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 Chapter 6:

 Continuous improvement on your mistakes

Nobody wants to make mistakes as most people view the act of making these as a failure. People are afraid of failure so they always try their very best not to make mistakes. They feel so bad when they were able to do something wrong. If you are one of those people who have this kind of viewpoint when it comes to making mistakes, you should open your eyes and look at the brighter side of the problem.

If you make mistakes, it does not mean that you need to punish yourself. You should not be afraid of making mistakes because you can get lessons from these. It means that your faults will teach you what to do next time to avoid failure.

The usual thing that happens when someone made mistakes is that he or she tries to justify his or her actions to conceal his or her faults. This attitude is not good, don’t you know that? With this behavior, you will not be able to learn from your mistakes. If you will not learn and understand the lessons behind your blunders, you will never improve.

The most crucial aspect of making mistakes is to admit them. If the situation affects only you, ensure that you really know what you have done and document that. But, if the scenario is affecting people around you, confess your mistakes and think of those things that you can supposedly do to avoid them. You must also document them as well.

 To make sure that you will learn from your mistakes, you should keep in mind the following tips:

  • You need to identify your mistakes. If they are obvious then it will not be hard for you to do the job. When you don’t know the reason why something bad happened, you can seek help from other people and get their standpoint. Once the problem has been identified, don’t forget to document it and think of some actions to be taken to prevent the problem from happening once again.
  • Admit your mistakes. After identifying your mistakes, you should admit them. Accept the fact that you have made them because if you deny them, you will not learn how to get up and make a change for your own good. Remember that mistakes have lessons that you should bear in mind to avoid making the same things again and again.
  • Make a list of your mistakes and include the actions to be taken so that you can prevent the reoccurrence of those faults you have done before. Label the journal where you listed these things as “mistakes”. Keep the journal readily available for frequent reviewing. When you review your faults, you would find the actions you’ve taken that will be helpful in any problem that you might be encountering.
  • Implement the new things you have learned. As said before, your mistakes are trying to teach you certain lessons which you should apply into your everyday living. Apply what you’ve learned from recognizing, accepting and documenting your faults.

 If you will look at your mistakes positively and you follow these suggestions, you have a higher chance to obtain a continuous improvement. So while you are still a student, you should break your habit of denying your faults. Start your struggle to learn from your mistakes today!
