now, my brother that she raised like a son.

When I was finally able to muster up enough courage to go in the large room I inched forward with slow deliberate steps. Felicia hung back to close the doors to give me privacy.

I walked up to the casket closing my eyes for a moment. I couldn’t believe how peaceful he looked. His hair was freshly cut and his all white suit looked good on him. I had to admit he was a pretty good looking kid. His last words ‘Are you lying about seeing Janet?’ rushed into my mind like a rushing river knocking me to my knees. He was happy knowing that I went to visit our mom Janet after all of the years of trying to reunite us.

I cried uncontrollably at the feet of my brother’s casket. Felicia stood beside me stroking my hair.

God I asked you to let him be ok! I couldn’t believe this shit. How could he be dead? I could only be mad at myself. The doors opened but I didn’t look up until I felt Felicia’s grip on my shoulder tighten.

Janet Starz escorted by two correctional officers walked in wearing a black two piece dress suit in true dramatic form. She walked to the casket like she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. She lye across Amir’s body weeping like she was the only one there. For a moment I felt sorry for the lady I grew to hate over the last 15 years. After her crying spell she stood up and wiped Amir’s suit.

“Raheim, how you holding up?” she asked and I wanted to ignore her question but I could feel Felicia watching me. I stood up off the floor and did what my brother would have wanted and wrapped my arms around the same woman who threw me out into the streets. I only let her cry into my shoulder for a few moments before I pushed her back and said.

“Sorry for the loss of your only son.” I could feel the venom pulsing through her blood as she stared at me with hatred. Janet Starz was only an egg donor and my brother’s death wouldn’t change that. I reached for my girl’s hand and turned to leave the viewing room.

“Let’s go find my mom.”