Race for Earth Book 1 of the Tales of the Gooran Preview by Gerald McNally - HTML preview

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Chapter 9:


The next day I could not get Geralyn out of my head. So I tell my head advisor "Please cancel all of my meetings unless it is with the scientists or Geralyn," and then add "Please summon the Mages."

"Yes, My King" Dakota said.

A few minutes later all of the Mages arrived. Once everyone sits down I say "I have now chosen who my Bride, and the new Water Mage will be"

The Storm Mage asks "Who?" with a wink.

"First I must ask the Storm Mage something, and then appoint the new Water Mage" I responded.

And before I could ask my question the Storm mage interrupted and said "Your majesty we have agreed that you have earned the right to call us by our true names. Mine is John Mertell."

"Jack Austin" Said the Fire Mage.

"Willow Haley" Snaps the Wind Mage like the wind snaps.

"Athena Iron" Quipped the Wisdom Mage.

"Magnus Connor" booms the Earth Mage.

"Thank you all for this honor. But now back to business," I state with authority. And turning back to John I ask "John may I have your Geralyn's hand in marriage?"

"Yes you may" John answers with a smile beaming on his face.

"Thank you," I gleefully replied and then added "Also the new Water Mage will be Geralyn Mertell. That is if she  will be my wife."

Just then the scientists come running into the meeting room with smiles glowing on their faces. Once they arrived at the table they said " It is finished and they are ready to leave at a moment's notice."

" Great work," I said and then added "I think I am speaking for all of us here and not here when I ask how many can you fit on a craft?"

Everyone there nodded to signal I was speaking for everyone.

"100 sir." they answered immediately.

"How many crafts?" I questioned.

"101 your eminence" they responded.

Just then Athena spoke so quietly that if you did not pay attention you would not have noticed what she said and it was "the traitors name (translated into the language of humans closely but not exact because there is no exact translation) is Anarchist Iron though known normally as Zeus Iron"

Stunned I turn around and ask her "How did you know that?"

"He is my brother," Athena said shrilly "What did you think the same last name was just a coincidence?"

"Yes I did." I answered stupidly.