Soulprints by justin spring - HTML preview

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Carol Gillespie, cont.


she even wrote a song on it,

that she'd seen it in a magazine from out West

where she wishes she were now

instead of here, at Lamar's,

to which  I tell her lighten up, at least

she's getting paid, and not just in copies,

to which she gives me a look like

Well, well, what do we have here?

So I say, Why don't we stay in touch,

send each other some stuff

from time to time, but of course

neither of us does and then four years later

I get a call from her, she's in town, she says,

playing at the Hyatt, she'd like to see me,

Her little boy Randy is with her,

He's six now, Remember Randy?

and I tell her, Oh, yeah, sure

but all the time I'm thinking,