Secrets to a Millionaire Mind by Bert Carlos - HTML preview

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Final Words

The opening move is making a point you have a wealth of support in whatever enterprises you are hoping to accomplish in life. I've always had good mentors in my life that gave me the support I needed when I felt lost or lonely.

It's this support system that keeps you on track; much like a lighthouse keeps transports from crashing into the shore. Consider what produces great value for you in life and go for it.

Value is a different word for wealth, and if you’re not already aware, individuals are just as gravitated toward wealth as they are value.

Learn to honor the riches you already have in your life. It doesn't matter how much you have in your bank account or if your living in a alley. You have to first construct a baseline of what you're grateful for and center on that as a building block to the following advancement.

What I mean is that you have to be wealthy subjectively before it may manifest objectively.

I'll present you an illustration. You may make 500 dollars an hour and that would sound rich to the average individual, but if you spend 800 dollars an hour on things you believe you want but don't truly need, you’l always be poor regardless how much you bring in.

Produce synergy with all your systems of wealth to acquire more wealth. I'll give you an illustration.

I exercise to keep my physical health rich, which in turn makes my mental wealth rich. The gain in mental and physical wealth causes me to acquire more in life, and when I mean more, that could be cash, relationships, power or what have you.

Wealth is more about a sort of mentality then it is a physical value, constantly remember that.

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