"( hope tllat IIIll11yreaders-alld especially ycHlllg olles-will be i1lS1lirtd
by this tilllely book 10 lIIake ch'}lily n cornerstone of their buildings of beliefs!'
-Dr. P.M. Forni, co-founder of the Johns Hopkins University Civility Project
and author of Clioostng. Civility
The Power of Civility is packed witli thought-provoking perspectives on what civility really lIleallS,as well aspractical sotutionsfor incorporating civility best practices in10 your work and life. 111 tllis comprehensive book. eighteell top civility alld etiquette professionnlsgo beyond 'he typical "pleaseand thank you" conversations about civility and challengeyou 10 Ihi"k about your personal standards, accountability and values. and what it means to be cOllllllittedto choosing ,iv/lity, whether at home, at 1VOrk.ii, your COmlll'lIIitYO. rillpublic-at. hallie and abroad. 11"s book provides the toolsyou need to boost your social intelligence and build your cultural competence, giving you the confidence and poise to go altyw/ze,.. alld be welcomed as a caring and considerate citizei of the world. Discover the power of civility!