SEO Mastery by Kapil Chopra - HTML preview

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1. Fundamentals of Market Research


For achieving success in your business the most crucial thing is a proper market research and selecting the profitable product. Those who do not emphasis of this, face failure while running their business.


It is important to read this chapter with care.


The tactics which differentiate between the guy making loads of money by ranking sites and an average Joe is obviously Good market research.


For gaining from your business you need to follow a guy who has knowledge about the profitable and golden keywords that are easier to rank rather than following someone else who wants that he ranks for payday loans or keyword weight loss. Following the first guy you too can have the chances of making money from the keywords and that too in minimum time frame. (This is obviously a practical approach to the situation)


As an instructor, even till now when some of my students asks me through emails about keyword researching and obviously about making money online, I always reply that UNTIL AND UNLESS YOU KNOW HOW TO TARGET THE PRODUCT NAMES, YOU MUST NOT DIVE INTO SEO-AFFILIATE MARKETING.


You may think that what’s the use of CAPS here?  This shouting with CAPS is for stressing emphasising on the point.


There may be only two or three sites in my total 6 year experience of online marketing where I have not dealt with product keyword. One site was there where I dealt with the keyword how to get rid of belly fat.


  • Understanding product name keywords


Confused with the term product name keyword? These are those keywords that contains name of products in them. Like iPhone 6 is a product name and the keyword may be iPhone 6 accessories. Other examples of product name keyword are Bellaplex, Zeta Clear, Wartrol, Derma Nova Pro, Digestit Colon Cleanse, Sunergetic etc.


If you think about it, you would find that it makes sense.


Just think about a guy who is searching for ‘how to get rid of belly fat.’ There are maximum chances that this guy has a fat tummy and all he is looking for is gathering information about getting rid of that. This guy is not in mood of buying nay product rather all that he wants is some free information from the internet. Now, if he would have searched for “Flat tummy X60” (just an example) you can understand that he is in buying mood. He is looking for some PRODUCT with which he can reduce his tummy. May be he has done his primary research and now he is looking for some more information on the product (All that is needed here is a little push so that he purchase the product). So this is where your affiliate site would come into play. So with it, you can make sales and money at the end. This is as simple as that.


2. Calculating the Profitability Potential


After we have got the understanding of product name keywords you need to conduct another test. Although you cannot expect to get 100% accurate results (same as the Google keyword Planner, where you cannot expect 100% exact search volume) but still you would get a fair idea about how the product chosen by us just now would have demand in the market presently or in near future. The reason that we are performing that test is to be sure that we are choosing a product that would help us make money. Now for that we need to turn to Google trends. With it you would get the idea if the product would be profitable in the coming days and if there would be demand for it.


Note: you may find that sometimes this step is skipped as it is assumed that when products are searched people do have interest in them.


  • A product that is being searched continuously and has some historical records would be considered as an ideal product. ( Even with sharp downward and upward trend)


Let go through this in details


Below are the Google trends graphs showing the product names




SEO Mastery


The search volume has variable or fluctuant trend that meets our criteria. We can understand that the product is seasonal from the sharp upward and downward trends. Even the sharp spikes may be result of mass media campaigns.




In the above graph, you would find the green dotted lines showing consistent product. Provillus being a hair growth solution has consistent demand and thus product that can promoted any time. 




History shows that search volume is high and the product too is profitable.




With great huge search volume and having a sharp upward trend indicates that the product is presently among the top choice.


3. Keywords Finalizing, Selecting Domain & Content Creation


Keywords Finalizing

After all this discussion you must have selected the primary keyword that you want to rank.


For example let’s assume that you have selected the keyword Zeta clear.


Apart from the primary keyword, we also need some more secondary keywords. Say about 2-4. These keywords are required for creating content and also to increase the volume of traffic to our site. (We can rank these secondary keywords without many efforts as they would be less competitive)


This is how to find them


The snap below would make it clear how to find the secondary keyword




Thus the two secondary keywords are


  1. zeta clear review
  2. zeta clear reviews


You may take other secondary keywords as price of Zeta clear, where to buy Zeta clear.


Note: As shown above you would find most of the products with same kind of variation and order.


It means that the product name ‘Zeta clear” would have the maximum search volume that would be followed by product name reviews and then ‘review’


Note: Without doing any real SEO for your secondary keywords, you would find them done along with the primary keyword. (Especially when they are of low competition). Thus, after accumulating the search volume of your secondary keywords too you would find more traffic to your site (and more sales too!) and thus the secondary keywords are chosen. (Moreover they help in content creation)


Selecting Domain


There are two options available (with their own pros and cons), when you are going to select the domain




Obviously your first choice should be a new domain with your primary keyword in it. However, the problem with it is that you have to go slow at least for the first with back linking.


Now rather choosing the domain name I prefer to use a stop word ‘the’ before the keyword. Thus, making it


The stop word ‘the’ has no SEO implications and the domain too looks more professional.


I use Name Cheap for registering the domain name (they are cheap just as the name suggests)




You must have noticed that I have put the primary and secondary keywords and also the keyword with the stop word ‘the.’




Being there on the web, an aged domain ranks much faster than any brand new domain.


My experience says that it’s the age that matters most (the domain with more age ranks better). You need to select a domain that has a minimum age of 5 years.


If you are planning to use an aged domain then for product names I would suggest that you DO NOT try to rank the domain. Rather you should rank the pages as they rank much faster, with each pages having review for any single product.


Apart from this while you are offering a single product review per page/post, the back link profile becomes diversified with time.


Along with this you get the added advantage of making each page for reviewing a different product. You just need not but fresh new domain for every product that you would be reviewing or ranking.


For reviewing more than one product in the aged domain, always look for domain names that has names in it, like These name domains are not only pleasing to the eyes, but they look professional too. Even experience shows that users tend to rely on such domains more.


Using Aged Domain has also advantages when you can promote as seen on TV, sometimes not allowing you to have product name on them.


For purchasing cheap aged domains visit Just follow below to understand




You need to go to Marketplace Domains and then visit GD closeouts




Now, set the WBY and the ABY to say 2010 (you may even search for more older domains)


Personally I prefer the ABY (domain age according to than the WBY.




Once you have the idea about both the types of domain name that you can opt for, it’s totally upon you which one would you choose? It’s true that an aged domain would rank much faster but then it may also get a penalty especially when you are not careful with the backlink building speed.




The content is the heart of your site and hence you must be very meticulous with it. Until and unless you yourself are a copywriter, you must not try to create your content. The best option is to outsource it.


Now, before outsourcing, it is necessary for us to know what we are going to write about. You must remember that we have already discussed about the primary and secondary keywords. These keywords are the topics about which you are going to create the content.


In the case discussed, our first article would be on Zeta Clear. The article would be of 100 words that will serve the purpose of homepage article. As this article would be mainly used for sales purpose, make sure that you develop a good one.


You can have 2-4 more articles that would be based on the secondary keyword like zeta clear reviews and zeta clear price and such. These articles on secondary keyword and other articles would serve as the fillers in your website and they would also increase the volume of the content of the site.


These filler articles would be of 500-600 words each.


There would be 2 more generic articles that would not target any particular keyword. So in total you would have around 5-7 articles.


Now, remember that the articles need to be informative and must also talk about the problems that our targeted product resolves. The generic articles should also be related to the main product in some or other way.


4. SEO Analysis




Before doing competition analysis you must keep in mind the following

As these are just general guidelines you need not stick to them, yet you must try to follow them.


Market Samurai is my favourite tool that analyses the competition and thus you need to load it. This is necessary even if you find that some products are violating the general guidelines.


By following these guidelines, you may know about what to expect or you see the search result in Google.


  • You find that there is a Wikipedia page present for the product name you are searching and that too ranks among the first two, then you may expect to have other authority pages on the first page.

It would be difficult for you to rank such terms.

Moreover, most of the affiliate marketers generally link their page with the Wikipedia page so that their page ranking becomes stronger. It may not be possible for you to outrank them.

  • If you find that no affiliate sites are present or even EMDs (exact match domains) are not there on the first page, then it indicates that the product name is a bit tougher.
  • Even it would be a bit tougher if you find tons of EMDs on the first page but notice absence of inner page ranking. (However, you would find these cases rarely nowadays as now there are no EMDs, but only inner pages)
  • A comparatively easier term for ranking would be the ones where you would find web 2.0s (less common now), YouTube videos, Amazon pages, press releases, and forums, search pages like searches on eBay or Yahoo answers. Remember that the searches done by the users too are indexed by Google.
  • Another term that would not be difficult to rank are the ones that has plenty of shopping sites like Wal-Mart, Amazon, eBay, sears on the first page itself.


5. Site Setup & Onpage SEO


Site Set up and Essential Settings


Now that you are about to set the site, your articles must have returned by the outsourcer and Wordpress installation is completed.


Thus, let’s start setting up our site for getting maximum ranking and traffic. Remember, in this chapter we would discuss in the form of checklist with explanation.


1. After installing the Word Press, delete the junk pages present there (that includes hello, sample page and sample post etc.)

2. Set the permalinks rightly


For doing so, after logging into the Word Press dashboard you need to go to settings and then Permalinks. Now you need to use the custom structure as shown below




The code used here is /%postname%. As it looks good without the trail, I have deleted the trail.


3. Install a good clean theme


Next you need to install a theme. For this I personally prefer Studio Press. They are not only awesome, but even Word Press founder himself has recommended them. Perhaps they are the only one to get such recommendations. (As their code would be clean, they are loved by Google)


Moreover, you need not need to install the SEO plugins when you are using Studio press, as they comes with built in SEO options.


It may happen that presently you are not able to afford Studio press, and then you need to choose any minimal theme from the Word Press dashboard itself. (You may also try to default theme of Twenty Thirteen). And one most important thing is that you should not download any theme from the file sharing sites as they may contain malicious code. There are chances that your important information is stolen.


4. Write Meta Descriptions for all articles


The Meta descriptions would appear on the search results, hence, you need to make sure that they are catchy enough to get maximum clicks. (This particularly applies for your sticky article on the primary keyword that would become your homepage.)


Snippet Optimizer


By using the tool mentioned above, you can simply know how your Meta description would appear in Google. Make it a point that the Meta Description does not exceed 156 characters (I prefer to keep them below 150, else they would be cut off while appearing on Google, and that is something not expected)




Generally you do not need Meta descriptions for the filler articles, however if you want you may write them also. (If you do not want to write, then you may put them into SEO options of Studio Press and it would automatically display an excerpt that would be taken from the articles)


5. By using the following services for making legal pages like Privacy Policy and Terms of services you may publish the pages


6. You need to make a page ‘About us/me’ and another one Contact us/me ( this page can be created with the help of Contact form 7 plugin)

7. Now, it’s time to post your first article of 1000 words as a page and by going to Settings>Reading, make it sticky.




(Do not forget about the General on page SEO guidelines that are mentioned at the end of the article)


8. Just after you publish the article based on the primary keyword and making it sticky, installs the Google XML Sitemaps plugin. After activating it you may generate the sitemap.

9. From the menu, set your navigation bar. In the navigation bar you should have a Home, Contact Me and about me tabs or button.

10. In footer, put the links to your privacy policy and terms and conditions.

11. Now, before you publish any of the 4 articles still left with you, there are some adjustments to be done.


A blog page has to be made.


This task can be completed with the help of Studio press Themes or the Genesis frameworks.


Discussed below are the instructions for doing it.


It is always better to have a general style blog page in your site, especially while using a widget home page. Follow the instructions below for the same


Navigate to the pages > In the Word Press Admin panel, add new


Now, name the new page created as ‘Blog’


On the page edit screen, in the right side bar, you need to select the blog option from the template dropdown list.


The content of the page can be left blank. While using the Blog page template it would not be displayed.


Finally publish the page

After publishing the page, you can view the blog style list showing the recent posts. Next you need to link this page with the custom menu of your choice.




After completing the settings you can be sure that whenever you post something it would appear at the blog page automatically.


Our experience and experiments down the years says that among the various formats that are there for publishing a page, this would give maximum SEO effectiveness.


You need to post at least one article each day, till you run out of all the articles (This may continue for 5-7 days)


After this, you just need to publish an article once in a week for the next three weeks say. Even there is no such bounding on the articles so posted as they may be generic like in our case it would be Why is it cumbersome to have toe nail fungus.


12. When the site is freshly made, never use any affiliate links or mention any call to action like click here for visiting Zeta clear official site. You may start all these after your blogs starts getting traffic and you are at least on page 2 of Google search results.


On Page SEO


The general rules keeps on changing and thus after the recent Google update fiasco you need to do on page SEO differently.


Primary goal of all this is to present a site that would look like a non SEOish.


Thus, it’s better not to use plugins like easy WP SEO. (It gives you recommendations based upon score for improving)




1. The keyword density must be natural or low. It must be in between 1-2% and while writing a 600 word article, the keyword must not appear more than 2-3 times. (It is better if they appear in the last and first paragraph.)


2. It is necessary that you have link it to at least one or two authority sites with a related keyword. Like if the primary keyword is Zeta clear, and then the related keywords can be toe nail fungus. By using the related keywords, you may link to the authority sites, like the various news sites, namely BBC, CNN or any other educational sites. If you wish you may not use Wikipedia site, it’s not mandatory.


For finding the authority pages, you may search the related keywords in Google. Like here search for ‘toe nail funguses.



With this you are trying to give Google an illusion that actually you are interested in giving the users maximum information about the problem or topic in the form of the references.


3. The content must be presented in interesting to look and easier to read format. Like, rather than just copy pasting the articles that you have received, format them with bullets wherever possible and also with images. It’s really worth it!


If it’s affordable for you, then get the Thrive Content Builder. It makes the content look interesting. (Even the content you are presently reading has been done with the help of this plug-ins)


With attractive content, you would find that the bounce rate has decreased (thus making more visitors to stick to your content). Google would rewards you with better rankings when it finds that your bounce rate has decreased.


4. Moreover, you need to make sure that whenever you are publishing any article, you have inserted at least two images. They may be products snaps like the bottle of Zeta clear or any related banner. When you are inserting images in your post or pages, never use the keyword in title or alt-text. If possible, remember to embed at least one relevant YouTube video in the article posted by you. And the last, but obviously not the least, insert at least 1-2 outbound links for the authority sites.


Thank You

Kapil Chopra



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